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Re: Japanese translation of Debian FAQ

ftparchives.ja.sgml です。

関戸 幸一 <sekido@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

<chapt id="ftparchives">The Debian FTP archives
<chapt id="ftparchives">Debian FTP アーカイブ

<sect id="dirtree">What are all those directories at the Debian FTP archives?
<sect id="dirtree">Debian FTP アーカイブにあるあのディレクトリは何ですか?

<p>The software that has been packaged for &debian; is available in one
of several directory trees on each Debian mirror site.
<p>&debian; 向けにパッケージ化されたソフトウェアは、それぞれの Debian の

<p>The directory <tt>dists</tt> contains the "distributions", and it is
the canonical way to access the currently available Debian releases
(and pre-releases).
<p>ディレクトリ <tt>dists</tt> には「ディストリビューション」があります。
現在利用可能な Debian リリース (やプレリリース) にアクセスするにはここを

<sect id="dists">How many Debian distributions are there in the
  <tt>dists</tt> directory?
<sect id="dists"><tt>dists</tt> ディレクトリにはどれくらいの Debian ディ

<p>Normally there are two distributions, the "stable" distribution and
the "unstable" distribution. Sometimes there is also a "frozen" distribution
(see <ref id="frozen">).
<p>普通は「stable (安定版)」と「unstable (開発版)」の二つのディストリビュー
ションがあります。「frozen (凍結版)」というディストリビューションが存在
することもあります (<ref id="frozen"> 参照)。

<sect id="codenames">What are all those names like slink, potato, etc.?
<sect id="codenames">slink とか potato とかいう名前は何ですか?

<p>They are just "codenames". When a Debian distribution is in the
development stage, it has no version number but a codename. The purpose
of these codenames is to make easier the mirroring of the Debian
distributions (if a real directory like <tt>unstable</tt> suddenly changed
its name to <tt>stable</tt>, a lot of stuff would have to be needlessly
downloaded again).
<p>単なる「コードネーム」です。Debian ディストリビューションが開発段階に
ネームの目的は Debian ディストリビューションのミラーリングをより簡易にす
ることです (<tt>unstable</tt> のような実際のディレクトリの名前が突然
<tt>stable</tt> に変わると、たくさんのものを再度無駄にダウンロードしなく

<!-- XXX update for new distros -->
<p>Currently, <tt>stable</tt> is a symlink to <tt>potato</tt> (i.e. &debian;
&release;) and <tt>unstable</tt> is a symlink to <tt>woody</tt>, which means
that <tt>potato</tt> is the current stable distribution and <tt>woody</tt>
is the current unstable distribution.
<p>現在 <tt>stable</tt> は <tt>potato</tt> (つまり &debian; &release;)
へのシンボリックリンクで、<tt>unstable</tt> は <tt>woody</tt> へのシンボリック
リンクです。つまり <tt>potato</tt> が現在の安定版ディストリビューション
で <tt>woody</tt> が現在の開発版ディストリビューションということです。

<sect id="frozen">What about "frozen"?
<sect id="frozen">「frozen」とは何ですか?

<p>When the unstable distribution is mature enough, it becomes frozen,
meaning no new code is accepted anymore, just bugfixes, if necessary.
Also, a new unstable tree is created in the <tt>dists</tt> directory,
having a new codename. The frozen distribution passes through a few months
of testing, with intermittent updates and deep freezes called `test cycles'.
We keep a record of bugs in the frozen distribution that can hold off a
package from being released or bugs that can hold back the whole release.
Once that bug count lowers to maximum acceptable values, the frozen
distribution becomes stable, it is released, and the previous stable
distribution becomes obsolete (and moves to the archive).
<p>開発版 (unstable) ディストリビューションは充分に安定したら凍結
(frozen) されます。凍結されると新たなコードはもはや取り込まれず、必要な
らバグ修正だけが行われます。同時に新しい開発版ツリーが <tt>dists</tt> ディ
イクル」と呼ばれる「深い凍結 (deep freeze)」に入ります。我々は、パッケー

<sect id="oldcodenames">Which other codenames have been used in the past?
<sect id="oldcodenames">他にどのようなコードネームが過去に使われましたか?

<p>Other codenames that have been already used are: <tt>buzz</tt> for
release 1.1, <tt>rex</tt> for release 1.2, <tt>bo</tt> for releases 1.3.x,
<tt>hamm</tt> for release 2.0, and <tt>slink</tt> for release 2.1.
<p>今までに使われた他のコードネームは次の通りです。リリース 1.1 の
<tt>buzz</tt>、リリース 1.2 の <tt>rex</tt>、リリース 1.3.x の
<tt>bo</tt>、リリース 2.0 の <tt>hamm</tt>、リリース 2.1 の

<sect id="sourceforcodenames">Where do these codenames come from?
<sect id="sourceforcodenames">これらのコードネームはどこから来ているので

