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[debian-devel:06255] Upload xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2 (source i386) to master-jp
- From: ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [debian-devel:06255] Upload xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2 (source i386) to master-jp
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 19:49:26 +0900
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xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2 を upload しました。X-TT ver1.0pl00 に見
つかったバグを fix したものです。
は binary-pc98 へお願いします。
From Nagoya
ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx, ishikawa@debian.or.jp,
ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ( mutsumi@xxxxxxxxxxx for PostPet only )
** 石川 睦%無意味な全文引用をする人は嫌い@Japan Linux Users Group **
日本イソターネット協会会員 http://www.isoternet.org/
My Debian-JP NEWS http://www.linux.or.jp/~ishikawa/linux/debian-jp/
X-TT 1.0 [Aoi MATSUBARA] http://www.linux.or.jp/~ishikawa/linux/X-TT/
Format: 1.5
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 00:51:18 +0900
Source: xfree86-xtt
Binary: xserver-xtt-mga xserver-xtt-tgui xserver-xtt-wsna xserver-xtt-p9000 xserver-xtt-mono libfont-xtt-pic xserver-xtt-necs3 libfont-xtt-dev xserver-xtt-mach32 xserver-xtt-ganbwap xserver-xtt-agx xserver-xtt-i128 xserver-xtt-nkvnec xserver-xtt-vga16 xserver-xtt-pwskb xserver-xtt-fbdev libfont-xtt-dbg xf86setup-ja xserver-xtt-mach8 xserver-xtt-svga libfont-xtt xserver-xtt-8514 xserver-xtt-nec480 xfs-xtt xserver-xtt-pwlb xnest-xtt xvfb-xtt xserver-xtt-s3v xserver-xtt-w32 xserver-xtt-svga98 xserver-xtt-mach64 xserver-xtt-s3 xserver98-common xserver-xtt-wabs xserver-xtt-egc xf98setup-ja xserver-xtt-wabep xserver-xtt-ga968 xprt-xtt
Architecture: source i386
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
libfont-xtt - X-TT patched font library of X (Shared library) and code convert
libfont-xtt-dbg - X-TT patched font library of X (Debugging library)
libfont-xtt-dev - X-TT patched font library of X (Static library) and header files
libfont-xtt-pic - X-TT patched font library of X (Profiling library)
xf86setup-ja - X server configuration tools (with JAPANESE mode support)
xf98setup-ja - X server configuration tools for PC-98x1
xfs-xtt - X-TrueType font server
xnest-xtt - nested X server with X-TrueType support
xprt-xtt - X print server with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-8514 - X server for ATI 8514/A-based cards with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-agx - X server for IBM XGA and IIT AGX-based graphics cards with X-True
xserver-xtt-egc - X for EGC/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-fbdev - X server for framebuffer-based graphics drivers with X-TrueType s
xserver-xtt-ga968 - X server GA968/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-ganbwap - X server GANBWAP/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-i128 - X server for Number Nine Imagine 128 graphics cards with X-TrueTy
xserver-xtt-mach32 - X server for ATI Mach32-based graphics cards with X-TrueType supp
xserver-xtt-mach64 - X server for ATI Mach64-based graphics cards with X-TrueType supp
xserver-xtt-mach8 - X server for ATI Mach8-based graphics cards with X-TrueType suppo
xserver-xtt-mga - X server for MGA with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-mono - X server for monochrome graphics cards and/or monitors with X-Tru
xserver-xtt-nec480 - X for NEC480/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-necs3 - X server NECS3/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-nkvnec - X server NKVNEC/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-p9000 - X server for Weitek P9000-based graphics cards with X-TrueType su
xserver-xtt-pwlb - X server PWLB/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-pwskb - X server PWSKB/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-s3 - X server for S3 chipset-based graphics cards with X-TrueType supp
xserver-xtt-s3v - X server for S3 ViRGE and ViRGE/VX-based graphics cards with X-Tr
xserver-xtt-svga - X server for SVGA graphics cards with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-svga98 - X server SVGA/PC-98x1 X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-tgui - X server TGUI/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-vga16 - X server for VGA graphics cards with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-w32 - X server for Tseng ET4000/W32-based graphics cards with X-TrueTyp
xserver-xtt-wabep - X server WABEP/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-wabs - X server WABS/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-wsna - X server WSNA/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver98-common - files and utilities common to all X servers for Linux/PC-98x1
xvfb-xtt - virtual framebuffer X server with X-TrueType support
xfree86-xtt ( unstable; urgency=low
* XF{86,98}Setup can't run problem fix (add Depends: twm, symlink
/usr/doc/xlib6g/README.var-state-xkb -> /var/lib/xkb/README)
* X-TT ver1.0pl00 Transformation BUG fix (by Go cha)
405fb47137d21aeb29749c383d383362 1338 x11 optional xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2.dsc
