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Potato Release Note


 JP プロジェクト日誌にも捕捉されてるので御存知の方もいるはずと
思いますが、debian-boot@Org ML で

In <20000118225502.C1395@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 at Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 22:55:02 +0100,
  on Subject: Re: potato Release Notes updated,
   Josip Rodin <jrodin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 09:59:51PM +0900, Taketoshi Sano wrote:
> > > I've taken over maintaining the Release Notes for this release, from Bob
> > > Hilliard. No, it wasn't done as a secret hostile takeover :) Someone else
> > > volunteered to help at that time, but I don't remember the name anymore.
> > > Anyone is welcome to contribute, of course.
> > 
> > Coming potato is the first release of Debian which no more requires
> > add-on JP-packages to support for Japanese language practically.
> > 
> > I am glad if we have the note for this, (for example) at the end of 
> > this documents, to appeal to our users who use hamm-jp/slink-jp.
> > 
> > I think if such messages are added in the official Release Notes of Debian,
> > then they (users of hamm-jp/slink-jp) happily and willingly move to use
> > our new potato, and it wlll enforce our effort to merge JP packages and
> > to advance the i18n of Debian.
> > 
> > If anyone does not object, I will think about the text for this.
> Yes, please!


 releasenote の原文は cvs の boot-floppies の中の documentation/ 以下、
 release-notes.sgml にあります。(18772 bytes, 442 行:昨日現在)


   <title>Release Notes for &debian; 2.2 (`potato')
      <author>Josip Rodin</author>
      <author>Bob Hilliard</author>
      <author>Adam Di Carlo</author>
   <version>version &docversion;, &docdate;</version>

  <toc detail="sect">
  <chapt id="whats-new">What's New in &debian; 2.2

  <p>[The most recent version of this document is always available at
  <url id="&url-release-notes;">. If your version is more than a month old, you
  might wish to download the latest version.]

  <p>Debian's previous release, &debian; 2.1, included four officially
  supported architectures: Intel x86 (``i386''), Motorola 680x0 (``m68k''),
  Alpha (`alpha''), and SPARC (`sparc''). In this new release, we have
  introduced an additional architecture in that set: PowerPC (``powerpc'').
  You can read more about it on <url id="&url-powerpc-debian;" name="our
  powerpc port"> web pages.

<![ %powerpc [
  <p>This is the first official release of Debian GNU/Linux for the
  &arch-title; architecture. We feel that it has proven itself sufficiently
  to be released.  However, because it has not had the exposure (and hence
  testing by users) that our other releases on other architectures have had,
  you may encounter a few bugs. Use our <url id="&url-bts;" name="bug
  tracking system"> to report any problems; make sure to mention the fact
  that the bug is on the &architecture; platform.

  <p>&debian; 2.2 for the &arch-title; architecture ships with kernel
  version &kernelversion;. The 2.2 kernel series are a new kernel generation
  introducing several valuable changes both in the kernel and in other
  programs based on kernel features, along with a whole slew of new hardware
  drivers and bug fixes for existing drivers. The transition to using new
  kernel went quite smoothly, mainly because we almost completely prepared
  the 2.1 release for running a 2.2.* kernel. Unfortunately, the kernel
  upgrade also means some problems for those users whose machines have very
  small amounts of RAM.

  <p>All Debian architectures are now based on the new GNU C Library release
  2.1.2. Although the new glibc made the new packages uninstallable on the
  previous release, it did retain backwards binary and source compatibility
  with old packages compiled for glibc 2.0 from &debian; 2.1. That means
  most programs from the previous release will run on the new release (but
  not the other way around), and that it will be possible to re-compile most
  programs on the new release without changes. Note that there are always a
  few exceptions to the rule, so some programs may need to be modified
  and/or recompiled on the new glibc to run properly.

  <p>The number of packages our main distribution includes is now around
  &num-of-distrib-pkgs;, increasing the number of packages by 50%, as usual.

