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[debian-users:45625] CUPSで印刷することができません。


しかしhttp://www.avasys.jp/linux/DL1_laser.htmlからFedora版のLP-2500用のドライバを落として 使用しているので(debianのドライバがなかった為)それが原因であろうと思っています。 そこで何か他にネットワークプリンタに印刷する方法はありませんでしょうか。 sambaを使用してwindowsから印刷というのも行ったのですが、下記エラーログのようになってしまいます。 申し訳ありませんが、何か印刷する方法を教えて頂けませんでしょうか。★環境 Debian GNU/Linux 3.1(sarge) Kernel 2.6  Printer system CUPS  使用プリンタ(ネットワークプリンタとして使用) EPSON LP-2500(モノクロレーザープリンタ)  gs ESP Ghostscript 7.07 (2003-07-12)★ログD [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST /admin/ HTTP/1.1I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Setting LP2500 device-uri to"smb://kohara/LP2500" (was "smb://kohara/LP2500".)I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Saving printers.conf...I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Printer 'LP2500' modified by 'root'.D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST /admin/ HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] add_printer: Copied PPD file successfully!I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Saving printers.conf...I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Printer 'LP2500' modified by 'root'.D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST /admin/ HTTP/1.1I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Setting LP2500 printer-is-accepting-jobs to 1(was 1.)I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Setting LP2500 printer-state to 3 (was 3.)I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Saving printers.conf...I [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] Printer 'LP2500' modified by 'root'.D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] CloseClient: 8D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] CloseClient: 8D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] CloseClient: 8D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:55 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] CloseClient: 8D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:52:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] CloseClient: 8D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:00 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] CloseClient: 8D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:02 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:02 +0900] ReadClient: 8 GET/printers/LP2500?op=print-test-page HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:02 +0900] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgistarted - PID = 12328I [16/Jan/2006:19:53:02 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi"(pid=12328)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:02 +0900] SendCommand: 8 file=10D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] AcceptClient: 9 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST /printers/LP2500 HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] print_job: request file type isapplication/postscript.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] check_quotas: requesting-user-name = 'root'D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] print_job: requesting-user-name = 'root'D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] Adding default job-sheets values"none,none"...I [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] Adding start banner page "none" to job 93.I [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] Adding end banner page "none" to job 93.I [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] Job 93 queued on 'LP2500' by 'root'.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] Job 93 hold_until = 0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob(93, 0x80adef8)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob() id = 93, file = 0/1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] job-sheets=none,noneD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] banner_page = 0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: argv = "LP2500","93","root","TestPage","1","","/var/spool/cups/d00093-001"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob:envp[0]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=utf-8"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=ja"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[5]="TZ=Asia/Tokyo"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob:envp[6]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/LP2500.ppd"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[7]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[8]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob:envp[9]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob:envp[10]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob:envp[11]="DEVICE_URI=smb://kohara/LP2500"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[12]="PRINTER=LP2500"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob:envp[13]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob:envp[14]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=localhost"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: statusfds = [ 11 12 ]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 13 -1 ]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: filter ="/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 14 15 ]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops",0xbffeff70, 0xbffef2e0, 13, 15, 12)I [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops(PID 12329) for job 93.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: filter ="/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 13 16 ]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900]start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip", 0xbffeff70, 0xbffef2e0,14, 16, 12)I [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] Started filter/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 12330) for job 93.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: backend ="/usr/lib/cups/backend/smb"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 14 ]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/smb",0xbffeff70, 0xbffef2e0, 13, 14, 12)I [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb(PID 12331) for job 93.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] Page = 595x842; 0,0 to 595,842D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0,sloworder=0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%Pages: 1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%LanguageLevel: 1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%DocumentData: Clean7BitD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%DocumentSuppliedResources:procset testprint/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%DocumentNeededResources: fontHelvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-RomanD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%Creator: Michael Sweet, EasySoftware ProductsD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%CreationDate: May 11, 1999D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%Title: Test PageD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%EndCommentsD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%BeginPrologD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%BeginResource procset testprint1.1 0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%EndResourceD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%EndPrologD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%Page: 1 1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%Page: 1 1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] pw = 595.0, pl = 842.0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] PageLeft = 0.0, PageRight = 595.0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] PageTop = 842.0, PageBottom = 0.0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength =842.0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] perl: warning: Setting localefailed.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] perl: warning: Please check thatyour locale settings:D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] LANGUAGE = (unset),D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] LC_ALL = (unset),D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] LANG = "ja"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] are supported and installed on yoursystem.