<p>So far they have been characters taken from the movie "Toy Story" by Pixar.
  <item><em>buzz</em> (Buzz Lightyear) was the spaceman,
  <item><em>rex</em> was the tyrannosaurus,
  <item><em>bo</em> (Bo Peep) was the girl who took care of the sheep,
  <item><em>hamm</em> was the piggy bank,
  <item><em>slink</em> (Slinky Dog) was the toy dog,
  <item><em>potato</em> was, of course, Mr. Potato,
  <item><em>woody</em> was the cowboy.
<p>今までのところ、Pixar 作の映画「トイストーリー」の登場人物から取られ
  <item><em>buzz</em> (Buzz Lightyear) は 宇宙飛行士。
  <item><em>rex</em> はチラノザウルス。
  <item><em>bo</em> (Bo Peep) は羊飼いの娘。
  <item><em>hamm</em> は子供銀行。
  <item><em>slink</em> (Slinky Dog) はおもちゃの犬。
  <item><em>potato</em> はもちろんミスターポテト。
  <item><em>woody</em> はカウボーイ。

  more info in http://www.pixar.com/feature/toystory/toystory.html 
  or better yet http://us.imdb.com/M/title-exact?Toy%20Story%20(1995)
  or actually:
    http://us.imdb.com/Title?0114709 for TS1
    http://us.imdb.com/Title?0120363 for TS2
  we shouldn't put the links in, Pixar needs no additional propaganda
  characters not used from Toy Story (yet):
    - The Green Plastic Army Men
    - Andy (the kid)
    - Draw (the blackboard), or was it Esck?
    - Snake
    - Robot
    - Scud (Sid's dog)
  and additional characters from Toy Story 2, also not yet used:
    - Jessie (the Yodelling Cowgirl)
    - Zurg (the Emperor)
    - Wheezy (the penguin)
    - Hannah (owner of Jessie)
    - Stinky Pete the Prospector (the old fat guy)
    - Mrs. Davis (Andy's Mom)
    - Sarge
    - Barbie

<sect id="sid">What about "sid"?
<sect id="sid">「sid」とは何ですか?

<p>It is a special distribution for architectures which haven't yet been
released for the first time.

<p>When sid did not exist, the FTP site organization had one major flaw:
there was an assumption that when an architecture is created in the current
unstable, it will be released when that distribution becomes the new
stable. For many architectures that isn't the case, with the result that
those directories had to be moved at release time, chewing up lots of
<p>sid が存在していなかったとき、FTP サイト構成には一つの大きな欠点があ

<p>For those architectures not yet released, the first time they are
released there will be a link from the current stable to sid, and from
then on they will be created inside the unstable tree as normal.  sid will
never be released nor even accessed directly - only through symlinks
in the current stable, frozen, or unstable trees.  It is a mix of
released and unreleased architectures.
在の stable から sid へリンクが張られ、and from then on they will be
created inside the unstable tree as normal. sid がリリースされるというこ
とはありませんし、直接アクセスされることもありません。現在の stable か
frozen、unstable ツリーの中のシンボリックリンクを通じてのみアクセスでき

<p>The name "sid" also comes from the "Toy Story" animated motion picture:
Sid was the boy next door who destroyed toys :-)
<p>「sid」という名前もアニメ映画「トイストーリー」から来ています。sid は
次のドアで人形を破壊する人形でした :-)。

<sect id="stable">What does the stable directory contain?
<sect id="stable">stable ディレクトリには何がありますか?

  This directory contains the packages which formally constitute the most
  recent release of the &debian; system.
  このディレクトリには &debian; システムの最も新しいリリースを正式に構成

  <p>These packages all comply with the <url name="Debian Free Software
  Guidelines" id="http://www.debian.org/social_contract.html#guidelines";>,
  and are all freely usable and distributable.
  <p>ここにあるパッケージはすべて <url name="Debian フリーソフトウェアガ
  id="http://www.debian.org/social_contract.ja.html#guidelines";> を満た

  <item>stable/non-free/:  This directory contains packages distribution of
  which is restricted in a way that requires that distributors take careful
  account of the specified copyright requirements.
  <item>stable/non-free/: このディレクトリには、特別な著作権の要求の扱い

  <p>For example, some packages have licenses which prohibit commercial
  distribution.  Others can be redistributed but are in fact shareware
  and not freeware.  The licenses of each of these packages must be
  studied, and possibly negotiated, before the packages are included in
  any redistribution (e.g., in a CD-ROM).
  てフリーウェアではないものもあります。どのような再配布物 (CD-ROM など

  <item>stable/contrib/: This directory contains packages which are
  DFSG-free and <em>freely distributable</em> themselves, but somehow depend
  on a package that is <em/not/ freely distributable and thus available only
  in the non-free section.
  <item>stable/contrib/: このディレクトリにあるパッケージは Debian フリー
  </em>が、自由に再配布<em>できない</em>ため non-free セクションでのみ利

<sect id="unstable">What does the unstable directory contain?
<sect id="unstable">unstable ディレクトリには何がありますか?

