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- From: Joerg Jaspert <joerg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Ruby knowledge for DebConf wanted
- Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 20:09:09 +0100
- Content-length: 1999
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Hi Please respect Reply-To/Mail-Followup-To, which is set to debconf-team@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, thanks. As people who followed the recent Call for Papers/Registration for DebConf7 may have seen we are now using a new system (Pentabarf) to manage the attendees and talks. This system is written in Ruby (and a bit Javascript), using the RubyonRails framework, storing its data in a postgresql database. While upstream is nice and usually responds quickly and also helps a lot if one has issues, the thing is currently very dependant on myself. Which is a thing I dont like. There should be other persons who know how to deal with it, just in case the magic bus finds me... So, Im looking for people who want to help. What you need to know: - Ruby and RubyonRails, obviously :) - SQL - a bit Javascript and HTML What you have to do: - deal with me. And also with the DebConf teams wishes for changes. - adapt PentaBarf to our needs. Most things we needed for the Registration phase are done, but there are some open tasks for the schedule, some reports can be done, etc. The whole work will be done in an svn, so we can easily track changes, merge in upstream changes, etc. As said earlier upstream is nice and helps wherever possible, so we give back everything thats not too DebConf-specific. If you are interested in helping out either reply to this mail or talk to me on irc (irc.debian.org, #debconf-team). -- bye Joerg I read the DUMP and agree to it.Attachment: pgpM4cCJW2q8g.pgp
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