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[debian-users:54039] Re: 突然メニューに現れる0desktopについて


On Thu, 1 Apr 2010 10:09:53 +0900
Lzy_Alkw <gaikotu2828@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> インストールした覚えが無いのに何故かメニューに現れる謎のプログラム
> 「0desktop」について知っている人は居ますか?

$ apt-file search 0desktop
desktop-profiles: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/20desktop-profiles_activateDesktopProfiles
zeroinstall-injector: /usr/bin/0desktop
zeroinstall-injector: /usr/share/man/man1/0desktop.1.gz
$ aptitude show zeroinstall-injector
パッケージ: zeroinstall-injector
新規: yes
状態: インストールされていません
バージョン: 0.45-1
優先度: 特別
セクション: admin
メンテナ: Thomas Leonard <talex5@xxxxxxxxx>
展開サイズ: 954k
依存: python (>= 2.5), python-central (>= 0.6.11), gnupg, python-gtk2 (>= 2.12), bzip2, binutils, adduser, xdg-utils
推奨: unzip, rpm, lzma
提案: cabextract
説明: run programs by URL
 The Zero Install Injector makes it easy for users to install software without needing root privileges. It takes the URL
 of a program and runs it (downloading it first if necessary). Any dependencies of the program are fetched in the same
 way. The user controls which version of the program and its dependencies to use.

 Zero Install is a decentralised installation system (there is no central repository; all packages are identified by
 URLs), loosly-coupled (if different programs require different versions of a library then both versions are installed
 in parallel, without conflicts), and has an emphasis on security (all package descriptions are GPG-signed, and contain
 cryptographic hashes of the contents of each version). Each version of each program is stored in its own sub-directory
 within the Zero Install cache (nothing is installed to directories outside of the cache, such as /usr/bin) and no code
 from the package is run during install or uninstall. The system can automatically check for updates when software is
ホームページ: http://0install.net/

タグ: admin::package-management, implemented-in::python, role::program
$apt-cache rdepends zeroinstall-injector
Reverse Depends:

■Zero Install:ネイティブのパッケージ管理システムに対する説得力のある批評
「Zero Installは、ROX Desktopプロジェクトのいわば副産物である。Leonard氏に
よると、ROX Desktopはディストリビューションごとにパッケージを用意するこ
