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[debian-users:52994] caffの使い方について



[NOTICE] Import failed for: 40AD1FA6.
No public keys found with list-key 40AD1FA6 (note that caff uses its own keyring in /home/user/.caff/gnupghome).


$ gpg --homedir /home/user/.caff/gnupghome --import ksp-200909.gpg

[NOTICE] Import failed for: hogehoge


$ caff -u E358BEFB 40AD1FA6
[INFO] Importing key 7258EBFBE358BEFB from your normal GnuPGHome.
[INFO] fetching keys, this will take a while...
[NOTICE] Import failed for: 40AD1FA6.
Some keys could not be imported - continue anyway? [y/N] y
[WARN] Assuming 40AD1FA6 is a fine keyid.
[INFO] Sign the following keys according to your policy, then exit gpg with 'save' after signing each key
gpg --local-user E358BEFB --homedir=/home/user/.caff/gnupghome --secret-keyring /home/userfaith/.gnupg/secring.gpg --no-aut
o-check-trustdb --trust-model=always --edit 40AD1FA6 sign
gpg: 警告: homedir 「/home/user/.caff/gnupghome」の安全でない許可
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

No public keys found with list-key 40AD1FA6 (note that caff uses its own keyring in /home/user/.caff/gnupghome).

$ caff -u E358BEFB 40AD1FA6
[INFO] Importing key 7258EBFBE358BEFB from your normal GnuPGHome.
[INFO] fetching keys, this will take a while...
[NOTICE] Import failed for: 40AD1FA6.
Some keys could not be imported - continue anyway? [y/N] y
[WARN] Assuming 40AD1FA6 is a fine keyid.
[INFO] Sign the following keys according to your policy, then exit gpg with 'save' after signing each key
gpg --local-user E358BEFB --homedir=/home/user/.caff/gnupghome --secret-keyring /home/user/.gnupg/secring.gpg --no-aut
o-check-trustdb --trust-model=always --edit 40AD1FA6 sign
gpg: 警告: homedir 「/home/user/.caff/gnupghome」の安全でない許可
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
本当に全ユーザーIDに署名しますか? (y/N) y

pub 4096R/40AD1FA6 作成: 2009-06-25 満了: 無期限 利用法: SC
  主鍵の指紋: 5E62 9EE5 2321 9735 7B84 CF43 3224 7FBB 40AD 1FA6

変更を保存しますか? (y/N) Y
[INFO] key 40AD1FA6 done.
Mail signature for Nobuhiro Iwamatsu to 'iwamatsu@debian.org'? [Y/n] Y

ディストリービューション lenny
$ cat /etc/debian_version

$ cat /home/faith/.caffrc
# .caffrc -- vim:ft=perl:
# This file is in perl(1) format - see caff(1) for details.

$CONFIG{'owner'} = 'Yoshida Shunsuke';
$CONFIG{'email'} = 'koedoyoshida@xxxxxxxxx';
#$CONFIG{'reply-to'} = 'foo@xxxxxxx';

# You can get your long keyid from
#   gpg --with-colons --list-key <yourkeyid|name|emailaddress..>
# If you have a v4 key, it will simply be the last 16 digits of
# your fingerprint.
# Example:
#   $CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{FEDCBA9876543210} ];
#  or, if you have more than one key:
#   $CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{0123456789ABCDEF 89ABCDEF76543210} ];
$CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{7258EBFBE358BEFB} ];

# Select this/these keys to sign with
#$CONFIG{'local-user'} = [ qw{7258EBFBE358BEFB} ];

# Additionally encrypt messages for these keyids
$CONFIG{'also-encrypt-to'} = [ qw{7258EBFBE358BEFB} ];

# Mail template to use for the encrypted part
$CONFIG{'mail-template'} = << 'EOM';

please find attached the user id{(scalar @uids >= 2 ? 's' : '')}
{foreach $uid (@uids) {
    $OUT .= "\t".$uid."\n";
};}of your key {$key} signed by me.
#If you have multiple user ids, I sent the signature for each user id
#separately to that user id's associated email address. You can import
#the signatures by running each through `gpg --import`.
#Note that I did not upload your key to any keyservers. If you want this
#new signature to be available to others, please upload it yourself.
#With GnuPG this can be done using
#       gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --send-key {$key}
#If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

$ cat ~/.caff/gnupghome/gpg.conf
cert-digest-algo SHA512
personal-digest-preferences SHA512
