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[debian-devel:06521] menu format for afterstep-i18n


lintian error を修正したいのですがうまくいきませんので助けてください。
menu ファイルのフォーマットが古いというエラーでしたので、menu
ファイルを書き直しましたが、今度は incorrent-package-test という

# incorrect-package-test が一体何なのか理解できません。

% lintian -i afterstep-i18n_1.0.98Feb27-5.deb  
E: afterstep-i18n: old-format-menu-file /usr/lib/menu/afterstep-i18n
N:   The package contains a menu file that is in the old menu file format.
N:   This format is deprecated. Convert the menu file to the new menu
N:   format. Note that lintian will not test this file for any other
N:   problems.

menu file の記述は、
wm WindowManagers afterstep/start none Afterstep /usr/X11R6/bin/afterstep
asmodule Modules afterstep/asclock none ASclock /usr/X11R6/bin/asclock -12 -shape
asmodule Modules afterstep/banner none Banner /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/afterstep/Banner
asmodule Modules afterstep/pager none Pager /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/afterstep/Pager
asmodule Modules afterstep/wharf none Wharf /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/afterstep/Wharf

% lintian -i afterstep-i18n_1.0.98Feb27-7_*
E: afterstep-i18n: incorrect-package-test menu /usr/lib/menu/afterstep-i18n
N:   The menu item tests to see if a package other than the package that
N:   contains it is installed. This is probably an error. Perhaps it is
N:   spelled or capitilized wrong, or perhaps the menu file was copied from
N:   some other package and this was accidentially not changed.
E: afterstep-i18n: incorrect-package-test menu /usr/lib/menu/afterstep-i18n
W: afterstep-i18n: menu-item-needs-tag-has-unknown-value asmodule /usr/lib/menu/afterstep-i18n:2
N:   The menu item has a line that has a needs= field with a strange value.
N:   This may be intentional, but it's probably a typo that will make menu
N:   ignore the line.

menu file の記述は、
?package(menu):needs="wm" section="WindowManagers" title="Afterstep(i18n)" command="/usr/X11R6/bin/afterstep"
?package(menu):needs="asmodule" section="Modules" title="ASclock(i18n)" command="/usr/X11R6/bin/asclock -12 -shape"
?package(menu):needs="asmodule" section="Modules" title="Banner" command="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/afterstep/Banner"
?package(menu):needs="asmodule" section="Modules" title="Pager" command="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/afterstep/Pager"
?package(menu):needs="asmodule" section="Modules" title="Wharf" command="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/afterstep/Wharf"


大阪大学理学研究科物理学専攻 博士後期課程1年 大坪研究室(06-850-5346)
         鍋谷 栄展      nabetani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx