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DDTSS 翻訳完了 probcons


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# Source: probcons
# Package: probcons
# This Description is active
# This Description is owned
# Prioritize: 48
Description: PROBabilistic CONSistency-based multiple sequence alignment
 Tool for generating multiple alignments of protein sequences. Using a
 combination of probabilistic modeling and consistency-based alignment
 techniques, PROBCONS has achieved the highest accuracies of all alignment
 methods to date. On the BAliBASE benchmark alignment database, alignments
 produced by PROBCONS show statistically significant improvement over current
 programs, containing an average of 7% more correctly aligned columns than
 those of T-Coffee, 11% more correctly aligned columns than those of CLUSTAL W,
 and 14% more correctly aligned columns than those of DIALIGN. Probcons is
 published in  Do, C.B., Mahabhashyam, M.S.P., Brudno, M., and Batzoglou, S.
 2005.  Genome Research 15: 330-340.
  Homepage: http://probcons.stanford.edu/
Description-ja: 蓋然性整合性に基づくマルチプルシークエンスアライメント (多重配列整列)
 コンシステンシーに基づくアライメント技術の組み合わせを用いて、PROBCONS は全
 BAliBASE ベンチマークアライメントデータベースでは、PROBCONS により生成された
 とりわけ、T-Coffee に比べて平均 7%、CLUSTAL W に対して 11%、DIALIGN に比べて
 14% の比率でより正確に配置された列を生成します。
 Probcons は、 Do, C.B., Mahabhashyam, M.S.P., Brudno, M., and Batzoglou, S.
 2005.  Genome Research 15: 330-340 で公開されています。
  Homepage: http://probcons.stanford.edu/
# other Descriptions of the probcons package with a translation in ja:

Takuma Yamada <tyamada@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>