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[debian-devel:06572] Upload xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5 (source i386) to master-jp
- From: ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [debian-devel:06572] Upload xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5 (source i386) to master-jp
- Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 23:38:41 +0900
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xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5 を upload しました。xserver とかの
libfont への依存関係がおかしかったのを修正してあります。
を binary-pc98 へお願いします。
From Nagoya
ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx, ishikawa@debian.or.jp,
ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ( mutsumi@xxxxxxxxxxx for PostPet only )
** 石川 睦%無意味な全文引用をする人は嫌い@Japan Linux Users Group **
日本イソターネット協会会員 http://www.isoternet.org
My Debian-JP NEWS http://www.linux.or.jp/~ishikawa/linux/debian-jp/
X-TT 1.1pl01 [AOI MATSUBARA 1] http://www.linux.or.jp/~ishikawa/linux/X-TT/
Format: 1.5
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 16:16:15 +0900
Source: xfree86-xtt
Binary: xserver-xtt-mga xserver-xtt-tgui xserver-xtt-wsna xserver-xtt-p9000 xserver-xtt-mono libfont-xtt-pic xserver-xtt-necs3 libfont-xtt-dev xserver-xtt-mach32 xserver-xtt-ganbwap xserver-xtt-agx xserver-xtt-i128 xserver-xtt-nkvnec xserver-xtt-vga16 xserver-xtt-pwskb xserver-xtt-fbdev libfont-xtt-dbg xf86setup-ja xserver-xtt-mach8 xserver-xtt-svga libfont-xtt xserver-xtt-8514 xserver-xtt-nec480 xfs-xtt xserver-xtt-pwlb xnest-xtt xvfb-xtt xserver-xtt-s3v xserver-xtt-w32 xserver-xtt-svga98 xserver-xtt-mach64 xserver-xtt-s3 xserver98-common xserver-xtt-wabs xserver-xtt-egc xf98setup-ja xserver-xtt-wabep xserver-xtt-ga968 xprt-xtt
Architecture: source i386
Distribution: frozen
Urgency: low
Maintainer: ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
libfont-xtt - X-TT patched font library of X (Shared library) and code convert
libfont-xtt-dbg - X-TT patched font library of X (Debugging library)
libfont-xtt-dev - X-TT patched font library of X (Static library) and header files
libfont-xtt-pic - X-TT patched font library of X (Profiling library)
xf86setup-ja - X server configuration tools (with JAPANESE mode support)
xf98setup-ja - X server configuration tools for PC-98x1
xfs-xtt - X-TrueType font server
xnest-xtt - nested X server with X-TrueType support
xprt-xtt - X print server with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-8514 - X server for ATI 8514/A-based cards with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-agx - X server for IBM XGA and IIT AGX-based graphics cards with X-True
xserver-xtt-egc - X for EGC/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-fbdev - X server for framebuffer-based graphics drivers with X-TrueType s
xserver-xtt-ga968 - X server GA968/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-ganbwap - X server GANBWAP/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-i128 - X server for Number Nine Imagine 128 graphics cards with X-TrueTy
xserver-xtt-mach32 - X server for ATI Mach32-based graphics cards with X-TrueType supp
xserver-xtt-mach64 - X server for ATI Mach64-based graphics cards with X-TrueType supp
xserver-xtt-mach8 - X server for ATI Mach8-based graphics cards with X-TrueType suppo
xserver-xtt-mga - X server for MGA with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-mono - X server for monochrome graphics cards and/or monitors with X-Tru
xserver-xtt-nec480 - X for NEC480/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-necs3 - X server NECS3/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-nkvnec - X server NKVNEC/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-p9000 - X server for Weitek P9000-based graphics cards with X-TrueType su
xserver-xtt-pwlb - X server PWLB/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-pwskb - X server PWSKB/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-s3 - X server for S3 chipset-based graphics cards with X-TrueType supp
xserver-xtt-s3v - X server for S3 ViRGE and ViRGE/VX-based graphics cards with X-Tr
xserver-xtt-svga - X server for SVGA graphics cards with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-svga98 - X server SVGA/PC-98x1 X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-tgui - X server TGUI/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-vga16 - X server for VGA graphics cards with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-w32 - X server for Tseng ET4000/W32-based graphics cards with X-TrueTyp
xserver-xtt-wabep - X server WABEP/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-wabs - X server WABS/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver-xtt-wsna - X server WSNA/PC-98x1 with X-TrueType support
xserver98-common - files and utilities common to all X servers for Linux/PC-98x1
xvfb-xtt - virtual framebuffer X server with X-TrueType support
xfree86-xtt ( frozen; urgency=low
* depends potato's libfont problem has been fixed
0b6f275e1e869db4957b03ffbc89112f 1338 x11 optional xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5.dsc
531e36da6a43c6999fa496b4e04dfae9 693303 x11 optional xfree86-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5.diff.gz
99e83ecd90878f2ee874e8740f4da0ae 576274 x11 optional libfont-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
d68434e88e467f1bd99dfd79ccad2fc4 1336818 x11 optional libfont-xtt-dbg_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
de7c11fe19a09cada7b92f816953f3bb 471828 x11 optional libfont-xtt-dev_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
2b06a752ab563ddc4d3fba47f06dbf85 510088 x11 optional libfont-xtt-pic_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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59919fc68f35c7bc35e70bb48064e182 535406 x11 optional xf98setup-ja_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
67e10a8872b3e0435b168e26a0ec8718 335898 x11 optional xfs-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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5ef06f84c405e268ea688e9085a90791 1216786 x11 optional xprt-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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80edc3615e17b64813c68a120c7d60ae 1504844 x11 optional xserver-xtt-fbdev_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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f998c56617fba620302b4fb9e9de3b0d 1033150 x11 optional xserver-xtt-i128_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
e2fa7cb2a9ec693b174d43fc4f4d093c 931814 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mach32_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
06ee93fd8ddd24cbe719909cdaae68bd 986570 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mach64_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
15c1088df4d34fe2499e08f136ca286a 873352 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mach8_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
2cc790d6ae0cc5944c30b996c45b23ef 928650 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mono_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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2c729172e532ad872a47d2ee348570c9 1035644 x11 optional xserver-xtt-s3v_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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21afec05e866b269b096bad1be016396 1131384 x11 optional xserver-xtt-wabep_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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5f9a2db0d6f8e64e3b15a18a651cb332 1105744 x11 optional xserver-xtt-mga_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
5e3af882f2b73260247b114b8d02dce8 1241364 x11 optional xserver-xtt-svga98_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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2981851330f8a49c4bc1913969aa9978 1134738 x11 optional xserver-xtt-necs3_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
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7c67946d1e7245b75a8282213c607376 1130902 x11 optional xserver-xtt-ga968_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
5ae4188859deca02aa4b3e228dfcd367 1199720 x11 optional xvfb-xtt_3.3.2.3a-8.xtt.5_i386.deb
Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv