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[debian-devel:00457] Re: install.ja.html
yochi> kamop> 鴨志田です.
yochi> kamop>
yochi> kamop> install.html の翻訳ですが,以下の URL に置いておきますので,見ていただ
yochi> kamop> けないでしょうか?
yochi> kamop>
yochi> kamop> http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~kamop/Debian/install.ja.html
つい先日 Debian-1.2.4 がリリースされました。
その際、新しい disks のセットもリリースされ、
install.{html|txt} が、アップデートされたようです。
<H2>Last Update</H2>
<P>The last update of this document was made on January 15 at 00:10.
HTML のファイルの差分をとってみましたが、結構変わって(文章が追加されて)
---差分です。(diff -c)
*** install.html Sat Dec 7 13:52:00 1996
--- /debian/Debian/rex/disks-i386/1997-01-18/install.html Sun Jan 19 14:28:31 1997
*** 71,77 ****
<P>You must have a 1.2MB or 1.44MB floppy disk drive as the <B>a:</B> drive
in the system upon which you will install Linux. If you have both a 1.2MB
! and a 1.44MB drive, you should configure the hardware so that the
1.44MB drive is <B>a:</B>, if this is not too difficult.</P>
--- 71,77 ----
<P>You must have a 1.2MB or 1.44MB floppy disk drive as the <B>a:</B> drive
in the system upon which you will install Linux. If you have both a 1.2MB
! and a 1.44MB drive, you could configure the hardware so that the
1.44MB drive is <B>a:</B>, if this is not too difficult.</P>
*** 197,203 ****
package and build a custom-configured version of the operating system kernel
to enable APM and other features. </P>
! <H3>Other BIOS Settings to Watch Out For</H3>
<P>If your BIOS offers something like "15-16 MB Memory Hole",
please disable that. Linux expects to find memory there if you have that
--- 197,278 ----
package and build a custom-configured version of the operating system kernel
to enable APM and other features. </P>
! <h3>The Turbo Switch</h3>
! <p>
! Many systems have a <i>turbo</i> switch that controls the speed of the CPU.
! Select the high-speed setting. If your BIOS allows you to disable software
! control of the turbo switch (or software control of CPU speed), do so and
! lock the system in high-speed mode. We have one report that on a particular
! system, while Linux is
! auto-probing (looking for hardware devices) it can accidentaly touch the
! software control for the turbo switch.
! <h3>Over-Clocking your CPU</h3>
! <p>
! Many people have tried operating their 90 MHz CPU at 100 MHz, etc.
! It sometimes works, but is sensitive to temperature and other factors and
! can actually damage your system. The author of this document overclocked
! his own system for a year, and then the system started aborting the
! <i>gcc</i> program with an unexpected signal while it was compiling the
! operating system kernel. Turning the CPU speed back down to its rated value
! solved the problem.
! <h3>Bad RAM</h3>
! <p>
! The <i>gcc</i> compiler is often the first thing to die from
! bad RAM (or other hardware problems that change data unpredictably)
! because it builds huge data structures that it traverses repeatedly.
! An error in these data structures will cause it to execute an illegal
! instruction or access a non-existant address. The symptom of this will be
! gcc dying from an unexpected signal.
! <p>
! The very best motherboards support parity RAM and will actually tell you if
! your system has a single-bit error in RAM. Unfortunately, they don't have a way
! to fix the error, thus they generally crash immediately after they tell you
! about the bad RAM. Still, it's better to be told you have bad memory than to
! have it silently insert errors in your data. Thus, the best systems have
! motherboards that support parity and true-parity SIMMs.
! <h3>Fake or ("virtual") Parity RAM</h3>
! If you ask for Parity RAM in a computer store, you'll probably get <i>virtual
! parity</i> SIMMs instead of <i>true parity</i> ones. Virtual parity SIMMs can
! often (but not always) be distinguished because they only have one more chip
! than an equivalent non-parity SIMM, and that one extra chip is smaller than
! all the others. Virtual-parity SIMMs work exactly like non-parity memory.
! They can't tell you when you have a single-bit RAM error the way true-parity
! SIMMs do in a motherboard that implements parity. Don't ever pay more for
! a virtual-parity SIMM than a non-parity one. Do expect to pay a little more
! for true-parity SIMMs, because you are actually buying one extra bit of
! memory for every 8 bits.
! <p>
! If you do have true-parity RAM and your motherboard can handle it, be sure
! to enable any BIOS settings that cause the motherboard to interrupt on
! memory parity errors.
