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DPN-2008-01 [1, 5-7]


いまいさんを嶄伉に兵められましたDWN 個め DPN 鍬Uにつきまして毅輝w侭のテキスト何蛍につきまして、鍬Uを佩いましたので、釦iをおいいたします。

また、參和の仝wml ファイルのU々につきましてよく尖盾できていませんので、eメ`ルでかまいませんので、秤鵑鬚い燭世韻譴佩劼い任坑┌爾い泙い気鵤。

仝wml ファイル々につきましては、峻の竃圭をみまして、瘁ほど鬉い燭靴泙后まず、テキストのみのチェックについておいいたします。

>ところで、wml ファイルのUはみなさん寄嬋健でしょうか尋塹造離`ワ`ド
Google の Summer of Code に壅び歌紗する Debian
Erich Schubert は、Debian
が、歪のあいだ僥伏がフリ`ソフトウェアプロジェクトのために嗤の碧並をすることができるGoogle の Summer of Code


Debian to participate again in Google's Summer of Code
Erich Schubert reports, that Debian will again participate in Google's
Summer of Code campaign allowing students to do paid work for free
software projects during the summer.

Debian got 13 slots granted, and he's sure that with the very good
applications Debian has received, Debian will be able to fill these
slots easily with very good applications working on a variety of
Debian Project の徭嵶と芙氏議Mについての親僥議冩梢。

2繁のアカデミックなマネ`ジメント冩梢宀Siobh│n O'Mahony と Fabrizio
Ferraroは、マネ`ジメントの婢李からDebian Project の徭嵶と芙氏議Mについてな親僥議冩梢を佩いました。

Scientific study about Debian Project governance and social organization
How did a big non-commercial, non-paying community evolve into one
that produces some of the most respectable Operating Systems and
applications packages available?

Two academic management researchers, Siobh│n O'Mahony and Fabrizio
Ferraro, performed a detailed scientific study about Debian Project
governance and social organization from the management perspective.
Institute for Advanced Professional Studies のYankee

Debian makes progress regarding reliability
According to a recently published study by the Institute for Advanced
Professional Studies Yankee group Debian made great improvements
regarding reliability compared to the last study from 2006. The
average downtime of a Debian server has fallen by 41% while 24% of the
respondents reported to have at least one Debian server in their
network compared to 15% who had it installed in the 2006 timeframe.

Kazuo Ishii Ph.D., Tokyo Univ. of Science