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[debian-users:19293] Re: Q:gpg の使用方法


In article <000701bf2e60$75ea7120$0102a8c0@windows>
 石川 智明 <t-ishika@xxxxxxxxxxxx> さん writes:

> ユーザ2で実行したこと
> $gpg --gen-key
> $gpg --import /tmp/usr_data


 gpg --sign-key aaa@xxxxxxxxxx


または gpg --edit-key aaa@xxxxxxxxxx を実行して sign サブコマンドを

 man gpg より:

       --edit-key name
                 Present  a  menu which enables you to do all key
                 related tasks:

                 sign      Make a signature on key of  user  name
                           If  the  key  is not yet signed by the
                           default user (or the users given  with
                           -u), the program displays the informaュ
                           tion of the key again,  together  with
                           its  fingerprint  and  asks whether it
                           should be  signed.  This  question  is
                           repeated  for all users specified with

 --edit-key を使う時は

                 trust     Change the  owner  trust  value.  This
                           updates  the  trust-db immediately and
                           no save is required.

も見ておくと良いでしょう。ただし trust をしただけで sign を実行しないと

> 相手の公開キーで暗号化しようとした場合。
> $gpg -r  aaa@xxxxxxxxx -e xx.gz -a
> Could not find a valid trust path to the key.  Let's see whether we
> can assign some missing owner trust values.
> No path leading to one of our keys found.
> 1024g/xxxxxxxx 1999-11-12 aaa@xxxxxxxxx
>              Fingerprint: xxxx .....
> It is NOT certain that the key belongs to its owner.
> If you *really* know what you are doing, you may answer
> the next question with yes
> Use this key anyway?


ついでなので man gpg の --sign-key の説明

       --sign-key name
                 Sign a public key with you secret key.  This  is
                 a shortcut version of the subcommand "sign" from

> 下記のコマンドで実行するとエラーは発生しません。
> $gpg --batch -o - -e -a --default-recipient aaa@xxxxxxxxx

これも man gpg より

       --default-recipient name
                 Use name as default recipient if option --recipュ
                 ient is not used and don't  ask  if  this  is  a
                 valid one. name must be a non empty.

ちゃんと "don't ask if this is a valid one" って書いてありますね。

# man gpg の日本語訳があるといいですね。どこかに無いかな ?

     # (わたしのおうちは浜松市、「夜のお菓子」で有名さ。)
    <xlj06203@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)