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[debian-devel:13494] cannot send a mail with non-ascii subject on XEmacs21
- From: Tetsuo Tomokuni <tomokuni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [debian-devel:13494] cannot send a mail with non-ascii subject on XEmacs21
- Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 18:53:46 +0900
- Organization: lilo bike team
- X-face: %q$?xvU#R0mV,(h%4kZ*3D(DfHSvuqe6+J:.;Rpbfo`>fVB_Rb)@R\0mAi{4(xmP_:O<&EW dM6`ctO7YkSt\PC3iYnwMW_yv!~:]}Fvn7]l+aHL%h1tI@S.~9]o}yavQ@?+9vIOu2pJMghZ:,\j>0 fEW;PEvQ{~ieYG
- X-face-version: X-Face utility v1.3.6.10 - "Yellow Submarine (remix)" with Select X-Face v0.14 - "Keep Under Cover"
- X-gpg-fingerprint: 1462 C3D6 B193 3B71 5524 C7DC 4814 D707 74E5 5125
- X-gpg-version: gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.4
- X-inputmethod: esecanna-vje with VJE 3.0
- X-ml-info: If you have a question, send e-mail with the body "help" (without quotes) to the address debian-devel-ctl@debian.or.jp; help=<mailto:debian-devel-ctl@debian.or.jp?body=help>
- X-ml-name: debian-devel
- X-mlserver: fml [fml 3.0pl#17]; post only (only members can post)
- X-public-key: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~tomokuni/publickeys/publickey.odn
- X-uri: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~tomokuni/
- Message-id: <874rzq8a1p.wl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- X-mail-count: 13494
- User-agent: Wanderlust/2.5.4 (Smooth) EMY/1.13.9 (Art is long, life is short) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.2 MULE XEmacs/21.1 (patch 12) (Channel Islands) (i386-debian-linux)
XEmacs21 上で Wanderlust を使っています。
ドラフトモードで Subject: に日本語など非アスキー文字を書いて
送信 (\C-c\C-c) すると、ミニバッファに
Wrong number of arguments: #<compiled-function (string) "...(50)" \
[string get-buffer-create " *base64-encode*" erase-buffer base64-encode-region "
MIME encode ができないようです。
ii xemacs21 21.1.12-3 Editor and kitchen sink
ii xemacs21-bases 2000.10.23-1 Editor and kitchen sink -- compiled elisp su
ii xemacs21-bases 2000.10.23-1 Editor and kitchen sink -- source elisp supp
ii xemacs21-bin 21.1.12-3 Editor and kitchen sink -- support binaries
ii xemacs21-mule- 21.1.12-3 Editor and kitchen sink -- Mule binary compi
ii xemacs21-mules 2000.10.23-1 Editor and kitchen sink -- Mule elisp suppor
ii xemacs21-mules 2000.10.23-1 Editor and kitchen sink -- source elisp supp
ii xemacs21-suppo 21.1.12-3 Editor and kitchen sink -- architecture inde
ii xemacs21-suppo 21.1.12-3 Editor and kitchen sink -- non-required libr
このうち arch dependent なバイナリパッケージは potato 上で rebuild した
# それがいけなかったら、それまでですが。^^;
Wanderlust 関連は
ii apel 10.2+20001225c A Portable Emacs Library
ii flim 1.14.2-1 Library to provide basic features about mess
ii semi 1.13.7+emy.1.1 Library to provide MIME feature for GNU Emac
ii wl-beta Yet Another Message Interface On Emacsen. (b
となっています。 sid or pool から獲ってきた最新版です。
xemacs21 21.1.12-1 (これは woody のがそのまま potato でも使えたはず)
xemacs21-{base|mule}support 2000.05.24-1
# ちなみにこっちは apel の 12 月以降の最新版が使えませんでした。
.~. ----------------------------------------
/V\ 友國 哲男 (TOMOKUNI Tetsuo)
// \\ E-mail: tomokuni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
/( )\ tomokuni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
^`~'^ http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~tomokuni/