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[debian-users:18114] Re: Duhh!!!
debian-users@lists.debian.org に、先日田村さんがまとめられた
In article <q8BJ3.9102$t%3.797699@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"Dave Nelson" <dfnelsonno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> さん writes:
> I did an upgrade to potato. Dselect starting acting kind of flaky after I
> had an unexpected modem interruption and resumed the downloads, then I shut
> down and when I cranked it up later I CAN"T LOG IN!!! Gives me the login
> prompt, I type in root, then it recycles back to the login prompt again. and
> again and again and again.
> Is there any way I can force myself in to undo the damage? I do not want to
> download all of that again.
> Dave Nelson
> --
> *Pity poor God, people. Having been there, done that, and knowing
> everything forever, he needs all the entertainment we can give him.*
誰か田村さんのリポートを英訳してこの可哀想な Dave に
教えてあげてくれませんか ?
# って、ついさっきこのメールを見かけたばっかりだから、この彼が本当に
# 「可哀想」な人なのかどうかは全然知らないけど。
# 11/13 に何かが起きる? > "http://www.szlug.factory.to"
# (わたしのおうちは浜松市、「夜のお菓子」で有名さ。)
<xlj06203@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)