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[PATCH] releases/woody/index.wml
releases/woody/index.wml が 1.16→1.17
Index: index.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/japanese/releases/woody/index.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 index.wml
--- index.wml 2002/02/19 15:00:18 1.7
+++ index.wml 2002/03/08 12:49:36
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#use wml::debian::template title="Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 ``woody'' リリース情報" BARETITLE="true"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.16"
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.17"
<h2>Woody がやってきます</h2>
@@ -27,6 +27,30 @@
要するに「Debian はリリースされるときにリリースされる」のです。</p>
+#E <p>People often ask if there is a single release "progress meter".
+#E Unfortunately there isn't one, but we can refer you to several places
+#E that describe things needed to be done for the release to happen:</p>
+#E <li><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/">Release-critical bugs</a></li>
+#E <li><a href="http://base.debian.net/">Base system bugs</a></li>
+#E <li><a href="http://standard.debian.net/">Bugs in standard and task packages</a></li>
+#E <li><a href="http://bugs.debian.net/">Other bugs and bug squashing party notes</a></li>
+ <li><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/">Release-critical バグ</a></li>
+ <li><a href="http://base.debian.net/">base システムのバグ</a></li>
+ <li><a href="http://standard.debian.net/">standard/task パッケージのバグ</a></li>
+ <li><a href="http://bugs.debian.net/">その他のバグと、bug 殲滅パーティーの情報</a></li>
+#E <p>In addition, general status reports are posted by the release manager
+#E to the <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/">\
+#E debian-devel-announce mailing list</a>.</p>
+<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/">\
+debian-devel-announce メーリングリスト</a>にポストされています。</p>
<p>woody における主要な更新点としては、
GlibC 2.2、GCC 3.0、XFree86 4.0、