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[debian-devel:09801] Debian Live CD
# FYI (for your information)
昨日の debian-boot ML に個人で作ってる Live CD の話題が出てました。
It should be able to be done on a 1.44 meg boot image, but a 2.88MB floppy
would be even better. My live cd (http://www.ocslink.com/~blunier/) boots
off a 1.44MB image, and runs a full distribution off a CD, without using
the hard drive. One of the reasons I made it was to use it as an install
disk (besides a cool demo CD). After booting the system, partition the
hard drive, make a file sytem, mount the file system, then copy the CD to
the mounted partition, run lilo, and reboot (removing the CD).
I haven't tried booting off a scsi disk as I don't have a scsi disk, but
ATAPI and SBPCD disks work fine.
上記の <http://www.ocslink.com/~blunier/> には
Linux - Live on CD. Hard disk not required.
The which contains files used to create a live CD.
The [source directory] contains the files needed to create a Debian
Linux system on a bootable CD. The system boots to a minix file system
on a ram disk. The ram disk has the required files to allow the system
to boot to a single user mode. After logging, mount the CD to /mnt,
and then run the script linkcd.sh. This links the rest of the files in
/bin, /sbin, /lib, and /etc from the root file system to the cd,
giving you a full system.
Since the system does not use the hard drive, the live CD should make
a good recovery disk, as it can contain all the system admin tools
that can be put on a 600 meg CD. It should also make a good platform
for demonstrating Linux, to someone that doesn't want to format their
hard drive, but wants to see what Linux can do. Since it uses a ram
disk for the root file system, and doesn't use any swap, the computer
needs a fair amount of ram.
To create the CD, install Linux on 2 partions. Use first partion to
run the scripts and write the CD. It should have enough room to hold
the image of the second partition. The second partion holds the Debian
system that will be copied to CD.
The scripts use a kernel that takes advantage of the initrd patch that
is used by the Linux Router Project The patch will take a tgz'd set of
files and untar them to a minix file system in ram on bootup. Along
with syslinux, this makes for a system that's easy to modify.
The system scripts make an "El Torito" bootable CD. The boot image is
made from a 1.44 meg floppy. I want to know how to create a bootable
2.88 meg floppy image, without have a 2.88 meg floppy disk/drive. This
would allow me add more things to the kernel than is currently
possible, as my floppy now only has about 2800 bytes free.
I put the files on the second partition under /root/livecd/, mount the
second partition on /mnt, then run the scripts .
と書かれています。なお、上記文中の [source directory] は
<http://www.ocslink.com/~blunier/livecd/> へのリンクです。
# ここのところ、NLUG (Nagoya Linux User Group) で「Debian は試してみたいけど、
# dselect の壁を乗り越える元気が無い」という意見がちょこちょこ出ていたので
# 「こんなのあるから誰か試しに作ってみない ?」という話を持ちかけているところ。
<xlj06203@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)