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[debian-users:19250] Bug#JP/1111: easypr(-lprng) not consistent with gs

# 元メールに Reply-To がついていますけど、そのままでいいのでしょうか?

At Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:18:05 +0900,
Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> お願いですが gs-aladdin-vflib の利用者の方、できれば
> gs -h の出力を見せていただけないでしょうか?

$ dpkg -l gs-aladdin-vflib
| 状態=(N)無/(I)インストール済/(C)設定/(U)展開/(F)設定失敗/(H)半インストール
|/ エラー=(空欄)無/(H)維持/(R)要再インストール/X=両方(状態,エラーの大文字=異常)
||/ 名前            バージョン     説明
ii  gs-aladdin-vfli 5.10-7.2       Postscript interpreter w/ Japanese text proc

$ gs -h
Aladdin Ghostscript 5.10 (1997-11-23)
Copyright (C) 1997 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.  All rights reserved.
Usage: gs [switches] [file1.ps file2.ps ...]
Most frequently used switches: (you can use # in place of =)
 -dNOPAUSE           no pause after page   | -q       `quiet', fewer messages
 -g<width>x<height>  page size in pixels   | -r<res>  pixels/inch resolution
 -sDEVICE=<devname>  select device         | -dBATCH  exit after last file
 -sOutputFile=<file> select output file: - for stdout, |command for pipe,
                                         embed %d or %ld for page #
Input formats: PostScript PostScriptLevel1 PostScriptLevel2 PDF
Available devices:
   x11 x11alpha x11cmyk x11gray2 x11mono lvga256 vgalib sxlcrt epag lips3
   lips4 lips4c fmpr mjc180 mjc360 mjc720 pr150 jj100 bj10v bj10vh bj10e
   dmprt npdl t4693d2 t4693d4 t4693d8 tek4696 appledmp ccr lp2563 ln03 m8510
   necp6 cp50 la50 la70 la75 la75plus oce9050 oki182 okiibm r4081 sj48 xes
   deskjet djet500 laserjet ljetplus ljet2p ljet3 ljet4 declj250 paintjet
   pjetxl cdeskjet cdjcolor cdjmono cdj550 cdj500 djet500c dnj650c pj pjxl
   pjxl300 uniprint epson eps9mid eps9high epsonc lq850 lp8000 st800 stcolor
   ap3250 ibmpro bj200 bjc600 bjc800 ljet3d lj4dith lj5mono lj5gray lj250
   faxg3 faxg32d faxg4 dfaxhigh dfaxlow pcxmono pcxgray pcx16 pcx256 pcx24b
   pcxcmyk pbm pbmraw pgm pgmraw pgnm pgnmraw pnm pnmraw ppm ppmraw pkm
   pkmraw tiffcrle tiffg3 tiffg32d tiffg4 tifflzw tiffpack cif bmpmono bmp16
   bmp256 bmp16m tiff12nc tiff24nc psmono psgray bit bitrgb bitcmyk sgirgb
   pngmono pnggray png16 png256 png16m cgmmono cgm8 cgm24 jpeg jpeggray
   miff24 mgrmono mgrgray2 mgrgray4 mgrgray8 pdfwrite pswrite epswrite
   pxlmono pxlcolor nullpage
Search path:
   . : /var/lib/ghostscript : /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10vflib :
   /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10vflib/kanji : /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts :
For more information, see /usr/doc/gs-aladdin-vflib/doc/use.txt.
Report bugs to ghost@xxxxxxxxxxx; use the form in bug-form.txt.


  .~. ----------------------------------------
  /V\     友國 哲男 (TOMOKUNI Tetsuo)
 // \\    E-mail: tomokuni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
/(   )\