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[debian-devel:07985] New Debian JP Packages

These packages were installed into the Debian JP hierarchy in the

----- Low Urgency Packages --------------

acceleratedx - commercial x-server by Xi Graphics.
acceleratedx 3.1-4 -> 3.1-5 into dists/potato-jp/contrib/binary-i386/x11
 acceleratedx (3.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
 * Change Paths from usr/bin/X11 to usr/X11R6/bin.

debian-jp-keyring - PGP keys of Debian JP Developers
debian-jp-keyring 1999.03.10 -> 1999.03.14 into dists/potato-jp/contrib/binary-all/misc
debian-jp-keyring 1999.03.10 -> 1999.03.14 into dists/slink-jp/contrib/binary-all/misc
 debian-jp-keyring (1999.03.14) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 * Sun Mar 14 03:16:16 JST 1999: [PGP] New userid: "Shuichi OONO <jr5pdx@debian.or.jp>".
 * Sun Mar 14 03:15:12 JST 1999: [PGP] Remove the key
 - pub  1024/332A04D1 1997/06/01 JR5PDX <jr5pdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

libeb      - C Library for accessing CD-ROM books
ndtpd      - CD-ROM books server
libeb 2.2-1 -> 2.2.2-1 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/libs
libeb 2.2-1 -> 2.2.2-1 into dists/slink-jp/main/binary-i386/libs
ndtpd 2.2-1 -> 2.2.2-1 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/text
ndtpd 2.2-1 -> 2.2.2-1 into dists/slink-jp/main/binary-i386/text
 ndtpd (2.2.2-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

tk8.0-ja   - The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v8.0 - Run-Time Package.
tk8.0-ja-dev - The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v8.0 - Development Package.
tk8.0-ja 8.0.4jp1.3-2 -> 8.0.4jp1.3-4 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/libs
tk8.0-ja 8.0.4jp1.3-2 -> 8.0.4jp1.3-4 into dists/slink-jp/main/binary-i386/libs
tk8.0-ja-dev 8.0.4jp1.3-2 -> 8.0.4jp1.3-4 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/devel
tk8.0-ja-dev 8.0.4jp1.3-2 -> 8.0.4jp1.3-4 into dists/slink-jp/main/binary-i386/devel
 tk8.0-ja (8.0.4jp1.3-4) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 * Removed `Depends: tk8.0-ja-dev` from tk8.0-ja-dev control.

xclipboard-ja - i18n xclipboard
xclipboard-ja 1.28-6 -> 1.28-7 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-sparc/x11
 xclipboard-ja (1.28-7) frozen-jp  unstable-jp; urgency=low
 * Fixed Bug#JP/811
 * divert /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XClipboard -> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XClipboard.nonja