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[debian-devel:10977] New Debian JP Packages
These packages were installed into the Debian JP hierarchy in the
----- Low Urgency Packages --------------
plum - IRC proxy, stationing, logging, and bot program (pirc).
plum 2.33.1-1 -> 2.33.1-2 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-all/net
plum (2.33.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix /usr/bin/plum is not executable binary.
tkrio - a GUI to the Linux RIO program
tkrio 1.05a-1 -> 1.05a-2 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/sound
tkrio (1.05a-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed the overwritten manpages for mp3info.1 and mpg123.1
user-ja - simple configuration tool for Japanese environment
user-ja 0.22 -> 0.23 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-all/misc
user-ja (0.23) unstable; urgency=low
* Introduced lv, jvim-canna, and lynx packages which can handle
Japanese in README.jis.
* LESS variable is changed so that cursor keys are available when
less is invoked in kterm. (.bashrc, .cshrc)
* 'VT100.Translations' resources for BackSpace and Delete are
added for KTerm because setting of Japanese conversion breaks it.
* Added '-N' option for internal use which inhibits to fork another
user-ja-conf for establishing 'native language environment', that
is, an environment where native (Japanese) characters can be
----- New Packages ----------------------
tkrio - a GUI to the Linux RIO program
tkrio 1.05a-1 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/sound
tkrio (1.05a-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.