! <h3>Cyrix CPUs and Floppy Disk Errors</h3>
! Many users of Cyrix CPUs have had to disable the cache in their systems
! during installation, because the floppy disk has errors if they do not.
! If you have to do this, be sure to re-enable your cache when you are finished
! with installation, as the system runs <i>much</i> slower with the cache
! disabled.
! <p>
! We don't think this is necessarily the fault of the Cyrix CPU. It may be
! something that Linux can work around. We'll continue to look into the problem.
! For the technically curious, we suspect a problem with the cache being invalid
! after a switch from 16-bit to 32-bit code.
! <h3>Multiple Processors</h3>
! We have several reports that Debian runs well (and <i>very</i> fast)
! on systems with two Pentium
! Pro processors on the same motherboard. To take advantage of multiple
! processors, you'll have to install the <i>kernel-source</i> package
! and then re-compile the kernel with symmetric multiprocessing support
! enabled. At this time (kernel version 2.0.27) the way you enable that
! is to edit the top-level Makefile for the kernel and un-comment the line
! that says "SMP = 1". If you compile software on a multiprocessor system,
! look for the "-j" flag in the documentation on "make".
! <H3>BIOS Settings to Watch Out For</H3>
<P>If your BIOS offers something like "15-16 MB Memory Hole",
please disable that. Linux expects to find memory there if you have that
*** 222,228 ****
<P>A disturbing trend is the proliferation of <I>Windows</I> modems and
printers. In some cases these are specially designed to be operated by
! the Microsoft Windows operating system and bear the legend <I>Made expecially
for Windows-based computers</I>. This is generally done by removing the
embedded processors of the hardware and shifting the work they do over
to a Windows driver that is run by your computer's main CPU. This strategy
--- 297,304 ----
<P>A disturbing trend is the proliferation of <I>Windows</I> modems and
printers. In some cases these are specially designed to be operated by
! the Microsoft Windows operating system and bear the legend <i>WinModem</i>
! or <I>Made expecially
for Windows-based computers</I>. This is generally done by removing the
embedded processors of the hardware and shifting the work they do over
to a Windows driver that is run by your computer's main CPU. This strategy
*** 230,236 ****
passed on to the user and this hardware may even be more expensive than
equivalent devices that retain their embedded intellegence.</P>
! <P>You should avoid windows-specific hardware for two reasons. The first
is that the manufacturers do not generally make the resources available
to write a Linux driver. Generally, the hardware and software interface
to the device is proprietary, and documentation is not available without
--- 306,312 ----
passed on to the user and this hardware may even be more expensive than
equivalent devices that retain their embedded intellegence.</P>
! <P>You should avoid Windows-specific hardware for two reasons. The first
is that the manufacturers do not generally make the resources available
to write a Linux driver. Generally, the hardware and software interface
to the device is proprietary, and documentation is not available without
*** 270,285 ****
<H2>Writing the Floppy Disk Image Files to Floppy Disk</H2>
<P>If your <B>a:</B> drive of the system upon which you will install Linux
! uses 1.44MB floppy disks, you will need these files: <A HREF="resq1440.bin">resq1440.bin</A>,
<A HREF="drv1440.bin">drv1440.bin</A> , <A HREF="base14-1.bin">base14-1.bin</A>,
<A HREF="base14-2.bin">base14-2.bin</A>, <A HREF="base14-3.bin">base14-3.bin</A>,
! and <A HREF="base14-4.bin">base14-4.bin</A>. If your a: drive uses 1.2MB
! floppies, you'll need <A HREF="resq1200.bin">resq1200.bin</A>, <A HREF="drv1200.bin">drv1200.bin</A>,
<A HREF="base12-1.bin">base12-1.bin</A>, <A HREF="base12-2.bin">base12-2.bin</A>,
<A HREF="base12-3.bin">base12-3.bin</A>, and <A HREF="base12-4.bin">base12-4.bin</A>.
