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[debian-devel:07351] Re: LyX とりあえずは

From: Takao KAWAMURA <kawamura@debian.or.jp>
Subject: [debian-devel:07347] Re: LyX とりあえずは
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 19:03:29 +0900
Message-ID: <m10ChLX-0007bRC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

kawamura> > Section: x11 となっていますが,
kawamura> > libforms0.88 にdepend するってことは,
kawamura> > Section: contrib/x11 
kawamura> > なのでは?
kawamura> 本家のlyxはcontrib/textですね。特にこだわりがなければ合わせ
kawamura> た方がいいんじゃないでしょうか。


#dpkg --info lyx_0.12.0.final-0.1.deb 
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 1271998 bytes: control archive= 5568 bytes.
      11 bytes,     1 lines      conffiles            
     886 bytes,    18 lines      control              
   10510 bytes,   143 lines      md5sums              
    1024 bytes,    59 lines   *  postinst             #!/bin/sh
      70 bytes,     2 lines   *  postrm               #!/bin/sh
 Package: lyx
 Version: 0.12.0.final-0.1
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6, libforms0.88, libg++272 (>=, xlib6g (>= 3.3-5), xpm4g (>= 3.4j-0)
 Recommends: latex, dvips, tetex-base|ltxgraph
 Installed-Size: 4576
 Maintainer: Stuart Lamble <lamble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Description: High Level Word Processor (BETA version)
  LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX that runs under the X Window
  System. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for
  people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept
  of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional
  quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also
  possible to use LaTeX-commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is
  Note that LyX is still under development. It may still have some bugs. But
  it is already very usable.

○ dpkg -I lyx-ja_0.12.0.final-0.01_i386.deb
 新形式 debian パッケージ、バージョン 2.0。
 サイズ 1250636 バイト: コントロールアーカイブ = 5878 バイト。
      25バイト,     2行      conffiles
     975バイト,    21行      control
   11160バイト,   152行      md5sums
    1024バイト,    59行   *  postinst             #!/bin/sh
      70バイト,     2行   *  postrm               #!/bin/sh
 Package: lyx-ja
 Version: 0.12.0.final-0.01
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6, libforms0.88, libg++272 (>=, xlib6g (>= 3.3-5), xpm4g (>= 3.4j-0)
 Recommends: platex|jlatex, dvipsk-ja|dvi2ps, tetex-base|ltxgraph
 Conflicts: lyx
 Replaces: lyx
 Provides: lyx
 Installed-Size: 4547
 Maintainer: Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Description: High Level Word Processor with japanese capability(BETA version)
  LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX that runs under the X Window
  System. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for
  people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept
  of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional
  quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also
  possible to use LaTeX-commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is
  Note that LyX is still under development. It may still have some bugs. But
  it is already very usable.


--- control
Source: lyx-ja
Section: contrib/text
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Koichi Honda <honda@xxxxxxxxx>

Package: lyx-ja
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Recommends: platex|jlatex, dvipsk-ja|dvi2ps, tetex-base|ltxgraph
Suggests: menu (>= 1.5)
Conflicts: lyx
Replaces: lyx
Provides: lyx
Description: High Level Word Processor with japanese capability
 LyX is a modern approach of writing documents with a computer
 which breaks with the tradition of the obsolete typewriter
 concept.  It is designed for people who want a professional
 output with a minimum of time effort, without becoming specia-
 lists in typesetting.  Compared to common word processors LyX
 will increase the productivity a lot, since most of the type-
 setting will be done by the computer, not the author.  With LyX
 the author can concentrate on the contents of his writing,
 since the computer will take care of the look.

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