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[debian-users:06576] Bug#JP/374: marked as done (lintian errors)
Masahiro TANAKA <tanaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>さんの 18 Jun 1998 02:46:29 +0900付けの
message-id <199806171746.CAA19644@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject Bug#JP/374: lintian errors
(注: これは Debian JP Bug Tracking System が発行している
自動応答メッセージで、debian-users メイリングリストにも送られています。
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I'm
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Debian JP Bug Tracking System / owner@bugs.debian.or.jp
Received: from mail.koganet.or.jp (titan.koganet.or.jp [])
by master.debian.or.jp (8.8.8+3.0Wbeta13/3.6W-Debian-JP-980308) with ESMTP id CAA26966
for <374-done@bugs.debian.or.jp>; Thu, 18 Jun 1998 02:46:29 +0900
Received: (from tanaka@localhost) by tanaka.koganet.or.jp (8.8.8/3.5Wpl7) id CAA00868; Thu, 18 Jun 1998 02:46:30 +0900
To: 374-done@bugs.debian.or.jp
Subject: Re: Bug#JP/374: lintian errors
References: <19980610184851T.ukai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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From: Masahiro TANAKA <tanaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 18 Jun 1998 02:46:29 +0900
In-Reply-To: Fumitoshi UKAI's message of "Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:48:51 +0900 (JST)"
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To: maintonly@bugs.debian.or.jp
Subject: lintian errors
From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
X-Mailer: Mew version 1.93b7 on Emacs 20.2 / Mule 3.0 (MOMIJINOGA)
Message-Id: <19980610184851T.ukai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:48:51 +0900 (JST)
Sender: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Package: sxsame
Version: 3.02-2
E: sxsame: changelog-file-not-compressed usr/doc/sxsame/changelog.Debian
Any changelog files must be compressed using `gzip -9'.
Have a look at Policy Manual, section 5.8 for details.
E: sxsame: file-missing-in-md5sums var/lib/games/sxsame/hiscore
The package contains a file which isn't listed in the md5sums
control file.
Usually, this error occurs during the package build process, if the
debian/tmp/ directory is touched after dh_md5sums or debstd is run.