If you are using a web browser on a networked computer to read this document,
you can probably retrieve the files by clicking on their names in your
! web browser. Otherwise, you can retrieve them from ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/rex/disks-i386/current,
or a similar directory in any of the Debian FTP mirror sites. All of these
are <I>floppy disk image files</I>, which means that each file contains
the complete contents of a floppy disk in <I>raw</I> form. A special program
--- 346,363 ----
<H2>Writing the Floppy Disk Image Files to Floppy Disk</H2>
<P>If your <B>a:</B> drive of the system upon which you will install Linux
! uses 1.44MB floppy disks, you will need these files: <A HREF="rsc1440.bin">rsc1440.bin</A>,
<A HREF="drv1440.bin">drv1440.bin</A> , <A HREF="base14-1.bin">base14-1.bin</A>,
<A HREF="base14-2.bin">base14-2.bin</A>, <A HREF="base14-3.bin">base14-3.bin</A>,
! and <A HREF="base14-4.bin">base14-4.bin</A>. If you have less than 5MB RAM, you need <A HREF="rsc1440r.bin">rsc1440r.bin</A> instead of rsc1440.bin, and in addition you need <A HREF="root.bin">root.bin</A>.
! If your a: drive uses 1.2MB
! floppies, you'll need <A HREF="rsc1200r.bin">rsc1200r.bin</A>,
! <A HREF="root.bin">root.bin</A>, <A HREF="drv1200.bin">drv1200.bin</A>,
<A HREF="base12-1.bin">base12-1.bin</A>, <A HREF="base12-2.bin">base12-2.bin</A>,
<A HREF="base12-3.bin">base12-3.bin</A>, and <A HREF="base12-4.bin">base12-4.bin</A>.
If you are using a web browser on a networked computer to read this document,
you can probably retrieve the files by clicking on their names in your
! web browser. Otherwise, you can retrieve them from ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/rex/disks-i386/current/,
or a similar directory in any of the Debian FTP mirror sites. All of these
are <I>floppy disk image files</I>, which means that each file contains
the complete contents of a floppy disk in <I>raw</I> form. A special program
*** 291,309 ****
<P>Here is the filename-to-disk-label correspondence: </P>
! <P>resq1440.bin or resq1200.bin: "Rescue Floppy" <BR>
drv1440.bin or drv1200.bin: "Device Drivers Floppy" <BR>
base14-1.bin or base12-1.bin: "Base 1" <BR>
and so on for "Base 2", "Base 3", and "Base 4".
<P>No file is written to the Custom Boot floppy, that will be written by
the Debian system while it is being installed. </P>
<H3>Writing from a DOS, Windows, or OS-2 System</H3>
! <P>You'll find the <A HREF="ftp://ftp.i-connect.net/debian/tools/rawrite2.exe">rawrite2.exe</A>
! program in the <B>/debian/tools</B> directory. There's also a <A HREF="ftp://ftp.i-connect.net/debian/tools/rawrite2.txt">rawrite2.txt</A>
file containing instructions for rawrite2.exe . </P>
<P>To write the floppy disk image files to the floppy disks, use the command
--- 369,396 ----
<P>Here is the filename-to-disk-label correspondence: </P>
! <P>rsc1440.bin or rsc1440r.bin or rsc1200r.bin: "Rescue Floppy" <BR>
drv1440.bin or drv1200.bin: "Device Drivers Floppy" <BR>
base14-1.bin or base12-1.bin: "Base 1" <BR>
and so on for "Base 2", "Base 3", and "Base 4".
+ <p>
+ If you have either a 1.2MB floppy drive as first floppy drive or
+ have less than 5MB RAM, you need an additional floppy, the "Root
+ Floppy " (root.bin). Create this disk as well and mark it as
+ "Root". In this case you have to use the rsc1440r.bin or
+ rsc1200r.bin "Rescue Floppy"
<P>No file is written to the Custom Boot floppy, that will be written by
the Debian system while it is being installed. </P>
<H3>Writing from a DOS, Windows, or OS-2 System</H3>
! <P>You'll find the <A HREF="ftp:rawrite2.exe">rawrite2.exe</A>
! program in the same directory as the floppy disk images.
! There's also a <A HREF="ftp:rawrite2.txt">rawrite2.txt</A>
file containing instructions for rawrite2.exe . </P>
<P>To write the floppy disk image files to the floppy disks, use the command
*** 362,373 ****
<P>One user reports he had to write <I>three</I> boot floppies before one
worked, and then everything was fine with the third floppy.</P>
- <P>We also have several users who report floppy disk reliability problems
- that seem to be linked to Cyrix CPUs. We don't fully understand the problem.
