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[debian-devel:13815] Unanswered problem reports by maintainer and package
パッケージの Maintainer 欄から取られています。また、パッケージを引き継
実質的にパッケージの保守担当者が同じでも、Maintainer 欄が変更されたバー
Package Ref Subject
NOSHIRO Shigeo <n@xxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):
ne 1292 wrong man
Susumu OSAWA <susumu-o@debian.or.jp> (Debian) (1 bugs):
nvi-m17n 1101 nvi-m17n on long-one-line with kanji
Akira YOSHIYAMA <yosshy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):
txt2lips 1313 txt2lips can not build in potato
Yoshiaki Yanagihara <yochi@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):
xqbiff 1277 xqbiff: new version released
Yoshiaki Yanagiahra <yochi@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):
bug-ja 722 bug-ja: japanese message catalog is available
ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx> (Debian) (1 bugs):
canna 707 can't mount iroha dic.
Masahiro TANAKA <tanaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):
sxsame 952 copyright is written in Japanese, and README.Debian is null
Kaz Sasayama <Kaz.Sasayama@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (1 bugs):
ircd-jp 217 ircd-jp: Empty copyright. [orphaned]
(Debian Project: Branden Robinson (branden@debian.org)) (1 bugs):
xserver-xf 1366 Xfree86 can't recognize All-in-Wonder 128 Pro PCI
Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org> (Debian) (1 bugs):
tk8.0-ja 1347 tk8.0-jaのdelキー動作のDebianポリシー違反
Yasuhiro Take <take@debian.org> (1 bugs):
imultimous 1237 buffer overflow
(Debian Project: teTeX maintainers (debian-tetex-maint@lists.debian.org)) (1 bugs):
tetex-bin 868 tetex-bin, failed at install
Hayao Nakahara <nakahara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (1 bugs):
nemacs-el 271 unnecessary dependency to libc5 [orphaned]
Hiroshi KISE <fuyuneko@xxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):
jbibtex-bi 1354 Cannot install jbibtex-bin
(Debian Project: Takuo KITAME (kitame@xxxxxxxxxxxx)) (1 bugs):
wmppxp 1122 wmppxp makes zombie process
Nakahara Hayao <nakahara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):
ng 1151 Support ng-canna, please.
(Debian Project: Luis Francisco Gonzalez (luisgh@debian.org)) (1 bugs):
tcsh-kanji 1156 tcsh-kanji doesn't work with 'set color' option
Araki Yasuhiro <yasuhi-a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):
fff 1214 wong diversions of fff
Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):
fvwm2-ja 519 fvwm2-ja: Can't compile at Alpha architecture
(Debian Project: debian-devel@lists.debian.org) (1 bugs):
general 1201 BTS: Is it your business?
<webadmin@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):
www.debian 1063 www.debian.or.jp: debian-devel-changes@jp ML archive
Akira Yoshiyama <yosshy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (1 bugs):
libonew2-c 218 libonew2-canna: postrm is wrong [orphaned]
<owner@bugs.debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):
bugs.debia 1340 bugs.debian.or.jp: mail interface problem
Takeshi Murakami <takeshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):
libmysql-r 1239 ruby say "No such file to load -- mysql"
Shyouzou Sugitani <shy@master.debian.or.jp> (orpahned) (1 bugs):
wavtool 380 lintian error [orphaned]
Taketo Matsubara <moody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):
tcb 1207 tcb must not depend on man-db-ja
Masayuki Hatta <mhatta@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):
dvipsk-ja 1163 patch for dvipsk-5.86 is released
sted2 1329 sted2のライセンス
Masahiro TANAKA <tanaka@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):
emiclock 1046 emiclock: Missing Depends line
xjokes2 370 lintian errors
Shuichi OONO <jr5pdx@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):
xmascot 864 xmascot: xmascot dies when I clicked the right button
xmulti 987 xmulti: incomplete copyright file
Masahumi Okada <okada@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (2 bugs):
dyna2 883 dyna2: dyna2 has x86 specific compile options.
dyna2 884 -486 option for Dyna2
takeshi <takeshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (2 bugs):
ftpmirror 1074 ftpmirror failed.
xperfmon++ 1064 xperfmon++: incorrect copyright [orphan]
Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop@xxxxxxxxx> (2 bugs):
ish 342 lintian errors
ish 1311 ish-u21-2 can not build in potato
Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop@xxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (2 bugs):
xbatstat 168 xbatstatが動かない [orphaend]
xbatstat 222 xbatstat doesn't work [orphaned]
takeshi <mtakeshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (2 bugs):
xperfmon 417 lintian error [orphaned]
xperfmon 454 xperfmon depend on xlib6 [orphaned]
Hayao Nakahara <nakahara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (2 bugs):
volume 1155 volume overwrite /usr/bin/cdplay
xdvik-ja 1357 xdvik-ja: Cannot remove temporary PS file at printing
Takuro KITAME <kitame@debian.or.jp> (orphaned) (2 bugs):
webmin 392 lintian errors [orphaned]
webmin 670 [QA lintian] webmin_0.22-1 [orphaned]
Hidenobu NABETANI <nabe@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):
doc-linux- 1241 doc-linux-text-ja is obsolete, please upgrade.
doc-linux- 1242 doc-linux-html-ja is obsolete, please upgrade.
