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[debian-devel:14942] Re: Debian Project Leader Election 2002: Debate


 (最近は devel の流量も減っていることだし、開発者間の
  関係の話についてもすべて devel でやろうという意見も
  他のスレッドの邪魔にならないようならこのまま devel に
  集めて jp-qa と jp-policy は閉鎖、でもいいかな、と。)

 debian-devel-announce ML より、Debian プロジェクト書記の
Manoj Srivastava {マノィ・スリヴァスタヴァ} さんのメールです。

In <87ofi5wg9t.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 on "Sun, 03 Mar 2002 14:25:02 -0600",
 with "Debian Project Leader Election 2002: Debate",
  Debian Project Secretary <secretary@debian.org> さん wrote:

件名: Debian プロジェクトリーダー選挙 2002: 公開討論

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi folks,


> 	In the past, we have conducted DPL debates on a special IRC
>  channel set up for the purpose. I was wondering if we can set up one
>  this year as well.  The time to do so would be after the rebuttals
>  have been posted by the candidates, and the campaigns have been well
>  established, and people have had time to think up questions. I would
>  say that the debate should be held somewhere in between March
>  15-20th, as convenient to the moderator and the candidates

以前にも、専用の IRC チャンネルを設定して DPL 選挙の候補者間で

私の予想では、公開討論会は 3/15 から 3/20 までの間で、

> 	Rob Levin (lilo) has moderated some the debates in the	past,
>  and has graciously agreed to run this one as well. 

過去の公開討論会では Rob Levin (lilo) {ロブ・レヴィン} が

> 	In order for this to work, we need to have a set of questions
>  to be asked to all the candidates.  I would like to have the input of
>  developers in determining this list of questions.

Debian 開発者のみなさんからの協力をお願いします。

> 	I propose that we have a list of panelists, each of whom
>  solicit questions from the community (perhaps soliciting on
>  debian-devel), and based on these, select a short list to present to
>  the moderator. (The number of questions on the short list would
>  depend on the number of volunteer panelists that we get, of course).

私はこのために、パネリスト {質問作成担当者} を何人か
募集しようと思います。それぞれのパネリストは (たぶん
 debian-devel ML {debian-devel@lists.debian.org} で)

> 	The desired criteria for a panelists would be something like
> 	so:
>  a) The panelists has to be a Debian developer
>  b) The panelist must be conversant with the underpinning of the
>     Debian infreastructure (so a couiple of years of experience in the
>     project is definitely a plus)
>  c) Active in the project and the mailing lists
>  d) Not a current candidate ;-)


 a) 現役の Debian 開発者であること
 b) Debian プロジェクトを支える基盤、土台などに精通していること
 c) プロジェクト内およびメーリングリスト上で活発に活動していること
 d) 今回の DPL 選の候補者でないこと ;-)

> 	Ex DPL's, people involved in the infrastructure and sub
>  projects (ftp, admin, debina jr, QA, b-d, tech ctte, NM, debian-www,
>  ports, etc, would be ideal candidates).  I implore people to
>  volunteer in selecting questions for the debate.

DPL 経験者、基盤構造やサブプロジェクト (ftp、admin、debian jr、QA、
debian-boot、技術委員会、NM、debian-www、ports などなど) は理想的な

> 	If you want to be a panelist, please email me, and I thank you
>  in advance. 


> 	manoj
>  please note that the panelists do not need to be rpesent on the IRC
>  on debate day, they need merely submit their selected questions to
>  the moderator
> - -- 
>  How many seconds are there in a year?  If I tell you there are x
>  10^7, you won't even try to remember it.  On the other hand, who
>  could forget that, to within half a percent, pi seconds is a
>  nanocentury. Tom Duff, Bell Labs
> Manoj Srivastava   <secretary@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
> 1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
> 1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C


   # わたしのおうちは浜松市、アカウミガメもやってくる
    <kgh12351@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)