- It doesn't happen to <I>every</I> Cyrix system. We doubt it's a fault in
- the Cyrix CPU - a problem with the BIOS or the Linux kernel is more
- likely. If you think it's happening to you, tell us.</P>
<H3>The Rescue Floppy</H3>
<P>Place the Rescue floppy in the <B>a:</B> floppy drive, and reset the
--- 449,454 ----
*** 410,415 ****
--- 491,502 ----
once you've installed your system without all of the drivers for non-existant
+ <p>
+ If your Rescue floppy was written from the rsc1440r.bin or
+ rsc1200r.bin file, you will be prompted to insert the Root
+ floppy. Insert the Root Floppy into the first disk drive and press
+ Enter.
<H3>Low-Memory Systems</H3>
<P>If you system has 4MB RAM, you may now see a paragraph about low memory
*** 512,518 ****
<P>The <I>Partition a Hard Disk</I> menu item presents you with a list
of disk drives you can partition, and runs the <I>cfdisk</I> program, which
! allows you to create and edit disk partitions. The <A HREF="ftp://ftp.i-connect.net/debian/unstable/disks-i386/current/cfdisk.txt">cfdisk</A>
manual page is included with this document, and you should read it now.
You must create one "Linux" (type 83) disk partition, and one
"Linux Swap" (type 82) partition. </P>
--- 599,606 ----
<P>The <I>Partition a Hard Disk</I> menu item presents you with a list
of disk drives you can partition, and runs the <I>cfdisk</I> program, which
! allows you to create and edit disk partitions. The <A HREF="ftp:cfdisk.txt">
! cfdisk</A>
manual page is included with this document, and you should read it now.
You must create one "Linux" (type 83) disk partition, and one
"Linux Swap" (type 82) partition. </P>
*** 776,784 ****
Log in using the personal login and password you selected. Your system
is now ready to use. </P>
<H2>Last Update</H2>
! <P>The last update of this document was made on Friday, December 6 at 23:10.
<H2>Copyright of This Document</H2>
--- 864,905 ----
Log in using the personal login and password you selected. Your system
is now ready to use. </P>
+ <h2>Technical Information on the Boot Floppies</h2>
+ <h3>Source Code</h3>
+ The "boot-floppies" package contains all of the source code for the
+ installaton floppies.
+ <h3>The Rescue Floppy</h3>
+ The Rescue Floppy is an MS-DOS filesystem, and you should be able to access
+ it from a DOS or Windows system or anything else that can mount DOS disks.
+ The Linux kernel is in the file "linux".
+ The file root.bin is a gzip-compressed disk image of a 1.44 MB Minix
+ filesystem, and will be loaded into the RAM disk and used as the root
+ filesystem.
+ <h3>Replacing the Kernel</h3>
+ If you find it necessary to replace the kernel on the Rescue Floppy,
+ you must configure your new kernel with these features linked in, not in
+ loadable modules:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Initial RAM disk.
+ <li>MSDOS, Minix, and EXT2 filesystems.
+ <li>ELF executables.
+ </ul>
+ Copy your new kernel to the file "linux" on the Rescue Floppy, and then
+ run the shell script "rdev.sh" that you'll find on the floppy.
+ <h3>The Base Floppies</h3>
+ The base floppies contain a 512-byte header followed by a portion of a
+ gzip-compressed "tar" archive. If you strip off the headers and
+ then concatenate the contents of the base floppies, the result should be the
+ compressed tar archive. The archive contains the base system that will be
+ installed on your hard disk. Once this archive is installed, you must go
+ through the <i>Configure the Base System</i> menu item in the installation
+ system and other menu items
+ to configure the network and install the operating system kernel and modules
+ before the system will be usable.
<H2>Last Update</H2>
! <P>The last update of this document was made on January 15 at 00:10.
<H2>Copyright of This Document</H2>
*** 790,797 ****
<P>Trademarks that are not explicitly acknowledged here are the property
of their respective holders. 386, 386sx, 486, Pentium, and Pentium Pro
! are the property of Intel. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft. ThinkPad
! and PS/2 are the property of IBM.</P>
--- 911,918 ----
<P>Trademarks that are not explicitly acknowledged here are the property
of their respective holders. 386, 386sx, 486, Pentium, and Pentium Pro
! are the property of Intel. Windows and WinModem are a trademark of Microsoft.
! ThinkPad and PS/2 are the property of IBM.</P>
Yoshiaki Yanagihara E-mail: yochi@xxxxxxxxxxx
Debian JP Project
[Japanese] http://www.linux.or.jp/~yochi/debian-jp.html
[English ] http://www.linux.or.jp/~yochi/debian-jp-e.html