Akira Yoshiyama <yosshy@debian.or.jp> (3 bugs):
brltty 1310 brltty can not build in potato
grub98 563 grub98 : non-existent file path specified.
grub98 896 grub98 Install error
Araki Yasuhiro <yasu@debian.or.jp> (3 bugs):
irchat-jp 913 irchat-jp overwrites /usr/bin/dcc and /usr/man/man1/dcc.1.g
libjcode1- 903 libjcode1-dev: libjcode1's files are included [orphaned]
libjcode1- 956 libjcode1-dev [orphaned]
Mitsuru Oka <oka@debian.or.jp> (3 bugs):
fttools 986 fttools: wrong dependency
libft-perl 985 libft-perl: wrong dependency
prosper 1375 documentation is a bit wrong
Shyouzou Sugitani <shy@master.debian.or.jp> (orphaned) (3 bugs):
mtools-tow 322 copyright problem. [orphaned]
nas-towns 379 lintian error [orphaned]
xtownscd 382 lintian error [orphaned]
Takuro KITAME <kitame@debian.or.jp> (Debian) (4 bugs):
namazu 880 bnamazu in potato
tknamazu 835 tknamazu: Pathnames are wrong
tknamazu 836 tknamazu: tknamazu should depend on lynx-ja, info, jgroff
x-face-el 1213 x-face-el of slink doesn't depend on campface.
Tomohisa MIYAJI <miyaji@debian.or.jp> (4 bugs):
xmms-ja 1054 xmms-ja overwrite /usr/X11R6/bin/xmms of xmms package
xmms-ja 1130 xmms-ja: 'LC_MESSAGES=C' selects wrong fonts.
xmms-ja 1251 xmms-ja: Suggests old package
xmms-ja 1271 xmms-ja should provide xmms
ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx> (4 bugs):
pd-ttfonts 843 pdnetscape font causes segmentation fault
xtt-fonts 1105 xtt-fonts: please upload xfonts-xtt-ja
xtt-fonts 1188 TrueType path miss
xtt-fonts 1320 XFree86 4.0.1 対策
Koichi Honda <honda@xxxxxxxxx> (5 bugs):
lyx-ja 971 lyx-ja still suggests perl
lyx-ja 1099 Please add dvi2ps to Recommends
xpbiff 1038 xpbiff: xpm*.h are not used
xpbiff 1039 xpbiff: too japanese specific
xpbiff 1040 xpbiff: not info files
Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (5 bugs):
gs-aladdin 783 gs-aladin-vflib で -q が 一部無効
gs-aladdin 784 gs-aladin-vflib で -q が 一部無効(再送)
gs-aladdin 1203 gs-aladdin-vflib(potato/Alpha) depends on vflib(not vflib2)
gs-ja 1211 gs-pdfencrypt can't install with gs-ja
gs-ja 1291 gs-ja: gs-ja:Need Build-Depends line.
NOKUBI Takatsugu <knok@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (6 bugs):
gn 1243 gn.postinst script error
gn 1247 gn: gn.postinst script error
gn 1248 gn: gn postinst script error
gn 1304 -lmimekit should be removed
libtext-ch 1140 libtext-chasen1-perl: uses missing libchasen.so.1
libtext-ch 1150 ITO: libtext-cahsen1-perl (Re: Bug#JP/1140: libtext-chasen1
Shyouzou Sugitani <shy@master.debian.or.jp> (7 bugs):
kernel-sou 386 lintian error
lilo-towns 381 lintian error
twsndkit 387 lintian errors
xfreshtv 385 lintian error
xpadtrans 384 lintian error
xserver-to 1262 xserver-towns-* new and old
xtowns 383 lintian errors
Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> (10 bugs):
debbugs-jp 128 debbugs-jp messages are in English
debbugs-jp 193 summary page
debbugs-jp 717 new severity: important, fixed
debbugs-jp 787 multipart mail
delegate 1100 delegate is horrible insecure in general, and impossible to
delegate 1157 delegate: /etc/cron.weekly/delegate does not work in cron
linuxdoc-s 1097 Please add dvi2ps to suggests
tgif-ja 844 Unable to printout on XEROX Laser Press 4300 from tgif
tgif-ja 1253 tgif-ja: part is fulfilled
xfig-ja 174 xfig-ja Segmentation fault [orphaned]
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