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[debian-users:26046] SSH で BatchMode が使えない


現在、potato 同士で VPN を構築すべく、VPN−HowTo などを手本にいろ

しかし、BatchMode を使って SSH の接続が出来ずに困っています。試し

1) サーバ、クライアントそれぞれで ssh-keygen を実行
2) お互いに SSH で通信できるよう authorized_keys を作成、それぞれ
3) クライアント側から、ssh -o 'Batchmode yes' server.domain を実行

しかし、認証に失敗してしまいます。当然ながら、Batch mode を使用し

以下は失敗時の verbose の結果です。

SSH Version 1.2.27 [i686-unknown-linux], protocol version 1.5.
Standard version.  Does not use RSAREF.
tindacil: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh-nonfree/ssh_config
tindacil: ssh_connect: getuid 1000 geteuid 0 anon 0
tindacil: Connecting to gatekeeper.quartic.co.jp [] port 22.
tindacil: Allocated local port 1023.
tindacil: Connection established.
tindacil: Remote protocol version 1.5, remote software version 1.2.27
tindacil: Waiting for server public key.
tindacil: Received server public key (768 bits) and host key (1024 bits).
tindacil: Host 'gatekeeper.quartic.co.jp' is known and matches the host key.
tindacil: Initializing random; seed file /home/den/.ssh/random_seed
tindacil: Encryption type: idea
tindacil: Sent encrypted session key.
tindacil: Installing crc compensation attack detector.
tindacil: Received encrypted confirmation.
tindacil: Trying rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv with RSA host authentication.
tindacil: Remote: Rhosts/hosts.equiv authentication refused: client user 'den',
server user 'den', client host 'tindacil.zeroeks.co.jp'.
tindacil: Server refused our rhosts authentication or host key.
tindacil: No agent.
tindacil: Trying RSA authentication with key 'den@tindacil'
tindacil: Received RSA challenge from server.
tindacil: Will not query passphrase for den@tindacil in batch mode.
Bad passphrase.
tindacil: Remote: Wrong response to RSA authentication challenge.
Permission denied.

サーバ、クライアント共に SSH 関係は以下のパッケージのみインストー

ii  ssh-nonfree    1.2.27-6.1     a secure replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rc

何か、手順が足りないのでしょうか? Web等漁ってみても、「Batchmode 
1人だけのようで、おもわず孤独感を味わっています (^^;;;


小畠 卓哉 (Studio SBS: http://www.studio-sbs.org/)
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