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Re: Slink-JP Release Announce in English (By Sano)


In article <199904261214.VAA19070@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Masayuki Hatta <masayuki-h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> さん writes:

> Y> 佐野さんが訳してくれたやつです。
> Hamm-JP のときの小島さんと私の訳が下敷きになってる?

そのとおりです。ちなみにやなぎはらさんに送った (サーバーに蹴られたけど 
一応 private-jp ML にも出した) 私のメールの書き出しは

  | 佐野@浜松です。英訳も必要かと。
  | # 職場経由なので ML に蹴られた場合に備えてやなぎはらさんへの
  | # 私信も送ります。
  | In <14111.24845.638834.84594U@woody>,
  |  at Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 03:01:13 +0900,
  |   on Subject: [Pre] Debian JP Packages for Debian 2.1 is released,
  |    Yoshiaki Yanagihara <yochi@debian.or.jp> さん writes:
  | > やなぎはらです。
  | > 
  | > 皆さんの指摘事項を全部直した 公式アナウンス用ができました。
  | > これを明日(今日か) 12:00 JST に debian-announce, linux-users ML
  | > などに送付する予定です。
  | 御苦労さまです。以下、 Hamm-JP のリリースアナウンスからの
  | コピーをベースに、ざっと訳してみました。

です。自分としては「Hamm-JP のリリースアナウンスからのコピーをベース」

 Credits の "Translations were done by:" はちょっと迷いましたが、
だけ書きました。たしか Hamm-JP のアナウンス時に「翻訳者の名前が必要」と

が、クレームが付いてしまったので、この部分についても 'Hamm-JP' のアナウンスを

> # なんか見覚えのある箇所が…使って頂くのはとても光栄ですが ^_^;

無いだろうとそのまま使わせて頂きました。 _o_

以下、八田さんと喜瀬さんからの指摘分を修正した ver 2 です。


> "FM-TOWNS" or "Fujitsu FM-TOWNS" ? (喜瀬さん)

ここはとりあえず "FM-TOWNS" のままにしましたが、どうするのが良いでしょう ?

>   The Debian JP Project has officially released Debian JP Packages for 
>   Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 'Slink-JP' for the Intel i386 and FM-TOWNS architectures.
>  の 'Slink-JP' は 'Slink' に変更 ? (八田さん)


 The Debian JP Project has officially released Debian JP Packages 'Slink-JP' 
 on the Intel i386 and FM-TOWNS architectures for Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 'Slink'.


> o (some) Manual pages written in Japanese
> jman とか xjman とかに言及しておいたほうがよいような気が… (八田さん)
> 例えば (courtesy of jman project http://www.linux.or.jp/~jman/) とか。


 o X Window System with TrueType font support (using X-TT extention)
 o X related Manual pages written in Japanese (from xjman)

としました。 jman の成果を利用したパッケージである manpages-ja は
既に 'Slink' に収録されてリリース済なので、今回の 'Slink-JP' の
内容説明である上記の項目とは別になります。また jman について言及するなら
当然 doc-linux-ja のもとになった JF についても言及するべきですが、
これも既に 'Slink' に収録済なので、もしこれらについて言及するならば、
 ">> about Debian JP" に「既に Debian に提供済である」ことを明記して

しかし、仮に JF, jman, xjman, X-TT などについて特に言及するとしたら、
他のパッケージ、つまり Mew, IM, SEMI, namazu, ruby, etc などについて

そうかといって、 Debian JP Project が Debian に提供したパッケージの
すべてと、'Slink-JP' としてリリースしたパッケージのすべてについて、
思います。 (dpkg -s で表示される) 各パッケージの説明に記載されていれば

以上の理由から、今回のリリースアナウンスでは () 内に X-TT, xjman の

もし何か追加するとしたら、「前回 Hamm-JP で JP Package としてリリース
したパッケージのうち、 Slink で Debian に提供できたもの」のリストとか
多くはないのかな。ちょっと調べてみたところでは fml, sendmail-wide, 
smtpfeed, mgp くらいみたい。これ全部鵜飼さんなんですね。

