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[debian-devel:13465] New Debian JP Packages

These packages were installed into the Debian JP hierarchy in the

----- Low Urgency Packages --------------

debian-jp-keyring - PGP and GnuPG keys of Debian JP Developers
debian-jp-keyring 2000.12.07 -> 2000.12.22 into dists/woody-jp/contrib/binary-all/misc
 debian-jp-keyring (2000.12.22) unstable; urgency=low
 * Fri Dec 22 10:36:03 MST 2000: [GnuPG] Add the key
 pub  1024D/9165D124 2000-04-04 SEKIDO Koichi <sekido@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

doc-debian-ja - Debian FAQ and other documents (Japanese)
doc-debian-ja 1.5-2 -> into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-all/doc
 doc-debian-ja ( unstable-jp; urgency=low
 * new maintainer.
 * update Standards-Version to
 * update FAQ to version 2.2.2.
 * add constitution.ja.txt, social_contract.ja.txt.
 * convert Debian Manifesto from HTML to plain text.
 * remove libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO-ja.txt.
 * add information about mailing lists and bug tracking system managed by
 Debian project.
 * move information about mailing lists and bug tracking system managed
 by Debian JP project to JP subdirectory.
 * add doc-base support.

ecasound   - Multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor
libecasound-dev - development files for ecasound
libecasound7 - shared libraries for ecasound
libkvutils-dev - kvutils library required for ecasound - development
libkvutils2 - kvutils library required for ecasound
python-ecasound - python binding files for ecasound
ecasound 1.8.5d15-3 -> 1.8.5d15-4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-i386/sound
libecasound-dev 1.8.5d15-3 -> 1.8.5d15-4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-i386/devel
libecasound7 1.8.5d15-3 -> 1.8.5d15-4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-i386/libs
libkvutils-dev 1.8.5d15-3 -> 1.8.5d15-4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-i386/devel
libkvutils2 1.8.5d15-3 -> 1.8.5d15-4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-i386/libs
python-ecasound 1.8.5d15-4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-i386/devel
 ecasound (1.8.5d15-4) unstable; urgency=low
 * Added suggests mp3-encoder/decoder
 * Added build-depends python-dev
 * Catman pages are now manpages.
 * Created python-ecasound package
 * fixed pyecasound/libpyecasound.la to include ecasound into depends.

gs-aladdin-vflib - Postscript interpreter with (potentially?) Japanese support.
gs-aladdin-vflib 6.01-1.4 -> 6.01-1.5 into dists/woody-jp/non-free/binary-i386/text
 gs-aladdin-vflib (6.01-1.5) unstable; urgency=low
 * Modified README.Debian so that users can understand more clearly
 what this package is.
 * Applied 0328-gs6.01.localpatch of ITOH Yasufumi <itohy@xxxxxxxxxx>
 because the known problem occurred in woody.
 * Changed control for gs-aladdin was upgraded from 5.50 to 6.01 in woody
 and this package should conflict with gs-aladdin.  Further changed to
 Conflicts only with gs-aladdin (<= 6.01-99).
 * Added Build-Depends: field and modified Description a bit.
 * Added debian/jpeg which I forgot by mistake.
 * Rebuilt under libc6 2.2 and XFree86 4.0.1 environment.
 * Changed /FontResourceDir to /usr/lib/ghostscript/Font/ which seems more
 standard than the former /usr/lib/ghostscript/CIDFont/

gs-ja      - Postscript interpreter with Japanese support.
gs-ja 5.50-1.2 -> 5.50-1.4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-i386/text
 gs-ja (5.50-1.4) unstable; urgency=low
 * Changed control because gs-aladdin was upgraded from 5.50 to 6.01 in woody
 and this package should conflict with gs-aladdin.  Also modified
 Description a bit.
 * Added debian/jpeg which I forgot by mistake.
 * Rebuilt under libc6 2.2 and XFree86 4.0.1 environment.
 * Changed /FontResourceDir to /usr/lib/ghostscript/Font/ which seems more
 standard than the former /usr/lib/ghostscript/CIDFont/

gscidfonts-ja - Settings of Japanese CID fonts for ghostscript
gscidfonts-ja 0.2 -> 0.3 into dists/woody-jp/contrib/binary-all/text
 gscidfonts-ja (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
 * Changed /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts to /usr/lib/ghostscript/Font
 corresponding to the change of gs-ja/gs-aladdin-vflib.
 * Added some explanation to README.Debian.  I hope this will help users.

gsttfonts-ja - Settings of Japanese TrueType fonts for ghostscript
gsttfonts-ja 0.2 -> 0.3 into dists/woody-jp/contrib/binary-all/text
 gsttfonts-ja (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
 * Changed /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts to /usr/lib/ghostscript/Font
 corresponding to the change of gs-ja/gs-aladdin-vflib.
 * Changed the directory for TrueType fonts from /usr/lib/ghostscript/ttfonts
 to /usr/share/fonts/truetype which seems more standard.
 * Added some explanation to README.Debian.  I hope this will help users.

xcite      - Exciting cite utility for GNU Emacs
xcite 1.33-1 -> 1.38-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-all/mail
 xcite (1.38-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream version.