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[debian-users:04565] New Packages (Re: [debian-devel:02867] Uploaded im 86-2 to master [debian-devel:02868] Uploaded mew 1.93b21-1 to master [debian-devel:02871] Uploaded canna 3.5b2-11 to master)


im 86-1 -> 86-2 into hamm-jp/hamm/binary-all/mail
 im (86-2) hamm-jp; urgency=low
 * Added undocumented manpage: impath.1
 * Fixed control file (delete space character).

mew 1.93b20-1 -> 1.93b21-1 into hamm-jp/hamm/binary-i386/mail
 mew (1.93b21-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream source version (Mew 1.93 Beta 21).
 * Change file mode of 50mew-init.el to 644.
 * Added undocumented manpage:
 mewcat.1 mewencode.1 mewdecode.1 uumerge.1

canna 3.5b2-10 -> 3.5b2-11 into hamm-jp/hamm/binary-i386/utils
canna-utils 3.5b2-10 -> 3.5b2-11 into hamm-jp/hamm/binary-i386/utils
libcanna1g 3.5b2-10 -> 3.5b2-11 into hamm-jp/hamm/binary-i386/libs
libcanna1g-dev 3.5b2-10 -> 3.5b2-11 into hamm-jp/hamm/binary-i386/devel
 canna (3.5b2-11) hamm-jp; urgency=low
 * Fixed file modes.
 * Fixed symbolic files.
 * Made conffiles for /etc/init.d/canna.
 * Fixed init (added restart and force-reload).
 * Removed control file "du".
 * Added undocumented manpages:
 canlisp.1 crfreq.1 crxdic.1 crxgram.1 dpxdic.1
 forcpp.1 forsort.1 kpdic.1 mergeword.1 syncdic.1
 * Check package file with lintian.

From: yochi@debian.or.jp
Subject: [debian-devel:02867] Uploaded im 86-2 to master
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 10:14:14 +0900

> lintian で注意されたところを直してアップロードしました。

From: yochi@debian.or.jp
Subject: [debian-devel:02868] Uploaded mew 1.93b21-1 to master
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 10:15:39 +0900

> #もう、beta 21 が出てました。
> lintian でパーフェクトになりました(^^v

From: yochi@debian.or.jp
Subject: [debian-devel:02871] Uploaded canna 3.5b2-11 to master
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 14:32:15 +0900

> canna もいろいろ細工して lintian 完璧。
> ディレクトリ、ファイルモードも完璧版を作成しました。
> これで問題なければ、来週にでも本家へアップロードします。
