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[debian-users:06380] Re: [HELP] hamm & socks5


/* To allow the `struct stat' structure and the file type `mode_t' bits to
   vary without changing shared library major version number, the `stat'
   family of functions and `mknod' are in fact inline wrappers around calls
   to `xstat', `fxstat', `lxstat', and `xmknod', which all take a leading
   version-number argument designating the data structure and bits used.
   <statbuf.h> defines _STAT_VER with the version number corresponding to
   `struct stat' as defined in that file; and _MKNOD_VER with the version
   number corresponding to the S_IF* macros defined therein.  It is
   arranged that when not inlined these function are always statically
   linked; that way a dynamically-linked executable always encodes the
   version number corresponding to the data structures it uses, so the `x'
   functions in the shared library can adapt without needing to recompile
   all callers.  */


>>>>> On Mon, 8 Jun 1998 11:31:03 +0900, Yo Furumura <furumura@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:

    YF> 具体的には、dselect の access で FTPを選び、ftpサイト、ディレクトリ等の選
    YF> 択し、サイトにアクセスしようとする場面で、以下のエラーメッセージが出力さ
    YF> れます。

    YF> connecting ftp.debian.or.jp...
    YF> perl: error in loading shared libraries
    YF> /usr/local/lib/libsocks5_sh.so: undefined synbol: fstat

ささやま <Kaz.Sasayama@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> / 有限会社ハイパーコア
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