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[debian-devel:13094] Re: glibc-2.1.94-2 status (Re:[debian-users:24171] glibc-2.1.94 is now installed in woody. pleaseattention!)


In <20001017094322I.kgh12351@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 on "Tue, 17 Oct 2000 10:15:18 +0900", I wrote:

> > >  * ln -s /usr/lib/locale/ja_JP.eucjp /usr/lib/loacle/ja_JP.eucJP 
> > >    をしないと GNOME, X系の app で日本語が駄目です。
> > >    この symlink をしておけば LANG=ja_JP.eucJP で ok です。
> > >    (ちなみに symlink がないと LANG=ja_JP.eucjp でも ダメ)
> > > 
> > >    なお LANG=ja_JP.ujis はありません。
> > >    symlink がなくても libc の locale は LANG=ja_JP.eucJP で ok です。
> > 
> > これは、
> >   mv /usr/lib/locale/ja_JP.eucjp /usr/lib/locale/ja_JP.eucJP 
> > にしたほうが良いでしょうね…。
> > また後方互換性のために ja_JP.ujis も symlink して欲しいですね。
> > 
> > この2つは BTS しておきました。
> さっき BTS チェックしたら で close されちゃいましたね。
> BTS に reopen 72686 すべきですね。
>  # 同様なレポートとして #74362 があることも指摘すべきか ?
> あとで BTS report しておくつもりです。

Changwoo からコメントがあったので、回覧しておきます。

In <87og0jjyuw.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, on "18 Oct 2000 00:01:27 +0900", titled
 "Re: reopen #72686 (Re: /usr/lib/locale/ja_JP.eucjp should be changed to ja_JP.eucJP)",
    Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org> さん wrote:

cwryu> Taketoshi Sano <sano@debian.org> writes:
cwryu> >   Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org> wrote as the comment on #72686
cwryu> > 
cwryu> >   | In glibc, the charset name in a locale name should be lowercase.
cwryu> >   |                                                                 
cwryu> >   | You can still set $LANG as ja_JA.eucJP, ja_JA.euc-jp, or ja_JA.EUC-JP.
cwryu> >   | setlocale() automatically converts the charset name into lowercases
cwryu> >   | and deletes non-alphabets-or-numbers.                              
cwryu> > 
cwryu> > But hey, there are X/Gnome applications which use the X11 style scheme
cwryu> > of internationalization.
cwryu> > 
cwryu> > Changwoo, do you remember that you once wrote me:
cwryu> > 
cwryu> >   |   But xcalendar-ja is never a Japanese-only diversion of xcalendar,
cwryu> >   | except the Japanese X resource.  It's a well-written internationalized
cwryu> >   | (in a sense of X Window) patch for xcalendar.  Works very well in my
cwryu> >   | Korean X environment!  :)
cwryu> > 
cwryu> > So I rename the package to xcalendar-i18n, and has maintained it.
cwryu> > Now without ja_JP.eucJP or ja_JP.ujis symlinks, it would not work
cwryu> > at all in these locale settings.  Maybe you (Changwoo) can check
cwryu> > if it can work with kr_KR.eucKR locale (Please refer the Bug#74362).
cwryu> > 
cwryu> [snipped experiments]
cwryu> Yes, I know the problem.  Of course I know the symlink resolves it.
cwryu> But see the point; it's xlib's problem.  Why does it work with
cwryu> ko_KR.eucKR?  Why not with ko_KR.euckr, which is a valid locale?  I
cwryu> couldn't found what causes this yet.

どっちが「正しい locale なのか ?」ってことなんでしょうか ?

これは Li18nux の出番かな。

ふぅむ、、、 FHS 2.0 を見ると

This naming of language subdirectories of /usr/share/man is based on
Appendix E of the POSIX 1003.1 standard which describes the locale
identification string -- the most well-accepted method to describe a
cultural environment.  The <locale> string is:


The <language> field shall be taken from ISO 639 (a code for the
representation of names of languages).  It shall be two characters wide
and specified with lowercase letters only.

