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[debian-users:27845] Re: Email Howto?

Susumu Takuwa wrote:

> Type [Shift]+[Space]. When you find some Japanese character
> by  doing  it, type  "haru"  and  [Space]  for  converting.
> If you  can't convert anything,  kinput2 or cannaserver is
> not running.

Mou mada dekinai...

I run "kinput2" from kanji terminal.
I have export XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2" in .bash_profile
I have 
*inputMethod: kinput2
!*inputMethod: XIM
in .Xresources (as directed by kinput2 man page)
But... after running user-ja-conf, it was set in there as XIM, not kinput2.

I'm quite confused.
Zembu wakarimasen...

Why doesn't kinput2 start automatically? i.e. from .bash_profile, or why not
have it run as a daemon, i.e. like cannaserver and wnn, jserver do?

And if the user-ja-conf script failed the first time... is it ok to run it
again... or will it really muck up my shell and X config files?

> kniput2 is a program that take a conversation with converting
> programs on X Window System and cannasever is one of Japanese
> converting program.

> FYI, on TLUG ( Tokyo Linux Users Group )  mailing  list, we
> have  discussion  about Linux in English.  Many subscribers
> on TLUG  mailing list  use  Debian as Japanese environment.
> So,  you can get more information immediately in that list.

Arigatou ne. Mitemimasu.

> TLUG: http://www.tlug.gr.jp/
>         Susumu Takuwa

Brock Lynn