6863b932fa9539aa7392e9da2ff34ff3 693484 x11 optional xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2.diff.gz
280c20583fa2a2e3bcbf650577b62f8b 576360 x11 optional libfont-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
31189662ab06a348e9f17630306729de 1336194 x11 optional libfont-xtt-dbg_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
8bc00c12f4f1ebbe2c1f718b9dfe26f8 471682 x11 optional libfont-xtt-dev_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
855e8b49d688345938e1d2069e8ef68a 509920 x11 optional libfont-xtt-pic_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
b3dea51011a2ef3ff24d2cbfc7dc2f2f 535578 x11 optional xf86setup-ja_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
6f8a925f5fd97837a08a1097914020e1 535516 x11 optional xf98setup-ja_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
9e0b6a04ac8ec25d55c4702ca32bb133 335794 x11 optional xfs-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
7882daa1e3c6c3b94f55e7396b89ae09 1005750 x11 optional xnest-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
2075ae742bf798055cbdfe770a6f4380 1216886 x11 optional xprt-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
504c7302de3558d17e98fa34e8601151 241188 x11 optional xserver98-common_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
87a6f42e58bc3ecccc0ae0677edf4fd2 1504782 x11 optional xserver-xtt-fbdev_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
bf69b136cdd41c076ed4e1e68cd8a55a 869302 x11 optional xserver-xtt-8514_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
31c8d1e29733f33374d4dbcb6653acf6 954850 x11 optional xserver-xtt-agx_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
26b8b879bfe241cb70a8779c78cb50b9 1033292 x11 optional xserver-xtt-i128_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
086412a800d88a7c15611f4c2823e2a7 931790 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mach32_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
308ee778e0e79dacb07ac7c18c710b68 986658 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mach64_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
b989ecaf0921990bb1448010a5079cd8 873284 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mach8_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
208ccc148d503e44e1137f579fab57c6 928584 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mono_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
97e5185b11bf93865eb00c09a87efac9 960038 x11 optional xserver-xtt-p9000_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
594a129e0beb446e58fcfd895093d05c 1147028 x11 optional xserver-xtt-s3_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
edd5205898b0eb213236bdb895e2bdeb 1035446 x11 optional xserver-xtt-s3v_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
12b753a7b5f4be4321c77a3e86f0c2eb 1466414 x11 optional xserver-xtt-svga_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
fe9f1c340fcec26d4487e32d083fc9dc 937380 x11 optional xserver-xtt-vga16_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
1971c4fe6c41fbea55ef0395bcdfdfd4 890740 x11 optional xserver-xtt-w32_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
ee129ec90ac408d4a4746fb6f593f777 1131384 x11 optional xserver-xtt-ganbwap_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
8e81b23c6e3c429b9dfcf5ced528aa0a 1086338 x11 optional xserver-xtt-nec480_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
9102df63dc1f39ecadafcf6a9502e39c 1135706 x11 optional xserver-xtt-nkvnec_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
08c78a941c749958bfbabf29d1bc154d 1131604 x11 optional xserver-xtt-wabs_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
1729f21c090bf99f1a5681214479481e 1131262 x11 optional xserver-xtt-wabep_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
7f28eadca7a4822b38caf4b149f83a41 1131512 x11 optional xserver-xtt-wsna_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
88e019cf3b7b43ced42dbd01ab2374e1 1103842 x11 optional xserver-xtt-tgui_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
d234da272de587756fe66383d3695278 1105694 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mga_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
bff7a63abfe15d20e0ca9613ec2b884f 1241372 x11 optional xserver-xtt-svga98_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
7c43f7c7695aaf7d49d91645fd65b55c 830424 x11 optional xserver-xtt-egc_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
91b25dc77676d57d726aaf5f7f0334db 1134608 x11 optional xserver-xtt-necs3_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
354c232cd7744aafb1b242ebe3858a08 1138638 x11 optional xserver-xtt-pwskb_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
09bcd4eaf3bdd8befd52e670619261df 1130322 x11 optional xserver-xtt-pwlb_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
991ddb93811d84033979183790efd6ec 1130854 x11 optional xserver-xtt-ga968_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
e3577c047f14b8b525420d8220985895 1199870 x11 optional xvfb-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.2_i386.deb
Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv