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[debian-devel:02524] Re: ash-0.3 compile


I received from kikutani@xxxxxxxxxxxx on 01 05 , 1998. 

+ きくたにです。
+ ちょっと必要にかられて、最新のashのmakeをlibc5でしたいのですが、hammの
+ ash_0.3.1.orig.tar.gz
+ ash_0.3.1-20.diff.gz
+ (ftp://master.debian.or.jp/pub/debian/hamm/hamm/source/shells に)
+ はhamm環境でもmakeできないのです。どなたかできる方はいらっしゃいますか?


+ そもそもなんでpmakeなんて使うんだろう? FreeBSDの標準なのかな。

  ドキュメントには,NetBSD シェルと書かれていますね.

ash - NetBSD /bin/sh
Don't install this program, you already have "bash", which is a better
shell than "ash".
The primary virtue of "ash" is that it's small, and we take advantage of
that by making it the shell on the installation root floppy, where space is
at a premium. "Bash", however, has some nice features absent from "ash",
and "bash" is a required part of the system, so there isn't much reason to
use "ash".

# インストールするなって書いてある…


   Name: 吉山あきら  Akira Yoshiyama
   E-mail: yosshy@debian.or.jp
   URL: http://jedi.seg.kobe-u.ac.jp/~yosshy/linux.html