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[debian-devel:07287] Re: Static or dynamic link.

>   ところで、これから作成するlibchasen-devというパッケージは、以前のバー
> ジョンではchasen-devという名称だったのですが、このようにパッケージの名
> 称が変わる場合にはcontrolにReplace: chasen-devとすればよいのでしょうか。

See the Debian Packaging Manual.

| 6.3. Replacing or renaming packages 
| ------------------------------------
|      Sometimes you made a mistake naming the package and you need to rename
|      it. In this case, you need to follow a two-step process. First, set
|      your `debian/control' file to replace and conflict with the obsolete
|      name of the package (see the Debian Packaging Manual
|      (http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/packaging.html/) for
|      details). Once you've uploaded that package, and the package has moved
|      into the archive, file a bug against `ftp.debian.org' asking to remove
|      the package with the obsolete name. 

川村 尚生