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#~ ###新規###
#~ ###変更###


# translation of update-alternatives.8.ja.po to Japanese
# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# KISE Hiroshi <kise@xxxxxxxxxxx>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: dpkg man pages\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-07-23  0:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-02 15:25+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: KISE Hiroshi <kise@xxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Japanease List <debian-japanese@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "update-alternatives"
msgstr "update-alternatives"

# type: TH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "2006-05-23"
msgstr "2006-05-23"

# type: TH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debian Project"
msgstr "Debian Project"

# type: TH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "dpkg utilities"
msgstr "dpkg utilities"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "名前"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:11
msgid ""
"update-alternatives - maintain symbolic links determining default commands"
msgstr ""
"update-alternatives - シンボリックリンクを管理してデフォルトのコマンドを決定"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:12
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "書式"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:20
msgid ""
"B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--install> I<genname symlink altern "
"priority> [B<--slave> I<genname symlink> I<altern>]..."
msgstr ""
"B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--install> I<genname symlink altern "
"priority> [B<--slave> I<genname symlink> I<altern>]..."

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:25
msgid "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--remove> I<name path>"
msgstr "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--remove> I<name path>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:30
msgid "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--remove-all> I<name>"
msgstr "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--remove-all> I<name>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:34
msgid "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--all>"
msgstr "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--all>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:39
msgid "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--auto> I<name>"
msgstr "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--auto> I<name>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:44
msgid "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--display> I<name>"
msgstr "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--display> I<name>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:49
msgid "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--list> I<name>"
msgstr "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--list> I<name>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:54
msgid "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--config> I<name>"
msgstr "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--config> I<name>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:59
msgid "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--set> I<name path>"
msgstr "B<update-alternatives> [I<options>] B<--set> I<name path>"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:60
#, no-wrap
msgstr "説明"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:64
msgid ""
"B<update-alternatives> creates, removes, maintains and displays information "
"about the symbolic links comprising the Debian alternatives system."
msgstr ""
"B<update-alternatives> は Debian の alternatives システムを成すシンボリックリ"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:72
msgid ""
"It is possible for several programs fulfilling the same or similar functions "
"to be installed on a single system at the same time.  For example, many "
"systems have several text editors installed at once.  This gives choice to "
"the users of a system, allowing each to use a different editor, if desired, "
"but makes it difficult for a program to make a good choice for an editor to "
"invoke if the user has not specified a particular preference."
msgstr ""
"同じ機能を (あるいは似たような機能を) 持つ複数のプログラムを一つのシステムに"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:94
msgid ""
"Debian's alternatives system aims to solve this problem.  A generic name in "
"the filesystem is shared by all files providing interchangeable "
"functionality.  The alternatives system and the system administrator "