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] [Job 93] perl: warning: Falling back to thestandard locale ("C").D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:03 +0900] CloseClient: 9D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] foomatic-rip version $Revision: $ running...D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Parsing PPD file ...D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] *cupsFilter:"application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option ColorSpaceD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option PageSizeD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option PageRegionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option ImageableAreaD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option PaperDimensionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option InputSlotD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option ManualD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option FaceUpD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option MediaTypeD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option DuplexD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option ResolutionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option TonerSavingD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option ModelD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option CollateD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option CopiesD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option LandscapeD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option RITOffD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Added option FontD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Parameter SummaryD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] -----------------D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Spooler: cupsD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Printer: LP2500D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/LP2500.ppdD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Printer model: Epson LP-2500Foomatic/eplaser-jp (recommended)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Job title: Test PageD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] File(s) to be printed:D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] <STDIN>D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]================================================D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] File: <STDIN>D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]================================================D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Reading PostScript input ...D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] --> This document is DSC-conforming!D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] -----------D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginPrologD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%EndPrologD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] -----------D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginSetupD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Copies 1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Copies=1 --> Setting optionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting:Copies=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Copies=1 --> Setting optionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PageRegionA4D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: PageRegion=A4 --> Optionwill be set by PostScript interpreterD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *InputSlotAutoD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: InputSlot=Auto --> SettingoptionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting:InputSlot=AutoD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: InputSlot=Auto --> SettingoptionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Resolution600x600dpiD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Resolution=600x600dpi -->Setting optionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting:Resolution=600x600dpiD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Resolution=600x600dpi -->Setting optionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Duplex NoneD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Duplex=None --> SettingoptionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting:Duplex=NoneD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Duplex=None --> SettingoptionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *MediaTypePlainD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: MediaType=Plain --> SettingoptionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting:MediaType=PlainD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: MediaType=Plain --> SettingoptionD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *LandscapeFalseD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Landscape=False -->Correcting numerical/string option to Landscape=0 (Command line argument)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *CollateFalseD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Collate=False --> Correctingnumerical/string option to Collate=0 (Command line argument)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *FaceUp FalseD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: FaceUp=False --> Correctingnumerical/string option to FaceUp=0 (Command line argument)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *RITOff FalseD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: RITOff=False --> Correctingnumerical/string option to RITOff=0 (Command line argument)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Manual FalseD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: Manual=False --> Correctingnumerical/string option to Manual=0 (Command line argument)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%BeginFeature: *TonerSavingFalseD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Option: TonerSaving=False -->Correcting numerical/string option to TonerSaving=0 (Command line argument)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found: %%EndSetupD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Inserting PostScript code for CUPS'page accountingD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] -----------D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] New page:  1 1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Inserting option code into"PageSetup" section.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] No page header or page header notDSC-conformingD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] 0 %%EOFD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Saw EOF!D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Stopping search for page headeroptionsD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Found:D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] pageHeight sub   % Move down...D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] --> Output goes directly to therenderer now.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Starting rendererD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] JCL: <job data>D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] renderer PID kid4=12333D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] renderer command:gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE  -dCasset=0 -r600x600 -sDEVICE=lp2500 -dNumCopies=1   -sOutputFile=- -D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] perl: warning: Setting localefailed.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] perl: warning: Please check thatyour locale settings:D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] LANGUAGE = (unset),D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] LC_ALL = (unset),D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] LANG = "ja"D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] are supported and installed on yoursystem.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] perl: warning: Falling back to thestandard locale ("C").D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] foomatic-gswrapper: gs '-dBATCH''-dPARANOIDSAFER' '-dNOPAUSE' '-dCasset=0' '-r600x600' '-sDEVICE=lp2500''-dNumCopies=1' '-sOutputFile=/dev/fd/3' '/dev/fd/0' 3>&1 1>&2D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] ESP Ghostscript 7.07 (2003-07-12)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Copyright 2003 artofcode LLC andEasy Software Products, all rights reserved.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] This software comes with NOWARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Unknown device: lp2500D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] renderer return value: 1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] renderer received signal: 1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93]D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Closing rendererD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] KID3 exited with status 3D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Renderer exit stat: 3D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Process dying with "Possible erroron renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.", exit stat: 3D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] error: Illegal seek (29)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Possible error on renderer commandline or PostScript error. Check options.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] tail process done writing data toSTDOUTD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] KID4 finishedD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Renderer process finishedD [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Killing process 12332 (KID3)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Process dying with "Error closingrenderer", exit stat: 3D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] error: Bad file descriptor (9)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] [Job 93] Error closing rendererE [16/Jan/2006:19:53:04 +0900] PID 12330 stopped with status 3!D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] UpdateJob: job 93, file 0 is complete.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] CancelJob: id = 93D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] StopJob: id = 93, force = 0D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] StopJob: printer state is 3D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] AcceptClient: 9 from localhost:631.D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] ReadClient: 8 GET /admin HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi started -PID = 12336I [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi"(pid=12336)D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] SendCommand: 8 file=11D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:53:05 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:58:05 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1D [16/Jan/2006:19:58:05 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1D [16/Jan/2006:19:58:05 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1