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[debian-users:57427] Re: RictyDiminished (Re: FYI: 瀬戸フォント(fonts-seto)をDebianに入れました


On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 02:27:33AM +0900, Kazuo Oishi wrote:
> 大石といいます。
> > - Adjust the width of full-width and normal-width character glyphs to
> >   2:1 ratio exactly full and half.


 - Adjust the width of full-width and normal-width character glyphs to
   exactly 2:1 ratio.


> > - Design the comma, period, colon, semicolon and bracket character glyphs
> >   to differentiate each other clearly to prevent confusion.
> 2つ目の文は、たとえばコンマとピリオドが区別できる、ということではなく、
> 半角のコンマと全角のコンマがはっきり区別可能なデザインになっている、とい
> う意味かと思います。
> (元の文)
> >> - Adjust full-width and normal-width character glyph as exactly full and half
> >>   (2:1) and design comma, period, colon, semicolon and bracket character glyphs
> >>   as clearly differ one to prevent confusion.
> ですから文を分ける場合には全角・半角についての補足も必要になりそうです。

comma, period, colon。。。間を区別する話でなくこれらの全角と半角の区別ですか。

 - Design the comma, period, colon, semicolon and bracket character glyphs
   to differentiate the full-width and normal-width ones clearly.


