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[debian-devel:10891] Re: gs_5.10-3 uploaded (Re: Please test experimental gs for potato)
gs のメンテナー、Marco からメールをもらいました。
| On Wed, Nov 03, 1999 at 07:45:10PM +0900, Taketoshi Sano wrote:
| > > I am downloading the package right now. If it is ok for you, i'll
| > > give a look to your package during next week end, and i'll try to
| > > upload it on monday 8.
| Hi,
| i have uploaded gs 5.10-3: it is now in the incoming queue!
| Essentially, i have uploaded you package (i have just added some
| references to the Japanese patches in some READMEs).
| > Thanks. Please take care that I made mistake in debian/rules of my
| > experimental "5.10-2.0.vflib.2". Please apply following patch:
| OK, done.
| Than you again for your great help!
| Best regards,
| Marco
ということで、残る作業は例の copyright 問題をきっちり確認しておくことと、
(たぶん出てくるであろう) Bug 対応をしていくことだけですね。
# gs261j の件はもう一回メールしてみるか、、、
# 11/13 に何かが起きる? > "http://www.szlug.factory.to";
# (わたしのおうちは浜松市、「夜のお菓子」で有名さ。)
<xlj06203@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)