"together determine which actual file is referenced by this generic name.  "
"For example, if the text editors B<ed>(1)  and B<nvi>(1)  are both installed "
"on the system, the alternatives system will cause the generic name I</usr/"
"bin/editor> to refer to I</usr/bin/nvi> by default. The system administrator "
"can override this and cause it to refer to I</usr/bin/ed> instead, and the "
"alternatives system will not alter this setting until explicitly requested "
"to do so."
msgstr ""
"Debian の alternatives システムは、この問題を解決するためのものである。同じ"
"般名 (generic name)」を共有する。その一般名が実際にどのファイルを参照するか"
"は、 alternatives システムとシステム管理者とが決定する。例えば、テキストエ"
"ディタである B<ed>(1) と B<nvi>(1) の両方がシステムにインストールされていた"
"とすると、一般名である I</usr/bin/editor> は、デフォルトでは I</usr/bin/"
"nvi> を参照する。システム管理者はこれを上書きし、 I</usr/bin/ed> を参照させる"
"ようにすることもできる。こうすると、その後明示的なリクエストがなければ、 "
"alternatives システムはその設定を変更しない。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:104
msgid ""
"The generic name is not a direct symbolic link to the selected alternative.  "
"Instead, it is a symbolic link to a name in the I<alternatives> "
"I<directory>, which in turn is a symbolic link to the actual file "
"referenced.  This is done so that the system administrator's changes can be "
"confined within the I</etc> directory: the FHS (q.v.) gives reasons why this "
"is a Good Thing."
msgstr ""
"一般名は、選ばれた「選択肢 (alternative)」への直接のシンボリックリンクではな"
"く、 I<alternatives> ディレクトリにある名前へのシンボリックリンクになってい"
"る。こうなっている理由は、システム管理者の変更が I</etc> ディレクトリ以下で"
"行われるようにするためである。なぜこうするのが良いかについては FHS に説明が"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:116
msgid ""
"When each package providing a file with a particular functionality is "
"installed, changed or removed, B<update-alternatives> is called to update "
"information about that file in the alternatives system.  B<update-"
"alternatives> is usually called from the B<postinst> or B<prerm> scripts in "
"Debian packages."
msgstr ""
"削除されると、 B<update-alternatives> が呼ばれ、そのファイルに対する "
"alternatives システムの内部情報を更新する。 B<update-alternatives> は、通常 "
"Debian パッケージの B<postinst> または B<prerm> スクリプトから呼び出される。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:135
msgid ""
"It is often useful for a number of alternatives to be synchronised, so that "
"they are changed as a group; for example, when several versions of the B<vi>"
"(1)  editor are installed, the man page referenced by I</usr/share/man/man1/"
"vi.1> should correspond to the executable referenced by I</usr/bin/vi>.  "
"B<update-alternatives> handles this by means of I<master> and I<slave> "
"links; when the master is changed, any associated slaves are changed too.  A "
"master link and its associated slaves make up a I<link> I<group>."
msgstr ""
"複数の選択肢を同期させ、グループとして変更すると便利なことが多い。例えば "
"B<vi>(1) エディタのいろいろな派生システムが同時にインストールされていたとす"
"ると、 I</usr/share/man/man1/vi.1> が参照する man ページは、 I</usr/bin/vi> "
"が参照する実行ファイルに対応しているべきであろう。 B<update-alternatives> "
"は、 I<master> リンクと I<slave> リンクによってこれを取り扱う。 master が変更"
"されると、それに関連づけされた各 slave も同時に変更される。 master リンクとそ"
"れに関連づけされた slave とは、 I<リンクグループ> を形成する。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:143
msgid ""
"Each link group is, at any given time, in one of two modes: automatic or "
"manual.  When a group is in automatic mode, the alternatives system will "
"automatically decide, as packages are installed and removed, whether and how "
"to update the links.  In manual mode, the alternatives system will not "
"change the links; it will leave all the decisions to the system "
msgstr ""
"各リンクグループは、いかなる時点においても、 automatic または manual の 2 つ"
"のモードのいずれかにある。グループが automatic モードにある場合は、パッケー"
"は、 alternatives システムが自動的に決定する。 manual モードでは、 "
"alternatives システムはリンクを変更しない。システム管理者が行った決定がずっ"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:152
msgid ""
"Link groups are in automatic mode when they are first introduced to the "
"system.  If the system administrator makes changes to the system's automatic "
"settings, this will be noticed the next time B<update-alternatives> is run "
"on the changed link's group, and the group will automatically be switched to "
"manual mode."
msgstr ""
"リンクグループは、システムに導入されると、まず automatic モードになる。シス"
"テム管理者がその設定を変更すると、次に B<update-alternatives> がリンクグルー"
"プに対して実行されたときに変更が認識され、そのリンクグループは自動的に "
"manual モードに切り換わる。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:159
msgid ""
"Each alternative has a I<priority> associated with it.  When a link group is "
"in automatic mode, the alternatives pointed to by members of the group will "
"be those which have the highest priority."
msgstr ""
"各選択肢は I<priority> 属性を持っている。リンクグループが automatic モードに"
"あるときは、 I<priority> のもっとも高いものが、そのグループのメンバーが参照"