  <p>The 2.2 release also features many important program and library
  upgrades, such as XFree86 3.3.6, Perl 5.005.03, GCC 2.95.2, PAM 0.72,
  GTK+/GLib 1.2.6, GNOME 1.0.54, ncurses 5.0, teTeX 1.0.6, XEmacs 21.1.8,
  S-Lang 1.3.9, GGI 1.99.2 and many more.

  <p>As with the upgrade from release 2.0 to 2.1, the changes from 2.1 to
  2.2 are mostly incremental. A lot of new packages and new versions of old
  packages are included, along with a bounty of new features and bug fixes.
  The same dpkg+apt packaging system is still used for performing the
  upgrades, and we have made every effort to make the transition as painless
  and as flawless as possible.

  <p><package/apt/, now at version 0.3.16, which is used in conjunction with
  <package/dpkg/, now at version 1.6.6, is the preferred package
  installation tool, as it has support for several different package sources
  (CD-ROMs and other removable disks, local or network-mounted hard drives,
  or remote Internet FTP or HTTP sites). It can be used either from the
  command-line as <prgn/apt-get/, or as a package acquisition (download)
  method in <prgn/dselect/, to install new or upgrade existing binary (or
  source) packages.

  <p>The Official CD-ROM distribution ships as <em>two</em> binary package
  CD-ROMs, containing the "main" and "contrib" sections. If a vendor adds
  "non-US/main" or portions of "non-free" or "non-US/non-free" sections to a
  CD set, there may be three (or even four) binary CDs.
<![ %supports-bootable-cd [
  The first CD-ROM disk from the set is bootable, and is usually used for
  starting new installations.
  All of the CDs are self-contained, meaning you can insert any one of them
  and operate with its contents, without needing to meddle with others. To
  actually manage multiple CDs, you can either use <prgn/apt-cdrom/ or the
  <prgn/multi_cd/ access method for <prgn>dselect</prgn>.


で、どのあたりに入れるか、とかの話はまとめ役の Josip (maint-guide の著者) に

「 potato ではこれだけのパッケージが日本語対応してます」
  (JP から持っていったのも、 upstream  or Debian レベルで merge した
  長くなりすぎると思うので、数を書くとか、「何 %」とか、かな。)

「既に数の上では slink-jp のパッケージ数より多くのパッケージ
  (240 ?) が Debian JP Project から contribute されてます。
  とはいえ、これでも potato の全パッケージ数 (main のみ、non-US は
   含めず) のわずか 6 % 弱に過ぎません。"The biggest is still the best" 

 (前にもちょっと書いたけど、「slink-jp の追加パッケージ数より
  potato に contribute 済みのパッケージ数のほうが多い」というのは
  例の「potato-jp 中止」アナウンスで生じた「JP Project 活動停滞」の
  誤解を解くいはいい材料だと思う。あの ASCII24 の誤解記事にあった
  後半は Debian の中での配慮というか、JP だけ突出してるわけじゃないよ、
  という execuse というか。まあこういうのも付けておいたほうが無難かな、と。)

「今度の potato は JP パッケージを追加しなくても、実用上ほぼ不満の無い
日本語環境を構築できる初めての Debian 公式リリースです」

英語にして書いてもらえませんか ? この ML に流してもらえれば、それを
拾って (まとめて) Josip と -boot ML に feed するつもりです。

できれば 1 週間くらいの間にやってしまいたいと思うので、御協力を

 # 以下業務連絡:
 # maint-guide の 0.99.1 への更新アナウンスと、翻訳更新の依頼が
 # Josip から届いていたので、昨夜ざっと見て commit しておきました。
 # DDP の cvs を見ている人は、できれば校正などしておいてもらえると
 # 嬉しいです。
 # たぶん他の言語 (es と fr) の更新はまだしばらくかかるだろうから、
 # すこしは時間のゆとりがあるかなと思うので。

  Taketoshi Sano: <sano@debian.org>,<sano@debian.or.jp>,<kgh12351@xxxxxxxxxxx>