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[debian-devel:01283] [mantel@xxxxxxx: Re: bzImage kernels don't boot on some hardware]


 ThinkPad で debian がインストールできないというのが kernel-ml

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From: Hubert Mantel <mantel@xxxxxxx>
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To: Bruce Perens <bruce-1268@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
cc: linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: bzImage kernels don't boot on some hardware
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On Sat, 21 Jun 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Debian 1.3 uses a bzImage kernel on its installation floppy. I have reports
> from a number of users that bzImage kernels don't boot on their hardware from
> either floppy or hard disk, but zImage kernels do. One of these users has an
> IBM ThinkPad 365X 16MB. I'm tracking down what the others have.
> Has anyone seen this?

Yes, it's a known problem. Interestingly, using loadlin instead of lilo
helps on most of the affected machines. Disabling caches and/or adding
waitstates may help on some machines, too.

There exists a kernel patch from Jens Maurer which cures the problem on
some of the machines, but not on all.

> 	Thanks
> 	Bruce

      Hubert mantel@xxxxxxx

--- linux/arch/i386/boot/setup.S.old	Sat Mar 30 19:58:57 1996
+++ linux/arch/i386/boot/setup.S	Thu Aug  8 11:50:32 1996
@@ -446,10 +449,7 @@
 			! now we are at the right place
-	lidt	idt_48		! load idt with 0,0
-	lgdt	gdt_48		! load gdt with whatever appropriate
-! that was painless, now we enable A20
+! now we enable A20
 	call	empty_8042
 	mov	al,#0xD1		! command write
@@ -458,6 +458,32 @@
 	mov	al,#0xDF		! A20 on
 	out	#0x60,al
 	call	empty_8042
+! On some machines, there are cache coherency problems with
+! addresses above 0x100000 after enabling the A20 gate.
+! ( observed on a Toshiba Tecra 710CDT )
+! The cache still contains invalid data for the new situation,
+! because 0x100000 is no longer an alias for 0x000000.
+! To deal with this we just read some bytes silently and hope that
+! the cache is reloaded afterwards. (Jens Maurer)
+	seg cs
+	test	byte ptr loadflags,#LOADED_HIGH
+	jz	end_cache_kludge
+	mov	ax,#0xffff	! ds:si = 0x100000
+	mov	ds,ax
+	mov	si,#0x10
+	cld
+	mov	cx,#0x2000	! 16 KB
+	rep
+	lodsw
+	mov	ax,cs
+	mov	ds,ax		! restore DS
+! setup descriptor tables
+	lidt	idt_48		! load idt with 0,0
+	lgdt	gdt_48		! load gdt with whatever appropriate
 ! make sure any possible coprocessor is properly reset..

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  name   : 吉山あきら (Akira Yoshiyama)
  e-mail : yosshy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, yosshy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  URL    : http://jedi.seg.kobe-u.ac.jp/~yosshy/linux.html