#~ ###変更###
# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:175
msgid ""
"When using the I<--config> option, B<update-alternatives> will list all of "
"the choices for the link group of which given I<name> is the master link. "
"The current choice is marked with a '*' and the choice with the highest "
"priority with a '+'.  You will then be prompted for your choice regarding "
"this link group.  Once you make a change, the link group will no longer be "
"in I<auto> mode. You will need to use the I<--auto> option in order to "
"return to the automatic mode."
msgstr ""
"I<--config> オプションを用いると、 B<update-alternatives> は与えられた "
"master リンクのリンクグループに対応する選択肢をすべてリストする。"
"現在選択されているものには '*' が、もっとも priority の高いものには '+' の印"
"こで変更を行うと、その一般名は I<auto> モードではなくなる。 automatic 状態に"
"戻すには、 I<--auto> オプションを用いる必要がある。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:179
msgid ""
"If you want to configure non-interactively you can use the I<--set> option "
"instead (see below)."
msgstr ""
"非対話的に設定をしたい場合は I<--set> オプションを代わりに使用する(以下を参"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:180
#, no-wrap
msgstr "用語"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:185
msgid ""
"Since the activities of B<update-alternatives> are quite involved, some "
"specific terms will help to explain its operation."
msgstr ""
"B<update-alternatives> の動作は極めて複雑なので、ここでいくつか特殊な用語を説"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:185
#, no-wrap
msgid "generic name"
msgstr "一般名 (generic name)"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:191
msgid ""
"A name, like I</usr/bin/editor>, which refers, via the alternatives system, "
"to one of a number of files of similar function."
msgstr ""
"I</usr/bin/editor> のような名前。 alternatives システムによって同様の機能を"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:191
#, no-wrap
msgid "symlink"
msgstr "symlink"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:196
msgid ""
"Without any further qualification, this means a symbolic link in the "
"alternatives directory: one which the system administrator is expected to "
msgstr ""
"特に他に指定がなければ、これは alternatives ディレクトリ内のシンボリックリン"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:196
#, no-wrap
msgid "alternative"
msgstr "選択肢 (alternative)"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:200
msgid ""
"The name of a specific file in the filesystem, which may be made accessible "
"via a generic name using the alternatives system."
msgstr ""
"ファイルシステム中の特定のファイル。 alternatives システムによって、一般名か"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "alternatives directory"
msgstr "alternatives ディレクトリ"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:205
msgid "A directory, by default I</etc/alternatives>, containing the symlinks."
msgstr "symlink を保持するディレクトリ。デフォルトは I</etc/alternatives>。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:205
#, no-wrap
msgid "administrative directory"
msgstr "administrative ディレクトリ"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:212
msgid ""
"A directory, by default I</var/lib/dpkg/alternatives>, containing B<update-"
"alternatives>' state information."
msgstr ""
"B<update-alternatives> の状態情報を保持するディレクトリ。デフォルトは I</var/"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:212
#, no-wrap
msgid "link group"
msgstr "リンクグループ"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:215
msgid "A set of related symlinks, intended to be updated as a group."
msgstr "関連する symlink のセット。グループごと更新するためのもの。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "master link"
msgstr "master リンク"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:219
msgid ""
"The link in a link group which determines how the other links in the group "
"are configured."
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:219
#, no-wrap
msgid "slave link"
msgstr "slave リンク"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:223
msgid ""
"A link in a link group which is controlled by the setting of the master link."
msgstr ""
"リンクグループに属するリンクで、 master リンクの設定によって制御されるもの。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:223
#, no-wrap
msgid "automatic mode"
msgstr "automatic モード"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:229
msgid ""
"When a link group is in automatic mode, the alternatives system ensures that "
"the links in the group point to the highest priority alternative appropriate "
"for the group."
msgstr ""
"リンクグループが automatic モードにあるときは、そのグループに対応しており、"
"かつもっとも高い priority を持つ選択肢をグループ内の各リンクが参照する。この"
"調整は alternatives システムが自動的に行う。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:229
#, no-wrap
msgid "manual mode"
msgstr "manual モード"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:234
msgid ""
"When a link group is in manual mode, the alternatives system will not make "
"any changes to the system administrator's settings."
msgstr ""
"リンクグループが manual モードにあるときは、 alternatives システムはシステム"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:235
#, no-wrap
msgid "EXAMPLES"
msgstr "例"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:246
msgid ""
"There are several packages which provide a text editor compatible with "
"B<vi>, for example B<nvi> and B<vim>.  Which one is used is controlled by "
"the link group B<vi>, which includes links for the program itself and the "
"associated manpage."
msgstr ""
"例えば B<nvi> や B<vim> のように、テキストエディタ B<vi> と互換性のあるプログ"
"ループ B<vi> によって制御される。リンクグループ B<vi> にはプログラム自身のリ"
"ンクと、関連する man ページのリンクが含まれる。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:252
msgid ""
"To display the available packages which provide B<vi> and the current "
"setting for it, use the I<--display> action:"
msgstr ""
"B<vi> を提供するパッケージとその現在の設定を表示するには、 I<--display> アク"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:255
msgid "update-alternatives --display vi"
msgstr "update-alternatives --display vi"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:261
msgid ""
"To choose a particular B<vi> implementation, use this command as root and "
"then select a number from the list:"
msgstr ""
"特定の B<vi> 実装を選ぶには、root としてこのコマンドを実行し、そして一覧から"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:264
msgid "update-alternatives --config vi"
msgstr "update-alternatives --config vi"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:269
msgid ""
"To go back to having the B<vi> implementation chosen automatically, do this "
"as root:"
msgstr ""
"B<vi> 実装の選択を自動的に行なうように戻すには、root としてこのコマンドを実行"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:272
msgid "update-alternatives --auto vi"
msgstr "update-alternatives --auto vi"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:274
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "オプション"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:279
msgid ""
"Exactly one action must be specified if B<update-alternatives> is to perform "
"any meaningful task.  Any number of the common options may be specified "
"together with any action."
msgstr ""
"B<update-alternatives> に何らかの意味のある仕事をさせるには、アクションを 1 "