<p>The `unstable' directory contains a snapshot of the current development
system. Users are welcome to use and test these packages, but are warned
about their state of readiness. The advantage of using the unstable
distribution is that you are always up-to-date with the latest in GNU/Linux
software industry, but if it breaks: you get to keep both parts :-)
が、準備段階であることに留意しなければなりません。unstable ディストリビュー
ションを使うことのメリットはいつでも最新の GNU/Linux ソフトウェア製品を
使えることですが、but if it breaks: you get to keep both parts :-)

<p>There are also main, contrib and non-free subdirectories in `unstable',
separated on the same criteria as in `stable'.
<p>「unstable」にも「stable」と同じ規則で main・contrib・non-free サブディ

<sect id="archsections">What are all those directories inside
<sect id="archsections"><tt>dists/stable/main</tt> の中のディレクトリは

<p>Within each of the major directory trees (<tt>dists/stable/main</tt>,
<tt>dists/stable/contrib</tt>, <tt>dists/stable/non-free</tt>, and
<tt>dists/unstable/main/</tt>, etc. but not <tt>project/experimental/</tt>,
which is too small to subdivide), the binary packages reside in
sub-directories whose names indicate the chip architecture for which they
were compiled:
<p>主要なディレクトリツリー (<tt>dists/stable/main</tt>、
<tt>dists/unstable/main/</tt> など。ただし
<tt>project/experimental/</tt> は分割するには小さすぎるので除きます) の

  <item>binary-all/, for packages which are architecture-independent.
    These include, for example, Perl scripts, or pure documentation.
  <item>binary-all/ アーキテクチャに依存しないパッケージがあります。たと
  えば Perl スクリプトや純粋な文書です。

  <item>binary-i386/, for packages which execute on 80x86 PC machines.
  <item>binary-i386/ 80x86 PC マシンで実行されるパッケージです。

  <item>binary-m68k/, for packages which execute on machines based on one
    of the Motorola 680x0 processors.  Currently this is done mainly for
    Atari and Amiga computers, and also for some VME based industry standard
  <item>binary-m68k/ モトローラの 680x0 プロセッサの一つを使用したマシン
  で実行されるパッケージです。現在、おもに Atari と Amiga 向けに作られて
  おり、VME ベースの産業標準ボードのなかにも実行できるものがあります。

<!-- Still true?
    There is no port of Linux to the old m68k based Macintoshes,
    because Apple did not supply the needed hardware information.
    m68k ベースの古いマッキントッシュに移植された Linux はありません。
    Apple が移植に必要なハードウェア情報を提供しないからです。

  <item>binary-sparc/, for packages which execute on Sun SPARCStations.
  <item>binary-sparc/ Sun Sparcstations で実行されるパッケージです。

  <item>binary-alpha/, for packages which execute on DEC Alpha machines.
  <item>binary-alpha/ DEC Alpha マシンで実行されるパッケージです。

  <item>binary-powerpc/, for packages which execute on PowerPC machines.
  <item>binary-powerpc/ PowerPC マシンで実行されるパッケージです。

  <item>binary-arm/, for packages which execute on ARM machines.
  <item>binary-arm/ ARM マシンで実行されるパッケージです。

<p>See <ref id="arches"> for more information.
更なる情報は <ref id="arches"> を参照してください。

<sect id="source">Where is the source code?
<sect id="source">ソースコードはどこにありますか?

<p>Source code is included for everything in the Debian system. Moreover,
the license terms of most programs in the system <em>require</em> that
source code be distributed along with the programs, or that an offer to
provide the source code accompany the programs.
<p>Debian システムではあらゆるもののためにソースコードが含まれています。

<p>Normally the source code is distributed in the "source" directories,
which are parallel to all the architecture-specific binary directories.

<p>Source code may or may not be available for packages in the "contrib"
and "non-free" directories, which are not formally part of the Debian system.
はあってもなくても構いません。これらは Debian システムの公式は一部ではあ

<sect id="otherdirs">Ok, what about the other directories, not inside
<sect id="otherdirs">分かりました。<tt>dists</tt> の外の他のディレクトリ

<p>There are the following supplementary directories:

    <item>DOS utilities for creating boot disks, partitioning
    your disk drive, compressing/decompressing files, and booting Linux.
    したり、ファイルを圧縮/伸長したり、Linux をブートさせるための DOS ユー

    <item>Debian documentation, Debian FAQ, instructions on how to submit
    bug reports.
    <item>Debian の文書や Debian FAQ、バグ報告の提出方法。

    <item>Various indices, maintainers, Packages-master files, override
    <item>様々な索引、保守担当者、Packages-master ファイル、override ファ

    <item>mostly developer-only materials, such as:
        <item>This directory contains packages and tools which are still
        being developed, and are still in the alpha testing stage.  Users
        shouldn't be using packages from here, because they can be dangerous
        and harmful even for most experienced people.
        <item>Packages that have been orphaned by their old maintainers, and
        withdrawn from the distribution.