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[debian-users:29090] Re: xserver-xfree86(4.0.3-2) と ssh -X


From: Kenshi Muto <kmuto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [debian-users:29088] Re: xserver-xfree86(4.0.3-2) と ssh -X
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 17:42:11 +0900

> 武藤@Debianぷろじぇくとです。
> Remote側のsshサーバーでXプロトコルのフォワーディングを許していないので
> しょう。リモート側の/etc/ssh/sshd_configで
> X11Forwarding yes
> となっていますか?

別の計算機(Xfree86_3.3.6)では、問題なく "ssh -X -C " で 
remote_host の Xアプリケーションを local_host で利用できております。

linux+xfree86-4 <-> linux+xfree-3 同士では、武藤さんがおっしゃったような
設定はできており、問題なくXアプリケーション を使用できております。

リモート(DecAlpha)で "X11Forwarding yes" となっているにもかかわらず
ローカル(Linux+xfree86_4.0.3) では リモートのXアプリケーション

ssh のprotocol 2 を使って リモートホストに "ssh -X -C -v" したさいの

(ssh だけでなく telnet でも試してみたのですが、駄目でした。)


Kazuhiko Uebayashi

スクリプトは Sat Jul  7 20:52:53 2001
 に開始しましたu_kazu@local_host:~$ ssh -C -X -v remote_host
SSH Version OpenSSH_2.3.0p1, protocol versions 1.5/2.0.
Compiled with SSL (0x0090600f).
debug: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug: Seeding random number generator
debug: ssh_connect: getuid 1000 geteuid 1000 anon 1
debug: Connecting to remote_host [] port 22.
debug: Connection established.
debug: Remote protocol version 1.99, remote software version 2.0.13 (non-commercial)
debug: match: 2.0.13 (non-commercial) pat ^2\.0\.

Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
debug: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_2.3.0p1
debug: Seeding random number generator
debug: send KEXINIT
debug: done
debug: wait KEXINIT
debug: got kexinit: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
debug: got kexinit: ssh-dss
debug: got kexinit: 3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,twofish-cbc,arcfour,none
debug: got kexinit: 3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,twofish-cbc,arcfour,none
debug: got kexinit: hmac-md5,md5-8,none
debug: got kexinit: hmac-md5,md5-8,none
debug: got kexinit: none,zlib
debug: got kexinit: none,zlib
debug: got kexinit: 
debug: got kexinit: 
debug: remote_hostst kex follow: 0 
debug: reserved: 0 
debug: done
debug: kex: server->client 3des-cbc hmac-md5 zlib
debug: kex: client->server 3des-cbc hmac-md5 zlib
debug: Sending SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT.
debug: bits set: 502/1024
debug: Host 'remote_host' is known and matches the DSA host key.
debug: bits set: 498/1024
debug: len 40 datafellows 31
debug: dsa_verify: signature correct
debug: Wait SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS.
debug: Enabling compression at level 6.
debug: send SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS.
debug: done: send SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS.
debug: done: KEX2.
debug: buggy server: service_accept w/o service
debug: authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug: next auth method to try is publickey
debug: try pubkey: /home/u_kazu/.ssh/id_dsa
debug: PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey failed
debug: read DSA private key done
Enter passphrase for DSA key '/home/u_kazu/.ssh/id_dsa': 
debug: read DSA private key done
debug: sig size 20 20
debug: datafellows
debug: ssh-userauth2 successfull: method publickey
debug: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug: send channel open 0
debug: Entering interactive session.
debug: client_init id 0 arg 0
debug: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
debug: channel request 0: shell
debug: channel 0: open conremote_hostm rwindow 10000 rmax 16384
Last login: Sat Jul  7 20:33:09 from local_host.shinshu-u

Digital UNIX V4.0D  (Rev. 878); Thu Nov 26 10:22:35 GMT 1998 
DIGITAL UNIX Japanese Support V4.0D (rev. 16)

No mail.
remote_host/home/u_kazu<21>echo $DISPLAY
emacs: Cannot connect to X server local_host.hogehoge:0.0.
Check the DISPLAY environment variable or use `-d'.
Also use the `xhost' program to verify that it is set to permit
connections from your machine.
remote_host/home/u_kazu<23>emacs -d local_host.hogehoge:0.0
emacs: Cannot connect to X server local_host.hogehoge:0.0.
Check the DISPLAY environment variable or use `-d'.
Also use the `xhost' program to verify that it is set to permit
connections from your machine.
debug: client_input_channel_req: rtype exit-status reply 0
debug: channel 0: rcvd close
debug: channel 0: output open -> drain
debug: channel 0: input open -> closed
debug: channel 0: close_read
debug: channel 0: obuf empty
debug: channel 0: output drain -> closed
debug: channel 0: close_write
debug: channel 0: send close
debug: channel 0: full closed2
debug: channel_free: channel 0: status: The following connections are open:
  #0 client-session (t4 r0 i8/0 o128/0 fd -1/-1)

Connection to remote_host closed.
debug: Transferred: stdin 0, stdout 0, stderr 27 bytes in 47.8 seconds
debug: Bytes per second: stdin 0.0, stdout 0.0, stderr 0.6
debug: Exit status 0
debug: compress outgoing: raw data 1025, compressed 841, factor 0.82
debug: compress incoming: raw data 1174, compressed 641, factor 0.55
u_kazu@local_host:~$ exit

スクリプトは Sat Jul  7 20:54:02 2001