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[debian-devel:09509] dupload が使えない。

大学のネットワークで dupload を使おうと思ってもエラーが出て使えません。

% dupload  --to master-jp elisp-info-el_1.5-1_i386.changes  
Uploading (ftp) to master.debian.or.jp:/pub/Incoming/private
[ job elisp-info-el_1.5-1_i386 from elisp-info-el_1.5-1_i386.changes
  announce (elisp-info-el_1.5-1_i386.changes) to debian-devel-changes@debian.or.jp will be sent
   elisp-info-el_1.5.orig.tar.gz, md5sum ok
    elisp-info-el_1.5-1.diff.gz, md5sum ok
     elisp-info-el_1.5-1.dsc, md5sum ok
      elisp-info-el_1.5-1_all.deb, md5sum ok
       elisp-info-el_1.5-1_i386.changes ok ]
       Uploading (ftp) to master-jp (master.debian.or.jp)
       dupload fatal error: Net::FTP: No route to host at /usr/bin/dupload line 589

ftp できず、LAN 内の特定のマシン (debian ではない) にファイルを置いて
から、そのマシンで ftp を使わなければなりません。dupload の man page 

.dupload.conf を以下に示します。
# This is the configuration for dupload.
# It is intended to be read and evaled from perl.
# ex:set ts=4 sw=4:

package config;

### Defaults, add entries for each host
### PLEASE READ THE MANPAGES dupload(1) and dupload(5)
### PLEASE READ THE MANPAGES dupload(1) and dupload(5)
### PLEASE READ THE MANPAGES dupload(1) and dupload(5)
# fqdn 	- full hostname
# login	- account (defaults to 'anonymous')
#         use: "user\@remote" for firewall logins
# method    - currently scp or ftp (defaults to ftp)
# incoming 	- directory where to upload first
# queuedir	- directory where to move if upload succeeded
# mailto	- address for announcment (stable)   | according to
# mailtx	- address for announcment (unstable) | the policy 
# cc		- address for carbon copy of announcment
# fullname     - the full name to use in the announcement
# visibleuser  - the username to use in the announcement
# visiblename  - the domainname to use in the announcement

$cfg{chiark} = {
	fqdn => "ftp.chiark.greenend.org.uk",
	incoming => "/pub/debian/private/project/Incoming/",
	queuedir => "../queue/",
	mailto => "debian-changes\@lists.debian.org", # stable, contrib, non-free
	mailtx => "debian-devel-changes\@lists.debian.org", # unstable, exper.
	visibleuser => getlogin() || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME},
	visiblename => "",
	fullname => "",

$cfg{master} = {
	fqdn => "master.debian.org",
	login => getlogin() || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME},
	incoming => "/home/Debian/ftp/private/project/Incoming/",
	mailto => "debian-changes\@lists.debian.org", # stable, contrib, non-free
	mailtx => "debian-devel-changes\@lists.debian.org",	# unstable, exper.
	visibleuser => getlogin() || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME},
	visiblename => "",
	fullname => "",

$cfg{erlangen} = {
        fqdn => "ftp.uni-erlangen.de",
        incoming => "/public/pub/Linux/debian/UploadQueue/",
        mailto => "debian-changes\@lists.debian.org",        # stable, unstable
        mailtx => "debian-devel-changes\@lists.debian.org",  # experimental
        visibleuser => getlogin() || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME},
        visiblename => "",
        fullname => "",

$cfg{"master-jp"} = {
    fqdn => "master.debian.or.jp",
    fullname=> "Takashi Nishimoto",    
    incoming => "/pub/Incoming/private",
    mailto => "debian-devel-changes\@debian.or.jp",
    visibleuser=> "g96p0935",
    visiblename => "mse.waseda.ac.jp",

# Don't remove the following line.  Perl needs it.

Takashi Nishimoto: g96p0935@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love Emacs, zsh, and Linux!!
See ftp://ftp.misao.gr.jp/pub/tak/README
Key fingerprint = EE D7 1D 18 A9 42 C0 8A  63 E7 F2 AC 4D C7 83 6B