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:279
#, no-wrap
msgstr "共通オプション"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:280
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--verbose>"
msgstr "B<--verbose>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:285
msgid "Generate more comments about what B<update-alternatives> is doing."
msgstr ""
"B<update-alternatives> が行っている作業に付いて、より詳細なコメントを生成す"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:285
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--quiet>"
msgstr "B<--quiet>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:289
msgid ""
"Don't generate any comments unless errors occur.  This option is not yet "
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:289
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--test>"
msgstr "B<--test>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:293
msgid ""
"Don't actually do anything, just say what would be done.  This option is not "
"yet implemented."
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:293
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--help>"
msgstr "B<--help>"

#~ ###新規###
# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:296
msgid "Give some usage information."
msgstr "利用法に関する表示を行う。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:296
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--version>"
msgstr "B<--version>"

#~ ###変更###
# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:301
msgid "Tell which version of B<update-alternatives> this is."
msgstr ""
"B<update-alternatives> のバージョンを表示する。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:301
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--altdir> I<directory>"
msgstr "B<--altdir> I<directory>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:305
msgid ""
"Specifies the alternatives directory, when this is to be different from the "
msgstr "alternatives ディレクトリをデフォルトから変えたいときに指定する。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:305
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--admindir> I<directory>"
msgstr "B<--admindir> I<directory>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:309
msgid ""
"Specifies the administrative directory, when this is to be different from "
"the default."
msgstr "administrative ディレクトリをデフォルトから変えたいときに指定する。"

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:309
#, no-wrap
msgid "ACTIONS"
msgstr "アクション"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:312
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--install> I<genname symlink altern priority> [B<--slave> I<genname symlink altern>] ..."
msgstr "B<--install> I<genname symlink altern priority> [B<--slave> I<genname symlink altern>] ..."

