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[debian-users:14122] Gnus on slink


hamm から slink へ移行したのですが、その結果つぎのような現象がでるように

emacsのミニバッファに Cannot open load file: poem-e20_2 のメッセージを
出して、Gnus が起動しない。

ii  apel            9.8-4          A Portable Emacs Library
ii  emacs-lisp-intr 1.05+0.96-1    Japanese version of "Programming in Emacs Li
ii  emacs20         20.3-7         The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs20-dl-wnn4 20.2-3.3       The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs20-el      20.3-7         GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files.
ii  emacs20-wnn4-el 20.2-3.3       GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files for Wnn supported
ii  emacsen-common  1.4.8          Common facilities for all emacsen.
ii  flim            1.11.3-4       Library to provide basic features about mess
ii  leafnode        1.6.2-2        NNTP server for small leaf sites
ii  semi            1.10.1-4       library to provide MIME feature for GNU Emac
ii  semi-gnus       6.8.19+1998111 Replacement of Gnus with gnus-mime for SEMI.