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[debian-users:29790] Re: qmail のインストールについて

$B@FF#(B%qmail $B$O0l=V;H$C$?$3$H$,$"$k$@$1(B $B$@$C$?$j$7$^$9!#(B

At Sat, 8 Sep 2001 18:57:36 +0900,
Kiyotaka ATSUMI wrote:
> You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
> Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   qmail: Depends: procmail but it is not going to be installed
>          Depends: ucspi-tcp but it is not installable

$B$b$H$b$H(B qmail $B$N0MB84X78$,%^%:$$$^$^%$%s%9%H!<%k$7$F$k$+$iESCf$G%$%s%9(B

dpkg -P qmail $B$r9T$C$F$+$iG0$N$?$a(B
apt-get -f install
apt-get install ucspi-tcp-src

ucspi-tcp $B$r%S%k%I(B+$B%$%s%9%H!<%k$7$?$"$H(B qmail $B$r%$%s%9%H!<%k$G$I$&$;$&(B?

# $B$C$D!<$+(B Debian $BE*$K$b$C$H3Z$7$?$$$N$J$i(B qmail $B$h$j(B postfix $B$G$;$&!#(B

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$BF|K\%$%=%?!<%M%C%H6(2q(B $BBgL>8E20;YIt(B $B$*Cc5b78(B <n_saito@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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## $B?F%P%+?J9TCf"*(B<http://www.isoternet.org/%7En_saito/d/>