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[debian-users:19545] Emacs error


 Emacs 20 を使っているのですが、あるときから、たとえば、

    $ emacs hoge.c


    while opening UTMP file: No such file or directory

 ただのコンソールや、X の kterm 上で emacs -nw hoge.c としても発生します。

 XEmacs ではこれは発生しません。

 このエラー・メッセージは、どういう意味なのでしょうか。UTMP file という


    Debian: Slink
    Kernel: 2.2.13

| 状態=(N)無/(I)インストール済/(C)設定/(U)展開/(F)設定失敗/(H)半インストール
|/ エラー=(空欄)無/(H)維持/(R)要再インストール/X=両方(状態,エラーの大文字=異常)
||/ 名前            バージョン     説明
un  emacs           <none>         (no description available)
pn  emacs-czech     <none>         (no description available)
ii  emacs-dl-canna  1.0.19980702+m Canna extension for emacs20-dl
pn  emacs-dl-wnn    <none>         (no description available)
un  emacs-el        <none>         (no description available)
pn  emacs-lisp-intr <none>         (no description available)
ii  emacs-lisp-intr 1.05+0.96-1    Japanese version of "Programming in Emacs Li
pn  emacs19         <none>         (no description available)
rn  emacs19-el      <none>         (no description available)
ii  emacs20         20.3-7         The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs20-dl      20.3-11        The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs20-dl-el   20.3-11        GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files for Dynamic Lodin
un  emacs20-dl-wnn  <none>         (no description available)
un  emacs20-dl-wnn4 <none>         (no description available)
un  emacs20-dl-wnn6 <none>         (no description available)
ii  emacs20-el      20.3-7         GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files.
un  emacs20-wnn     <none>         (no description available)
un  emacs20-wnn4    <none>         (no description available)
un  emacs20-wnn6    <none>         (no description available)
un  emacsen         <none>         (no description available)
ii  emacsen-common  1.4.8          Common facilities for all emacsen.
pn  emacspeak       <none>         (no description available)
pn  emacspeak-bs-tc <none>         (no description available)
pn  emacspeak-dt    <none>         (no description available)
pn  emacspeak-dt-tc <none>         (no description available)
pn  emacspeak-ss    <none>         (no description available)


; Language Setting
(set-language-environment "Japanese")
(set-default-coding-systems 'euc-japan)
(add-hook 'term-setup-hook
	  (function (lambda ()(set-terminal-coding-system 'euc-japan))))

; (require 'cc-mode)

(setq next-line-add-newlines nil)

; info より。cc-mode の利用
;; Here's a sample .emacs file that might help you along the way.  Just
;; copy this region and paste it into your .emacs file.  You may want to
;; change some of the actual values.

(defconst my-c-style
  '((c-tab-always-indent        . t)
    (c-comment-only-line-offset . 4)
    (c-hanging-braces-alist     . ((substatement-open after)
    (c-hanging-colons-alist     . ((member-init-intro before)
                                   (case-label after)
                                   (label after)
                                   (access-label after)))
    (c-cleanup-list             . (scope-operator
    (c-offsets-alist            . ((arglist-close . c-lineup-arglist)
                                   (substatement-open . 0)
                                   (case-label        . 2)
                                   (block-open        . 0)
                                   (knr-argdecl-intro . -)))
    (c-echo-syntactic-information-p . t)
  "My C Programming Style")

;; Customizations for all of c-mode, c++-mode, and objc-mode
(defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
  ;; add my personal style and set it for the current buffer
  (c-add-style "PERSONAL" my-c-style t)
  ;; offset customizations not in my-c-style
  (c-set-offset 'member-init-intro '++)
  ;; other customizations
  (setq tab-width 8
        ;; this will make sure spaces are used instead of tabs
        indent-tabs-mode nil)
  ;; we like auto-newline and hungry-delete
  ;(c-toggle-auto-hungry-state 1)
  ;; keybindings for all supported languages.  We can put these in
  ;; c-mode-base-map because c-mode-map, c++-mode-map, objc-mode-map,
  ;; java-mode-map, and idl-mode-map inherit from it.
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
  ;; 次の 5 行は cc-mode でそれぞれ
  ;;     '「' '」' 'れ' 'ぁ' 'け' 'め' 'ね'
  ;; が正しく入力できるようにするためのもの。
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "{" nil)
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "}" nil)
  (define-key c-mode-base-map ";" nil)
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "#" nil)
  (define-key c-mode-base-map ":" nil)
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "/" nil)
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "," nil)
  ;; 次の行は cc-mode で、かんなで全角アルファベットが入力できるようにする
  ;; ためのもの。
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "*" nil)

(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)

; Canna Enabled
(load "canna")

Mail: shimaden@xxxxxxxxxxx
Home Page: http://www.annie.ne.jp/~shimaden/
Hiroyuki Shimada