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[debian-devel:09964] ITP: doc-linux-ja_1999.07


1999/07/24 版 JF アーカイブをパッケージングしました。
potato の doc-linux-ja に比べて構成を完全に一新しました。




を作るようにしました。copyright はとりあえず potato の doc-linux-ja 
copyright が解決次第、potato-jp にアップロードします。

This package was debianized by Hidenobu NABETANI <nabe@debian.or.jp> on
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 17:39:26 +0900.

It was downloaded from ftp://ftp.linet.gr.jp/pub/JF/

  db1961003c586e9d10bd26a6a6720012  JFhtml.tar.gz
  27ae2ce413d52043e7893b656a6420e9  JFtxt.tar.gz

     Archives date: Sat, Jul 24 07:59:00 1999

Upstream Author(s): 


Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by their
respective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and distributed 
in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as
this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial redistribution 
is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would like to be notified of 
any such distributions. 

All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating 
any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice. 
That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose
additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules
may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux HOWTO
coordinator at the address given below.

In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through as
many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright on the
HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to redistribute
the HOWTOs. 

If you have questions, please contact Greg Hankins, the Linux HOWTO 
coordinator, at gregh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx via email.

[th30]/usr/src/local/debian/doc% dpkg -I doc-linux-text-ja_1999.07-1_all.deb 
 新形式 debian パッケージ、バージョン 2.0。
 サイズ 3330386 バイト: コントロールアーカイブ = 7939 バイト。
     586バイト,    17行      control              
   18459バイト,   240行      md5sums              
     130バイト,     5行   *  postinst             #!/bin/sh
     130バイト,     5行   *  prerm                #!/bin/sh
 Package: doc-linux-text-ja
 Version: 1999.07-1
 Section: doc
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: all
 Conflicts: doc-linux-ja
 Replaces: doc-linux-ja
 Installed-Size: 3509
 Maintainer: Hidenobu NABETANI <nabe@debian.or.jp>
 Source: doc-linux-ja
 Description: Linux HOWTOs in Japanese - TEXT version
  This package installs the Japanese versions of Linux HOWTO and
  mini-HOWTO documents on your Debian system. The version number
  reflects the month in which doc-linux-text-ja was created.
  All files are available at ftp://ftp.linet.gr.jp/pub/JF/
  (with versions in text, html and sgml formats).
[th30]/usr/src/local/debian/doc% dpkg -I doc-linux-html-ja_1999.07-1_all.deb 
 新形式 debian パッケージ、バージョン 2.0。
 サイズ 3433498 バイト: コントロールアーカイブ = 34573 バイト。
     587バイト,    17行      control              
  101465バイト,  1313行      md5sums              
     130バイト,     5行   *  postinst             #!/bin/sh
     130バイト,     5行   *  prerm                #!/bin/sh
 Package: doc-linux-html-ja
 Version: 1999.07-1
 Section: doc
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: all
 Conflicts: doc-linux-ja
 Replaces: doc-linux-ja
 Installed-Size: 10601
 Maintainer: Hidenobu NABETANI <nabe@debian.or.jp>
 Source: doc-linux-ja
 Description: Linux HOWTOs in Japanese - HTML version
  This package installs the Japanese versions of Linux HOWTO and
  mini-HOWTO documents on your Debian system. The version number
  reflects the month in which doc-linux-html-ja was created.
  All files are available at ftp://ftp.linet.gr.jp/pub/JF/
  (with versions in text, html and sgml formats).

大阪大学理学研究科物理学専攻 博士後期課程2年 大坪研究室(06-6850-5346)
         鍋谷 栄展      nabetani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx