武藤@Debianぷろじぇくとです。 ご存じの方も多いとは思いますが、sarge debian-installerのベータテスト版 が発表されています。 debian-installerの日本語ページは古いため、ダウンロードのためには英語ペー ジ(http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/index.en.html)を参照して ください。 日本語回りの翻訳は私がやっていますので、翻訳についておかしなことがあれ ば連絡してください。 最近テストしたところではディスク構成まわりで異常が発生することがありま した。 sargeのインストーラの問題を今のうちにクリアするために、バグリポート、 ハック(国際化やarchitecture testなど)をお待ちしております。報告はBTSや debian-boot MLに英語にてお願いします。 #日本語翻訳以外についてのバグリポートは私に提出しても放置されます。
--- Begin Message ---
- From: Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
- Subject: debian-installer beta 1
- Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 19:02:33 -0500
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We are pleased to announce the first beta release of debian-installer, the new installation system for sarge. This first beta is for the following architectures only: * i386. * PowerPC, with support for the subarchitectures Apple Newworld, Pegasus PPC and IBM RS/6000 (PrEP, CHREP). More architectures will follow in later betas. There are still some problems and rough edges (see the TODO [1] if you want to help out), but in general, what we need most now is broad testing. That is why we want users to help us by testing this beta. How to try out the beta: * Download one of the available CD or floppy images from the d-i website, at http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ * Read the debian-installer HOWTO [2] and install on whatever hardware you can. All testing is valuable, but unusual hardware setups are of course more likely to trigger unknown bugs. Also see the errata [3] for known bugs and workarounds. * File an install report as a bug against the pseudo-package `installation-reports' in the BTS. Your install report should say whether the install was successful or not, what problems you encountered during the installation, etc. If your installation was sucessful, there will be a template for install reports in /root/install-report.template -- this template is also available on the web [4]. Please use this template when filing install reports. Good luck with testing debian-installer! For the debian-installer team, Joey Hess [1] http://cvs.debian.org/debian-installer/doc/TODO?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup [2] http://cvs.debian.org/debian-installer/doc/INSTALLATION-HOWTO?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup [3] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/errata [4] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/report-templateAttachment: signature.asc
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