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[debian-devel:04993] Re: Bug#JP/510: marked as done (debian/rules: missing separator)


Jargon によれば、

----- From Jargon 
:upload: /uhp'lohd/ /v./  1. [techspeak] To transfer programs
   or data over a digital communications link from a smaller or
   peripheral `client' system to a larger or central `host' one.
   A transfer in the other direction is, of course, called a
   {download} (but see the note about ground-to-space comm under
   that entry).  2. [speculatively] To move the essential patterns and
   algorithms that make up one's mind from one's brain into a
   computer.  Those who are convinced that such patterns and
   algorithms capture the complete essence of the self view this
   prospect with pleasant anticipation.
----- Until Here 

とのことなので、クライアント -> サーバというデータの流れを upload とし


From: Takao KAWAMURA <kawamura@debian.or.jp>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 08:06:41 +0900
Message-ID: <m0zCu4m-000AgqC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> > The Netから入手可能 = uploadという意味でしたが…

それって、ftp でも、 http でも gopher でも WAIS でも ftpmail でも
Netnews でも upload なんでしょうか?

> そういう用例のある論文とかありますか? 私としてはおかしい言い
> 回しだと思いますが。


ではでは。 ---- Yours, K.S.Yoshio
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