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Re: Slink-JP Release Announce in English (By Sano)



From: Yoshiaki Yanagihara
Subject: Slink-JP Release Announce in English (By Sano)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:18:26 +0900

Yoshiaki Yanagihara> 佐野さんが訳してくれたやつです。

Hamm-JP のときの小島さんと私の訳が下敷きになってる?

# なんか見覚えのある箇所が…使って頂くのはとても光栄ですが ^_^;

Yoshiaki Yanagihara> Debian JP (Japanese) Packages for Debian 2.2 (Slinik-JP) released!


Yoshiaki Yanagihara> Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 'Slink-JP' for the Intel i386 and FM-TOWNS architectures.

文脈からいくと Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 'Slink' じゃないでしょうか。

Yoshiaki Yanagihara>         ftp://ftp.debian.or.jp/debian-jp/dists/slink-towns/ (for FM-Towns)


Yoshiaki Yanagihara>        (for CD IMAGES, let's check  http://cdimage.debian.or.jp/)

For CD Images, see 〜 でしょうか。

Yoshiaki Yanagihara>  o LaTex with Japanese support (NTT JLaTeX)


Yoshiaki Yanagihara>  o (some) Manual pages written in Japanese

jman とか xjman とかに言及しておいたほうがよいような気が…

例えば (courtesy of jman project http://www.linux.or.jp/~jman/) とか。

X-TT もそうしたほうがよいんじゃないかなあ。

Yoshiaki Yanagihara>  o Various Editors with Japanese support (nvi-m17n, jed, etc)

jed-ja かしら。

Yoshiaki Yanagihara> We, the Debian JP Project, make effort to contribute all our

all of our

Yoshiaki Yanagihara> packages debianized or developped by our project members to

by our project members というのはすこし変なので、by us でよい

Yoshiaki Yanagihara> being no to be contributed. So we provide these packages as an 

not to be

Yoshiaki Yanagihara> add-on set for the convenient of users for the time being.

for users' convenience up to now.

# 今後は JP Packages は出さないかもしれないよ、というニュアンスを込めて。

Yoshiaki Yanagihara> The Debian JP project consists of Debian users and developers in Japan


in Japan (and other countries)

Yoshiaki Yanagihara> Following is the list of Our goal:

The following としないといけません。

八田真行 <masayuki-h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>