The <territory> field shall be the two-letter code of ISO 3166 (a
specification of representations of countries), if possible.  (Most
people are familiar with the two-letter codes used for the country codes
in email addresses.1) It shall be two characters wide and specified with
uppercase letters only.

The <character-set> field should represent the standard describing the
character set.  If the <character-set> field is just a numeric
specification, the number represents the number of the international
standard describing the character set.  It is recommended that this be a
numeric representation if possible (ISO standards, especially), not
include additional punctuation symbols, and that any letters be in

A parameter specifying a <version> of the profile may be placed after
the <character-set> field, delimited by a comma.  This may be used to
discriminate between different cultural needs; for instance, dictionary
order versus a more systems-oriented collating order.  This standard
recommends not using the <version> field, unless it is necessary.

Systems which use a unique language and code set for all manual pages
may omit the <locale> substring and store all manual pages in <mandir>.
For example, systems which only have English manual pages coded with
ASCII, may store manual pages (the man<section> directories) directly in
/usr/share/man.  (That is the traditional circumstance and arrangement,
in fact.)

Countries for which there is a well-accepted standard character code set
may omit the <character-set> field, but it is strongly recommended that
it be included, especially for countries with several competing

となってますね。ということは "Appendix E of the POSIX 1003.1 standard
which describes the locale identification string -- the most well-accepted 
method to describe a cultural environment" に従うと "The <character-set> 
field should represent the standard describing the character set.  If the 
<character-set> field is just a numeric specification, the number represents 
the number of the international standard describing the character set.  
It is recommended that this be a numeric representation if possible (ISO 
standards, especially), not include additional punctuation symbols, and that 
any letters be in lowercase." であるから、eucJP よりも eucjp が正しい、と
いうことになるのか ?

               Linux における日本語ロケールに関する指針
                        バージョン: 1.03




            (IEEE 1003.1:1990, ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990s)
            (翻訳規格 JIS X 3030-1994)
    Programing Language C
            (ISO/IEC 9899:1990)
            (翻訳規格 JIS X 3010-1993)
    Programing Language C (Amendment 1)
            (ISO/IEC 9899:1990/Amd.1:1995)
            (翻訳規格 JIS X 3010:1996)


2. ロケール名称

  ここでのロケール名称とは環境変数 LANG や LC_ALL 等に設定すべき値であ
  り、 C ライブラリ関数 setlocale() に与えるべき値である。

  ・Linux における日本語環境において使用する文字コードは日本語 EUC と


    を推奨する。eucJP の部分の大文字/小文字の区別を期待しないことが望

となってますね。そうするとたしかに eucjp でも eucJP でも動作するほうが

cwryu> The symlinks will resolve that problem, but that's not a "right"
cwryu> solution and violates glibc's policy.
cwryu> And xlib6g in the new xfree86 4.0.1 doesn't have this problem (at
cwryu> least for me, with ko_KR.euckr).  So the final woody users will not
cwryu> matter.

もしかすると xlib6g を新しい glibc で build し直せば OK になったりする ?


 $ diff -u 3.3.6/xc/nls/locale.alias 4.0.1/xc/nls/locale.alias |grep eucjp
+ja_JP.eucjp                                    ja_JP.eucJP
+ja_JP.eucjp:                                   ja_JP.eucJP


ということは /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/locale.alias をいじれば
解決 ?

やっぱりそうみたいですね。chroot したほうの woody の locale.alias を
いじって、あと /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 の下で ln -s ja_JP.eucJP ja_JP.eucjp
しておけば、LANG=ja_JP.eucjp でも LANG=ja_JP.eucJP でもちゃんと日本語の
リソースを読んで動作しました。(xcalendar で確認)。

でも ja_JP.ujis はやっぱり symlink 必要なんじゃないのかな ?

cwryu> Let's find exactly what causes that X locale problem.
cwryu> -- 
cwryu> Changwoo Ryu

さて、どうしましょうね ?

     # (わたしのおうちは浜松市、「夜のお菓子」で有名さ。)
    <kgh12351@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)