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[debian-users:20853] kinput2 with wnn6

potatoで、wnn6 + kinput2を使っているのですが、以下のような事


*CcWnn.jserver:	"localhost"
*CcWnn.wnnEnvrc:	"/usr/local/lib/wnn6/ja_JP/wnnenvrc"

CcWnn.jserver:	"localhost"

Warning: mes_id = 207 : Message not found


-wnnenvrc /usr/local/lib/wnn6/ja_JP/wnnenvrc



ii  emacs-dl-wnn-2 0.4.1-6        Wnn DL module for emacs20-dl
ii  kinput2-wnn    3.0-7          An input server for X11 applications that wa
ii  libwnn6        1.0.0-5        Wnn6 client library
ii  wnn6           3.0-1          Wnn6, a Japanese input method
ii  kinput2-common 3.0-7          Files shared among kinput2 packages
ii  kinput2-wnn    3.0-7          An input server for X11 applications that wa

! $Id: Kinput2.ad,v 1.24 1999/04/12 09:21:26 ishisone Exp $
!	app-defaults file for kinput2 version 2.0
!! things you shouldn't change
Kinput2.mappedWhenManaged: false
Kinput2.width: 1
Kinput2.height: 1
*converter.accelerators: <Key>: to-inputobj()
! AIX seems to need the following superfluous definition.
*ki2AppDefsLoaded: true
!! title
*SeparateConversion.title: Kana-Kanji Conversion
*selectionShell.title: Candidate Selection
*auxShell.title: Auxiliary Control
! if you're using mwm (Motif1.1), you can set kanji titles.
!*SeparateConversion.title: \033$(B$+$J4A;zJQ49
!*SeparateConversion.titleEncoding: COMPOUND_TEXT
!*selectionShell.title: \033$(BA*Br%Q%M%k
!*selectionShell.titleEncoding: COMPOUND_TEXT
!! fonts to be used by root-window type conversion widget and
!! candidate selection widget
*Font: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1
*KanjiFont: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0
*KanaFont: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-*-jisx0201.1976-0
!!	Wnn setup
CcWnn.jserver:	"localhost"
!*CcWnn.jserver2nd:	"secondary-jserver-host-if-any"
*CcWnn.ccdef:		ccdef.kinput2.egg
!*CcWnn.wnnEnvrc4:	"wnenvrc-file-for-Wnn4"
*CcWnn.wnnEnvrc:	"/usr/local/lib/wnn6/ja_JP/wnnenvrc"
!!	Canna setup for version 2.x, 3.x
!*Canna.Cannahost:	"canna-host"
!*Canna.Cannafile:	"canna-initialization-file"
!!	Sj3 setup
!*Sj3.sj3serv:		"primary-sj3serv-host"
!*Sj3.sj3serv2:		"secondary-sj3serv-host-if-any"
!! candidate selection
*selection.width: 500
*selectionShell.allowShellResize: True
*selection.cursor: left_ptr
!! input style dependent resources
! over-the-spot type input
*OverTheSpotConversion.AutoSpotForwarding: true
*OverTheSpotConversion.ShrinkWindow: true
*OverTheSpotConversion.modeLocation: tracktext
!*OverTheSpotConversion.modeLocation: bottomleft
*OverTheSpotConversion*modeShell.input: false
*OverTheSpotConversion*modeShell.allowShellResize: true
*OverTheSpotConversion*text.borderWidth: 0
*OverTheSpotConversion*modeShell.borderWidth: 2
! off-the-spot type input
*OffTheSpotConversion.input: false
*OffTheSpotConversion*modeShell.borderWidth: 0
*OffTheSpotConversion.text.borderWidth: 0
! root-window type input
*SeparateConversion*form*vertDistance: 3
*SeparateConversion*mode.left: chainleft
*SeparateConversion*mode.right: chainleft
*SeparateConversion*mode.top: chaintop
*SeparateConversion*mode.bottom: chaintop
*SeparateConversion*mode.width: 80
*SeparateConversion*mode.height: 20
*SeparateConversion*mode.resizable: true
*SeparateConversion*text.fromVert: mode
*SeparateConversion*text.left: chainleft
*SeparateConversion*text.right: chainright
*SeparateConversion*text.top: chaintop
*SeparateConversion*text.bottom: chainbottom
*SeparateConversion*text.width: 400
*SeparateConversion*text.height: 100
! status display string justification -- for over-the-spot and off-the-spot
!  "left" seems appropriate for most applications.
*modeShell.mode.justify: left
!! conversion protocol dependent resources
! KinputProtocol
*KinputProtocol.BackwardCompatible: true
*KinputProtocol.XlcConversionStartKey:	Shift<Key>space
! XimpProtocol
*XimpProtocol.ForceDefaultServer: true
! X Input Method Protocol
*IMProtocol.locales: ja_JP.SJIS, ja_JP.EUC, ja_JP, japanese, japan, ja
! common to XimpProtocol and IMProtocol
*defaultFontList: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-*
*ConversionStartKeys: \
	Shift<Key>space \n\
!! sending back unused keypress events
*sendbackKeyPress: True
!! title bar height of popup shells (candidate selection etc.)
!*titlebarHeight: 24
!! a work around for buggy window managers
! If you encounter a strange phenomenon where kinput2's mode display
! window is flickering and you cannot type in any text, try enabling
! the following resource.  This phenomenon is caused by the incorrent
! focus management of your window manager, and this resource avoids
! it by making the window manager totally ignore the mode window.
!*OverTheSpotConversion.UseOverrideShellForMode: True


          Yukio Gotou
          E-mail : yukio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