#~ ###変更###
# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:327
msgid ""
"Add a group of alternatives to the system.  I<genname> is the generic name "
"for the master link, I<symlink> is the name of its symlink in the "
"alternatives directory, and I<altern> is the alternative being introduced "
"for the master link.  The arguments after B<--slave> are the generic name, "
"symlink name in the alternatives directory and the alternative for a slave "
"link.  Zero or more B<--slave> options, each followed by three arguments, "
"may be specified."
msgstr ""
"選択肢のグループをシステムに追加する。 I<genname> は master リンクの一般名・ "
"I<symlink> はその symlink の名前・ I<altern> はここで導入される master リンクに"
"B<--slave> オプションに続く引数は、alternatives ディレクトリでの一般名と "
"slave リンクの選択肢である。 B<--slave> オプションと、それにに続く 3 つの"
"引数のセットは、 0 個以上いくつでも指定してよい。"

#~ ###新規###
# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:338
msgid ""
"If the master symlink specified exists already in the alternatives system's "
"records, the information supplied will be added as a new set of alternatives "
"for the group.  Otherwise, a new group, set to automatic mode, will be added "
"with this information.  If the group is in automatic mode, and the newly "
"added alternatives' priority is higher than any other installed alternatives "
"for this group, the symlinks will be updated to point to the newly added "
msgstr ""
"指定した master の symlink が既に alternatives システムの記録に存在している"
"る。そうでなければ、新しいグループとして、automatic モードにして、この情報に追加す"
"る。グループが automatic モードにあり、新たに追加された選択肢の priority が"
"は、 symlink は新たに追加された選択肢を参照するように更新される。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:338
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--set> I<name path>"
msgstr "B<--set> I<name path>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:347
msgid ""
"Set the program I<path> as alternative for I<name.> This is equivalent to "
"I<--config> but is non-interactive and thus scriptable."
msgstr ""
"プログラム I<path> を I<name> の選択肢として設定する。 I<--config> と同等だ"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:347
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--remove> I<name path>"
msgstr "B<--remove> I<name path>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:367
msgid ""
"Remove an alternative and all of its associated slave links.  I<name> is a "
"name in the alternatives directory, and I<path> is an absolute filename to "
"which I<name> could be linked. If I<name> is indeed linked to I<path>, "
"I<name> will be updated to point to another appropriate alternative, or "
"removed if there is no such alternative left.  Associated slave links will "
"be updated or removed, correspondingly.  If the link is not currently "
"pointing to I<path>, no links are changed; only the information about the "
"alternative is removed."
msgstr ""
"(master の) 選択肢とそれに関連する全ての slave リンクを削除する。 I<name> は "
"alternatives ディレクトリ中の名前であり、 I<path> は I<name> のリンク先に指定"
"できる、絶対パスでのファイル名である。 I<name> が実際に I<path> にリンクされ"
"ている場合には、 I<name> は他の適切な選択肢を参照するよう更新される。あるい"
"はそのような選択肢が残っていなければ削除される。関連する slave リンクも対応"
"して更新 (削除) される。 I<name> が現在その I<path> を参照していなければ、リ"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:367
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--remove-all> I<name>"
msgstr "B<--remove-all> I<name>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:372
msgid ""
"Remove all alternatives and all of their associated slave links.  I<name> is "
"a name in the alternatives directory."
msgstr ""
"すべての選択肢と、それに関連するすべての slave リンクを削除する。 I<name> "
"は、alternative ディレクトリの名前である。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:372
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--all>"
msgstr "B<--all>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:375
msgid "Call B<--config> on all alternatives."
msgstr "B<--config> をすべての選択肢について呼び出す。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:375
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--auto> I<link>"
msgstr "B<--auto> I<link>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:382
msgid ""
"Switch the master symlink I<link> to automatic mode.  In the process, this "
"symlink and its slaves are updated to point to the highest priority "
"installed alternatives."
msgstr ""
"master の symlink I<link> を automatic モードに変更する。この処理を行う際に"
"は、この master リンクと対応する各 slave は、現在インストールされている "
"alterantive のうち、もっとも priority の高いものを参照するように更新される。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:382
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--display> I<link>"
msgstr "B<--display> I<link>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:393
msgid ""
"Display information about the link group of which I<link> is the master "
"link.  Information displayed includes the group's mode (auto or manual), "
"which alternative the symlink currently points to, what other alternatives "
"are available (and their corresponding slave alternatives), and the highest "
"priority alternative currently installed."
msgstr ""
"I<link> を master リンクとするリンクグループの情報を表示する。表示される情報"
"は、グループのモード (auto か manual か)・その symlink の現在の参照先・他"
"に alternatives (とそれに対応した slave altarnative) があるかどうか・現在イ"
"ンストールされている選択肢のうち、もっとも priority の高いもの、である。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:393
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--list> I<link>"
msgstr "B<--list> I<link>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:396
msgid "Display all targets of the link group."
msgstr "リンクグループのすべてのターゲットを表示する。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:396
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--config> I<link>"
msgstr "B<--config> I<link>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:403
msgid ""
"Show available alternatives for a link group and allow the user to "
"interactively select which one to use. The link group is updated and taken "
"out of I<auto> mode."
msgstr ""
"リンクグループの利用可能なすべての選択肢を表示し、対話的に選択肢の 1 つを選べ"
"るようにする。リンクグループは更新され、 I<auto> モードではなくなる。"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:404
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr "ファイル"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:405
#, no-wrap
msgid "I</etc/alternatives/>"
msgstr "I</etc/alternatives/>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:411
msgid ""
"The default alternatives directory.  Can be overridden by the B<--altdir> "
msgstr ""
"デフォルトの alternatives ディレクトリ。 B<--altdir> オプションによって変更で"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:411
#, no-wrap
msgid "I</var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/>"
msgstr "I</var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:417
msgid ""
"The default administration directory.  Can be overridden by the B<--"
"admindir> option."
msgstr ""
"デフォルトの administration ディレクトリ。 B<--admindir> オプションによって変"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:418
#, no-wrap
msgstr "終了ステータス"

