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[debian-devel:07306] Re: Intent to package lyx-ja


From: Kikutani Makoto <kikutani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [debian-devel:07297] Re: Intent to package lyx-ja
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 00:09:46 +0900

> > TeX ベースの wysiwyg なワープロソフト lyx の日本語化
> > があるのを NetNews で知ったのでパッケージ化を考えて
> 欲しいです。このあいだ1.0を持ってきてmakeしたけど、
> ソースがでかいからたいへんだった。


> > lyx-0.12.0.jp-patch.tar.gz was downloaded from
> > <http://cgi.din.or.jp/~kawakami/LyX/index.html>
> いつのまにか、1.0用の日本語化キットが出ている...

うっ、ひょっとして lyx って活発に開発されてるのですか。
まだ本家の potato が 0.12.0.final なのがちょっと困る

> これ、本家ではxformsの関係でnon-freeだったような気もするけど
> 今ネットが遅くて確認できない。

はい、これは contrib になるようです。でも 1.0.0 の
copyright (下記参照)はひょっとして main への道?
While LyX has been released nominally under the GPL in the past, it 
has in fact never been truly GPL.  Particularly, it has always been 
linked to a closed source library.  While some have taken a view that 
such actions violate the GPL, this is a legal impossibility.  The law 
is quite clear that the release of the software by the original authors 
and copyright holders changed the licenses. 
Rather than leaving the issue to be debated, the following 
clarifications are given.  This is *not* a change of license, but a 
clarification of the license that LyX has always used.  All patches 
submitted to LyX fall under this same license.

1) LyX is quasi-GPL software.  The terms of the GPL apply save where 
they conflict with this statement.
2) There is no limitation on the license or nature of any software, 
source, binary, library, or other, that may be linked to LyX, or to 
which LyX may be linked.  Particularly, the second full paragraph of
section 2, from 'These requirements apply to the modified work' 
through 'who wrote it.' is rejected in its entirety. 

3) There is no limitation on combining LyX source code with code 
subject to any other license, provided that the LyX source remains 
under this same license.  Particularly,  Section 3 of the GPL is 
rejected in its entirety. To redistribute a modified version of LyX, 
the entire source code of the modified LyX must be made available under
the terms of this license or such other licenses as apply to portions 
of the original or modified code.
4) Any other clause or interpretation of the GPL limiting the 
combination of other software of any type and LyX is rejected in its 
entirety, provided that the LyX code and modifications to the LyX 
source code remains under this same license, or such other licenses as
apply to portions of the original or modified code.
5)  Nothing in this statement purports to alter or interpret the 
license of any other software.  Any combination of other software with 
LyX must also meet the requirements of that software.

> > います。他に予定がある方が居れば遠慮したいと思います
> > ので一応お知らせです。


From: Masayuki Hatta <masayuki-h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [debian-devel:07298] Re: Intent to package lyx-ja
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 00:21:29 +0900

> 八田(ま)です。
> わーい、ワープロだ!GPL だ!
> これ、LaTeX で出力されるやつですよね。


 香田 温人(こうだ あつひと)