あと、xli が hamm-jp から slink に移動しているけど、これって
 JP にパッケージがあって、それとは独立に Debian でパッケージ
ようだから、 JP のパッケージが引き取られた例なんだろうか、、、

Debian GNU/Linux
Debian JP (Japanese) Packages for Debian 2.1 (Slink-JP) released!
April 23, 1998

>> News
The Debian JP Project has officially released Debian JP Packages 'Slink-JP' 
on the Intel i386 and FM-TOWNS architectures for Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 'Slink'.

It can be obtained from:

        ftp://ftp.debian.or.jp/debian-jp/dists/slink-jp/    (for i386)
        ftp://ftp.debian.or.jp/debian-jp/dists/slink-towns/ (for FM-TOWNS)

       (for CD Images, see  http://cdimage.debian.or.jp/)

For further site information please visit <http://www.debian.or.jp/Link.html>

>> What is Slink-JP?

Slink-JP is a set of add-on packages for Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 'Slink'. 
It completely conforms to the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG), 
which guarantees Slink-JP to be 100% free software.
Slink-JP is comprised of over 200 precompiled binary packages, including:

 o X Window System with TrueType font support (using X-TT extention)
 o X related Manual pages written in Japanese (from xjman)
 o LaTeX with Japanese support (NTT JLaTeX)
 o Tcl/Tk with Japanese support
 o Manual pager with Japanese manpages support
 o Various Editors with Japanese support (nvi-m17n, jed-ja, etc)
 o Window Managers for X11 with Japanese display support (AfterStep, fvwm95, qvwm)
 o and many more!

Also it contains a lot of free software from Japan such as 
 o PPxP: tool for easy dialup (ppp) connetion
 o Ruby, a newly-developed object-oriented script language
 o CF: tool for creating sendmail.cf, including Japanese (and English) Documentations
 o another Emacs add-on packages (SEMI, Semi-gnus, cmail, etc)
 o Kinput2, the Kanji input method for X11
 o Skkinput, another Kanji input method for X11
 o and more!

You can easily enhance your Debian system by installing Slink-JP!

>> about Debian JP Packages

Debian JP Packages are an independent add-on set of Packages.
We, the Debian JP Project, make effort to contribute all of 
our packages debianized or developped by us to Debian GNU/Linux 
itself, but currently many packages are left being not to be 
contributed. So we provide these packages as an add-on set 
for users' convenience up to now.

Although at this time Slink-JP is released as an independent add-on, 
in the future all of Debian JP products will be contributed to 
Debian GNU/Linux itself. 

Many packages from us have already become part of the standard Debian 
distribution. This means that without our new 'Slink-JP', current 
Debian users can use Japanese language on their system for some extent. 

But if you use 'Slink-JP', you will get more comfortable environment 
to handle with Japanese language.

Debian JP Packages is primarily compiled for Japanese Debian users, 
but there are many packages very useful for non-Japanese speakers 
as well in it. For example, maybe you'd like to try ruby and PPxP.

Debian documentation written in or translated into Japanese 
is also available on the Debian JP web site <http://www.debian.or.jp/>.

>> About Debian JP 

The Debian JP project consists of Debian users and developers
in Japan (and other countries)

The following is the list of Our goal:
   o developing a Japanized installer for Debian GNU/Linux,
   o assembling Japanized or Japanese-made software into Debian
     packages to contribute to Debian GNU/Linux, and
   o making Debian GNU/Linux widely used in Japan through these tasks.

>> About Debian

The Debian project is an organization of many users and developers who 
volunteer their time and effort.  Its tasks include maintaining and 
updating Debian GNU/Linux which is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux 
operating system, and the development of the Debian GNU/Hurd operating 

>> Contact Information 

For the Release Notes and Errata List of Debian JP Packages,
 please visit the following page. 