# type: IP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:419
#, no-wrap
msgid "0"
msgstr "0"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:421
msgid "The requested action was successfully performed."
msgstr "リクエストされたアクションが正しく実行された。"

# type: IP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:421
#, no-wrap
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:424
msgid ""
"Problems were encountered whilst parsing the command line or performing the "
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:425
#, no-wrap
msgstr "診断メッセージ"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:434
msgid ""
"B<update-alternatives> chatters incessantly about its activities on its "
"standard output channel.  If problems occur, B<update-alternatives> outputs "
"error messages on its standard error channel and returns an exit status of "
"2.  These diagnostics should be self-explanatory; if you do not find them "
"so, please report this as a bug."
msgstr ""
"B<update-alternatives> は、動作の最中に、いま何をやっているかを逐一標準出力に"
"しゃべり続ける。問題が起きると、 B<update-alternatives> はエラーメッセージを"
"標準エラー出力に出力し、終了ステータス 2 を返す。これらの診断メッセージは、"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:435
#, no-wrap
msgid "BUGS"
msgstr "バグ"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:438
msgid ""
"If you find a bug, please report it using the Debian bug-tracking system, "
"or, if that is not possible, email the author directly."
msgstr ""
"バグを見つけたら、 Debian のバグ追跡システムを使ってレポートして欲しい。それが"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:443
msgid ""
"If you find any discrepancy between the operation of B<update-alternatives> "
"and this manual page, it is a bug, either in the implementation or the "
"documentation; please report it."
msgstr ""
"もし B<update-alternatives> の動作とこのマニュアルページの記述に矛盾があれ"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "著者"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:448
msgid ""
"Debian update-alternatives is copyright 1995 Ian Jackson. It is free "
"software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later for copying "
"conditions. There is NO warranty."
msgstr ""
"Debian update-alternatives is copyright 1995 Ian Jackson. It is free "
"software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later for copying "
"conditions. There is NO warranty."

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:452
msgid ""
"This manual page is copyright 1997/98 Charles Briscoe-Smith.  This is free "
"documentation; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later for "
"copying conditions. There is NO WARRANTY."
msgstr ""
"This manual page is copyright 1997/98 Charles Briscoe-Smith.  This is free "
"documentation; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later for "
"copying conditions. There is NO WARRANTY."

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:454
msgid ""
"You can find the GNU GPL in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL on any Debian "
msgstr ""
"You can find the GNU GPL in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL on any Debian "

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:455
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "関連項目"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/update-alternatives.8:457
msgid "B<ln>(1), FHS, the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard."
msgstr "B<ln>(1), FHS, the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard."