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[debian-users:00266] What is "IMHO"


 > やなぎはらです。
 > まえまえから意味のわからない単語が、ML ででていました。
 > 	   IMHO
 > ってなんの略なんですか?

info jargon より

File: jargon.info, Node: IMHO, Next: Imminent Death Of The Net Predicted!, Prev: ill-behaved, Up: = I =

:IMHO: // /abbrev./  [from SF fandom via Usenet; abbreviation for
   `In My Humble Opinion'] "IMHO, mixed-case C names should be
   avoided, as mistyping something in the wrong case can cause
   hard-to-detect errors -- and they look too Pascalish anyhow."
   Also seen in variant forms such as IMNSHO (In My Not-So-Humble
   Opinion) and IMAO (In My Arrogant Opinion).