For further information regarding the Debian project and 
the Debian JP Project, please visit the web sites.
 Debian JP Project   http://www.debian.or.jp/
 Debian Project      http://www.debian.org/

For more information regarding the Debian JP Packages release,
 please contact

 Debian JP Project Leader
     Yoshiaki Yanagihara <yochi@debian.or.jp>

For further information regarding Debian, please send email to 
press@debian.org or visit the Debian homepage at <http://www.debian.org/>.

>> Credits 

Translations were done by:
     Motoyasu Kojima <mkojima@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
     Masayuki Hatta <masayuki_hatta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     and the Debian JP Documentation Group


なお、比較・参考のために 'Hamm-JP' のリリースアナウンスも

Debian GNU/Linux
Debian JP (Japanese) Packages for Debian 2.0 (Hamm-JP) released!
August 28, 1998

>> News
The Debian JP Project has officially released Debian JP Packages for 
Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 'Hamm-JP' for the i386 and FM-TOWNS architectures.
It can be obtained from:
For further site information please visit <http://www.debian.or.jp/Link.html>

>> What is Hamm-JP?

Hamm-JP is a set of add-on packages for Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 'Hamm'.  
It completely conforms to the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG), 
which guarantee Hamm-JP to be 100% free software.
Hamm-JP is comprised of over 210 precompiled binary packages, including:

 o X Windows System with TrueType font support 
 o Libc6 featuring improved multibyte character support 
 o Manual pager with Japanese support
 o and many more!
Also it contains a lot of free software from Japan such as 
 o Ruby, a newly-developed object-oriented script language
 o Kinput2, the Kanji input method for X11
 o MagicPoint(mgp), an X11 based presentation tool
 o and more!
You can easily enhance your Debian system by installing Hamm-JP!
Although at this time Hamm-JP is released as an independent add-on, 
in the future all of Debian JP products will be contributed to 
Debian GNU/Linux itself.  Some packages have already become part 
of the standard Debian distribution. 
Hamm-JP is primarily compiled for Japanese Debian users, but
most packages are very useful for non-Japanese speakers as well.  

Debian documentation written in or translated into Japanese 
is also available on the Debian JP web site <http://www.debian.or.jp/>.

>> About Debian-JP 

The Debian JP project consists of Debian users and developers in Japan
whose goals incude  
   o developing a Japanized installer for Debian GNU/Linux,
   o assembling Japanized or Japanese-made software into Debian
     packages, and
   o making Debian GNU/Linux widely used in Japan.

>> About Debian

Debian GNU/Linux is a free distribution of the Linux based operating system.
It is maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer 
their time and effort.

Linux kernel based operating systems are POSIX based, freely distributable, 
and includes features such as true multitasking, virtual memory, shared 
libraries, demand loading, proper memory management, TCP/IP networking, and 
other features consistent with Unix-type systems.  It is used by individuals 
and organizations worldwide.

>> Contact Information 

For further information regarding the Debian projects, please visit the 
Debian web sites.
 Debian JP Project   http://www.debian.or.jp/
 Debian Project      http://www.debian.org/

For more information regarding the Debian JP release, please contact

 Debian JP Project Leader
     Yoshiaki Yanagihara <yochi@debian.or.jp>

For further information regarding Debian, please send email to 
press@debian.org or visit the Debian homepage at <http://www.debian.org/>.

>> Credits 

Thanks to Keita Maehara <maehara@debian.or.jp> for this announcement.

Translations were done by:
     Motoyasu Kojima <mkojima@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
     Masayuki Hatta <masayuki_hatta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     and the Debian JP Documentation Group

Debian would like to thank all of the people who made the release of 
'Hamm-JP' possible, and all others affiliated with the Debian JP project for 
their work.

Nils Lohner                             E-Mail: lohner@debian.org
Debian Press Contact                    Press:  press@debian.org

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    <xlj06203@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)