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[debian-users:26112] 2.2_rev2(powerpc) のインストール


していますが smoke test に失敗します。
長文なのでマークとして ==== を区切に入れてます。


製品名: Power Mac G4 350MHz/1M CACHE/64MB SDRAM/10GB HD CD-ROM/56K MODEM 
HDD: 内蔵HDD破損のため IBM DTLA-307015 に変更
MEM: 加賀電子製 64MB SDRAM を追加
てます。また、どちらともCDをマウントして md5sum -c md5sum.txt した結果
このCDは pseudo-image-kit で作成したものです。

 MacOSでLinuxppc prefferedにパーティションを変更。
 Partition Harddisk で /dev/hda6 をパーティションタイプを インストール
 マニュアル 4.6.1 Partition newer Macs に従って Apple_Bootstrap に変更。
 インストールマニュアル 7.17.1 "NewWorld" PowerMacs に従って Make
 Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk をスキップ
 Execute Shell でシェルを起動
 mkofboot --boot /dev/hda6 -m /target/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot --root /dev/hda7 --partition 7
 Reboot the System で再起動
 "Freeing unsused kernel memory: 168k init 28k prep"
 "init: error in loading shared libraries: /lib/libc.so.6: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.1"

 で Partition Harddisk で、削除できるパーティションは全て削除。このあ
 と32MBの Apple_Bootstrap と4GBのパーティションと128MBのスワップパーティ
 Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk をスキップ
 Execute Shell でシェルを起動
 mkofboot --boot /dev/hda2 -m /target/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot --root /dev/hda3 --partition 3
 Reboot the System で再起動
 "Freeing unsused kernel memory: 168k init 28k prep"
 "INIT: version 2.78 booting"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "INIT: enterring runlevel: 2"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"
 "usb.c: USB new device connect, assigned device number 2"
 "hub.c: USB hub detected"
 "keydev.c: Adding keyboard: input1"
 "event1: Event device for intpu1"
 "input1: USB "........複数行
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"

 CDから root=/dev/hda3 と指定して起動してみると
 "Freeing unsused kernel memory: 168k init 28k prep"
 "init: error in loading shared libraries: /lib/libc.so.6: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.1"
 "Freeing unsused kernel memory: 168k init 28k prep"
 "INIT: version 2.78 booting"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "INIT: enterring runlevel: 2"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"
 "usb.c: USB new device connect, assigned device number 2"
 "hub.c: USB hub detected"

 boot: Linux ide0="slow" [Enter]
 "Freeing unsused kernel memory: 168k init 28k prep"
 "INIT: version 2.78 booting"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "INIT: enterring runlevel: 2"
 "Starting system log daemon: syslogdstart-stop-daemon: nothing in /proc - not mounted?"
 " klogdstart-stop-daemon: nothing in /proc - not mounted?"
 "Starting PCMCIA services: touch: /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme: read-only file system"
 "grep: /proc/devices: No Such file or directory"
 " modulesusb.c: USB new device connect, assigned device number 2"
 "Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.22"
 " kernel build: 2.2.18pre21 unknown"
 " options: [pci][cardbud]"
 "/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/pcmcia/pcmcia-core.o: hub.c: 3ports detected"
 "cannot create /var/log/ksymoops/20001221032432.ksyms Read-only file system"
 "Intel PCIC probe: not found."
 "/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/pcmcia/i82365.o: init_module: Device or"
 " Resource busy"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "sh error in loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: undefined symbol:<判読不能が文字列>, version GLIBC_2.0"
 "INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"